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Members come and Members go


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Over the time I have been associated with the forum people have come and gone. So when you seen someone has disappeared don't post and ask where they have gone, if they wanted any of us to know I am sure they would send us a message.


Many people get fed up with the forum, drop off for a while, then come back, others are too busy enjoying life. Others might find another forum.


Who knows this is the answer for all of us who wonder.

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By the way, it is only natural that if someone you interact with for months or years suddenly disappears off the face of the earth, you are going to wonder where they went and why.


If one of your neighbours, friends or colleagues suddenly disappeared I'm sure you would ask what happened.


Actually it is very strange behaviour to just ignore the sudden disappearance and continue on as if nothing happened, never mentioning the sudden departure.

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No monster thread at all, the bottom line is if the member who has gone wants anyone to know who they think is a friend they will let them know, its not for us to be inquisitive, noses grow and grow and grow you know.


So no wondering please


As people who have been around a while will no no-one ever answers these threads and so there is no point to them.


If you want to speculate be careful out there

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I too don't see anything wrong about asking about a members absense....


I may have missed a post from a forum regular saying something like....they were going into hospital or were dealing with an upsetting situation etc etc...so may not be around for a while...


So I am unable to post a message of sympathy or the like..


Of course its different if a poster just decides to drop of the forum..or lo and behold flounces off because they can give it out but are unable to suck it up...

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I too don't see anything wrong about asking about a members absense....


I may have missed a post from a forum regular saying something like....they were going into hospital or were dealing with an upsetting situation etc etc...so may not be around for a while...


So I am unable to post a message of sympathy or the like..


Of course its different if a poster just decides to drop of the forum..or lo and behold flounces off because they can give it out but are unable to suck it up...


It's me tbh,ive gone......

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