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Wanted down under on

Wellers and Whitehead

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Ha..no I'm not thinking about coming back..I was just on the sofa and it came on TV..I wish people would not transfer wages using the exchange rate but 2.5 your UK wage or approx that figure...oh I can't watch it..I'm cringing..somebody should guide people on the financial side of things...just because on paper you look better off on paper..it's not always the case...frustrating!

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Ha..no I'm not thinking about coming back..I was just on the sofa and it came on TV..I wish people would not transfer wages using the exchange rate but 2.5 your UK wage or approx that figure...oh I can't watch it..I'm cringing..somebody should guide people on the financial side of things...just because on paper you look better off on paper..it's not always the case...frustrating!
Just about to say the same anyone can manipulate figures on paper but will it work in practice ?. Brave lady though hold my hat up or off to her what ever the outcome.
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It was interesting to note the potential work area was a long drive away from where they were looking at property. If this lady worked in the metro area and lived in Mandruah she would be lucky to even be home by 6.30pm at night. The property prices nearer the city are much more.


Also, if the high school is the one I am thinking of, it has a TERRIBLE reputation. Just don't believe everything you see on tv.


This episode actually depressed me. The son was so beautiful and I hope the Mum really looks into this realistically, as she may find that she has less time with her child than before.

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It was interesting to note the potential work area was a long drive away from where they were looking at property. If this lady worked in the metro area and lived in Mandruah she would be lucky to even be home by 6.30pm at night. The property prices nearer the city are much more.


Also, if the high school is the one I am thinking of, it has a TERRIBLE reputation. Just don't believe everything you see on tv.


This episode actually depressed me. The son was so beautiful and I hope the Mum really looks into this realistically, as she may find that she has less time with her child than before.


Besides the role of Social Worker in my opinion is greatly under valued in WA. (perhaps OZ ) I don't watch the show but wish her luck. She is brave and deserves a break from the sounds of it. Hope Perth is kind to her,if she makes it out.

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I watched this episode for the first time ever, and felt damned angry!

The programme is almost fraudulent. I'm not saying that the things they saw were not true, but that only one side is being shown-and the best side at that.


It is sh.te like this that is at the core of the incessant competition Australia/UK. Both Governments and media have peddled this rubbish for years. Australia=Paradise/UK=Misery.

It then leads to enduring perceptions that such a broad generalisation is a statement of fact. It is a broad generalisation and nothing more, and it has cost so many in so many ways dearly. Being fed this unrealistic rubbish and then finding out the hard way.


I am not saying that people don't settle and love it; so very many do. What I'm saying is that whilst that 'coming to Paradise' message is peddled, unless you are lucky, you are inevitably riding for a fall.


..........and of course those who did not 'embrace the living dream' are not looked on well by those who have settled-because of that over marketing. Those who are happy and settled have no genuine perception how anyone cannot enjoy such a wonderful country-that being so 'because we love it/look at the programmes who show how lovely it is/even the Government/s loves it (the UKGov needing to offload as many as they can!).


And this was a single Mum with an adorable son. I hope it all works out. So very many of us watching this erroneous programme could poke gigantic holes in so many parts that were shown-you almost want to shout a warning!


I only wish that such programmes were required by law to show balance. This lass and her son may come good, or they may end up struggling, and she's across the other side of the world!


Bloody infuriating loadacrap.

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I'm not sure how Australia gets away with peddling such exaggeration to be polite. Do so many folk really have such bad lives in UK to be enticed by fairy tales? I guess they must. Even the usually patriotic tabloids I recall used to get in on the lark.

Perhaps such shows should come with a health warning? Something along the lines as for entertainment value only. Do not accept this as the real/only story.

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