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Feeling the Pressure and I do not live in UK


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Yep its in the Mail but I think it may be true as money speaks all languages and not every country runs their affairs the same. If this is the case I think the pressure of new people will be felt by everyone. Its really quite terrible to swamp a place, ok migrate but at a reasonable pace not swamping. I just wonder what language will be spoken will they make a new one that everyone can understand, oh we have that already don't we, its used in texting !


I mean these countries have been in the EEC for a while why have they not improved the lot of their people so that they feel happy with their own country. I thought the EEC was supposed to make people better off in their own countries.

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Guest Guest16631

.......I found this article quite enlightening.......



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Yep its in the Mail but I think it may be true as money speaks all languages and not every country runs their affairs the same. If this is the case I think the pressure of new people will be felt by everyone. Its really quite terrible to swamp a place, ok migrate but at a reasonable pace not swamping. I just wonder what language will be spoken will they make a new one that everyone can understand, oh we have that already don't we, its used in texting !


I mean these countries have been in the EEC for a while why have they not improved the lot of their people so that they feel happy with their own country. I thought the EEC was supposed to make people better off in their own countries.

From memory , and I may be mistaken , the passports were offered to anyone with grandparents who could claim dual nationality and the cut off was a while back with a mad rush at the finish line . Selling passports isn't a bad money raiser for any goverment but it would seem daft to bleed any country of its wealth either in skills or cash .

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The missing fact here is that people from these countries have been able to come and work in the UK since 2007. All that's changed is that now, after proving they have worked during their stay, they are eligible for SOME state support for a maximum of 6 months. As previous posts in related threads have pointed out, it has been proven that migrants from the EU and beyond have been subsidising our finances to the tune of £500 million a year net for the last 15 years.

How anyone with an ounce of sense can surmise that stopping migration is a panacea for our economic or social ills needs their bumps feeling.

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I struggle to have a lot of sympathy for Brits in this. Apparently there have been no jobs in the UK for years. Yet a huge amount of migrants have arrived. Why? Because Brits have decided benefits are the way to go, so immigrants come in to do the work.

So can you back this up then?

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I went to school in Mt Lawley SHS in Perth. Every year we would have 'World Week' - where we celebrate the origins of everyone's forefathers/mothers. It was a wonderful week. Many wore national dress and did national dances. Of the roughly 1500 students there, between them the students, parents and grand parents spoke 150 different languages.


It didn't seem to cause any major issues.

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I went to school in Mt Lawley SHS in Perth. Every year we would have 'World Week' - where we celebrate the origins of everyone's forefathers/mothers. It was a wonderful week. Many wore national dress and did national dances. Of the roughly 1500 students there, between them the students, parents and grand parents spoke 150 different languages.


It didn't seem to cause any major issues.

I don't suppose dancing around in national dress and getting granny to speak in their native tongue would cause any major issues. What's your point and how does it relate to the OP?

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The missing fact here is that people from these countries have been able to come and work in the UK since 2007. All that's changed is that now, after proving they have worked during their stay, they are eligible for SOME state support for a maximum of 6 months. As previous posts in related threads have pointed out, it has been proven that migrants from the EU and beyond have been subsidising our finances to the tune of £500 million a year net for the last 15 years.

How anyone with an ounce of sense can surmise that stopping migration is a panacea for our economic or social ills needs their bumps feeling.


We can argue all day about what fiscal benefits immigrants are providing the nations coffers, the bottom line is (and this is something a lot of people refuse to accept) is that the majority of British people (inc previous immigrants) DON't want a continual flood of immigrants coming in. I personally would like to see our country fixed by other methods.

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.......I found this article quite enlightening.......




So did I. Both these links show a clear mindset, both by the paper and the poster.


The missing fact here is that people from these countries have been able to come and work in the UK since 2007. All that's changed is that now, after proving they have worked during their stay, they are eligible for SOME state support for a maximum of 6 months. As previous posts in related threads have pointed out, it has been proven that migrants from the EU and beyond have been subsidising our finances to the tune of £500 million a year net for the last 15 years.

How anyone with an ounce of sense can surmise that stopping migration is a panacea for our economic or social ills needs their bumps feeling.


Facts are irrelevant. When will you learn?


I don't suppose dancing around in national dress and getting granny to speak in their native tongue would cause any major issues. What's your point and how does it relate to the OP?


I actually liked the original post and the message it conveyed. Both it and this response make a very clear point. Both are relevant to the OP.


It is the vantage point that could make both irrelevant.

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I don't suppose dancing around in national dress and getting granny to speak in their native tongue would cause any major issues. What's your point and how does it relate to the OP?



Sorry, didn't think I needed to spell it out.

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the uk have laws in place to protect these individuals. they will work, illegally obviously as is the system, but they do pay taxes, so enjoy it :)

tbh, successive governments have talked dealing with it, but have enhanced the migrants protection, so pretty much you have no choice.

enjoy or migrate. :)

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As the western countries are looking to cut back on welfare, housing and anything else they can get their hands on for their shareholders and the wealthy its going to make things worse. We already have a many Eastern Europeans in Australia as they have been coming here since the war. However now its more difficult to emigrate, its not just jumping on a plane or a boat, albeit a leaky boat and popping along. The problem in Europe is that countries are so close together and its easier to move around.


I am amazed at Brits that they think they are so entitled to this money and that money and I want this job not that job. I know I am probably the same but its not feasible anymore. Times are achanging and unfortunately its our children and grandchildren who are going to suffer to some extent.


A university degree is no longer a passport to a job, why, everyone has one, or will have one. Education is marvelous and wonderful and great but if we are all so educated who is going to do the dirty work well we know don't we.


We have to start taking an interest in politics, vote, make a difference.


I remember when the banks were cutting staff when the ATM's came in and there were still huge queues in the banks and you got to talk to people. I said to a young person near me you are the ones that have to change things, we have had it all, its now your turn to get what you want. Welfare does not get people what they want.

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I do love the irony of an anti immigration thread on a migration website!


Is it just me, or can anyone else imagine a free hotdog stand on the left just out of shot of the Daily mail's photo?


Immigration can be a good thing, that's been proven, look at London the most amazing and diverse city in the world (IMO) but apart from the financial profits of the current mass immigration (which are in fact minimal) in terms of infrastructure and the fact that millions of peoples traditional culture and way of life are being trivialised and erased by multiculturalism. Everywhere else you here of how cultures and traditions must be preserved at all costs except of course the minority British white people (London).

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Immigration can be a good thing, that's been proven, look at London the most amazing and diverse city in the world (IMO) but apart from the financial profits of the current mass immigration (which are in fact minimal) in terms of infrastructure and the fact that millions of peoples traditional culture and way of life are being trivialised and erased by multiculturalism. Everywhere else you here of how cultures and traditions must be preserved at all costs except of course the minority British white people (London).



I think this thread has far less to do with immigration and far more to do with press manipulation. This reads like a plot line from drop the dead donkey. I'd be embarrassed for those who took it hook, line and sinker.

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