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New data six million born overseas call Australia home.

Guest Guest66881

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Guest Guest66881

More than six million people living in Australia were not born here, new migration figures have revealed - with Western Australia having the highest proportion of migrants.

The Australian Bureau of Statistics reveals that in June 2013 Australia's population included 6.4 million migrants or 28 per cent of the population - an increase of 1.7 million people in the past decade.

That peaked in WA, with more than one third of WA's population now born overseas, and twice as many British expats living in the west than anywhere else in Australia.

"The proportion of overseas born residents in Western Australia has continued to increase from one Census to the next," said Bjorn Jarvis, director of demography at the ABS.

Across Australia, people born in the United Kingdom remained the largest group of migrants with more than 1.2 million calling Australia home.

They were followed by 608,800 from New Zealand, 427,600 from China and 369,700 from India.

State breakdowns show Western Australia now has 33.4 per cent, or 786,500 people, who were not born in Australia.

They also recorded the largest increase in the proportion of overseas born residents, up from 29.9 per cent in 2006.

Victoria has the second-highest proportion, with 28.7 per cent - or 1,589,800 residents - born overseas, with higher proportions of residents born in India (2.3 per cent), Italy (1.5 per cent), Vietnam (1.4 per cent), Greece (1.1 per cent) and Sri Lanka (0.9 per cent) than any other state or territory.

The Northern Territory had the highest proportion of people born in the Philippines (1.9 per cent).



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While WA has the highest number born overseas as pointed out it is not so diverse but that is changing as well.

In 5 years WA changed (06 to 11 census)


UK...................... 208,381 up to 230,412

NZ.......................47,381 to 70,735

South Africa..........22,052 to 35,327

India....................15,156 to 29,915

Malaysia................19,917 to 24,967

Italy......................20,924 down to 19,477

Philippines..............6,834 to 17,231

China.....................8006 to 16,693


As can be seen UK head and shoulders above all other immigrant groups. The Chinese born population while way down on NSW and VIC, saw a faster rise of 125% over the five years in question.

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