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457 easy? done without migration agent?


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Hi everyone,


Having read the surface of threads on 457s, and not wishing to spend hours trawling through the remaining thousands. I really wanted to know if anyone has processed a 457 visa application by themselves without an agent?


I'm getting mixed messages from the various threads, some say no need for agent others do, what I would like to hear is from someone who actually has completed a 457 visa application all by themselves. If they have, just a few points:


1. Was it difficult? and does it take alot of your personal time?

2. Any pitfalls would you recommend to avoid?

3. How long did it take the visa to complete to approval (eg: just as fast as using an agent?)

4. Would you recommend doing it yourself from your experience?


If there is anyone who fits this description, i would be grateful for your advice and opinion, thanks in advance !

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As you need the job before you can apply for a 457, I'd say that most 457 visa applications are done via an agent. It's not a visa that you can do all by yourself as you need the employer to do their bit first. Is your employer not offering to organise it for you?


A lot of employers to engage an agent to handle their side of the application and they seem do the employee's application as well.

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Hi everyone,


Having read the surface of threads on 457s, and not wishing to spend hours trawling through the remaining thousands. I really wanted to know if anyone has processed a 457 visa application by themselves without an agent?


I'm getting mixed messages from the various threads, some say no need for agent others do, what I would like to hear is from someone who actually has completed a 457 visa application all by themselves. If they have, just a few points:


1. Was it difficult? and does it take alot of your personal time?

2. Any pitfalls would you recommend to avoid?

3. How long did it take the visa to complete to approval (eg: just as fast as using an agent?)

4. Would you recommend doing it yourself from your experience?


If there is anyone who fits this description, i would be grateful for your advice and opinion, thanks in advance !


I processed my 457 without an agent and I have just processed my PR without an agent. I thought it was pretty easy. But if you are not confident to put together a valid application by yourself, my advice is to employ a MA.

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Same as above, we did the 457 and 186 ourselves. Found it really easy, and not time consuming. Just needed to read everything, follow instructions and be organised.


I would never make a recommendation of whether someone should do it themselves or not without knowing personally their appitutude for being able to negotiate the paper work and the exact particulars if their case. Straight forward to me may not be to another.

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I'm in a biased position because I work for a Migration Agency, but my honest opinion is that you are in the best position to determine whether you need an agent or not.


Do you understand or are you prepared to fully research the requirements and the process? Are you confident you meet the criteria? Are there any particularly complex factors involved in your circumstance?....These are the questions you can ask yourself. Like anything, if you put the time and effort into it you can complete it yourself. It's not a particularly complex application but it still requires a lot of research, care and attention.


In terms of processing times, the 457 visa places an emphasis on lodging applications decision ready which does result in faster processing and less correspondence with the case officers. Agents obviously know the full requirements for each individual case and can make sure the application is lodged in this fashion, generally speeding up the process.


Hope this helps,

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Hi ausHWC


I agree with most of the replies so far, the 457 application is relatively straightforward.


I applied without a migration agent and have recently submitted for PR without any requests for further information (so far). I researched what info was needed and collated everything before making the application and submitting the documents. It was a bit time consuming but if you go on to apply for a permanent residency visa in the future at least you already know what to expect.

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Hello Stooly.


Did your employer provide you with all the documentation needed for the ENS nomination application?


This would be unusual, as there is a need to provide financial information which many employers are unwilling to share with their employees.


Are you involved with the company as a director/financial person?


Best regards.

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Hi Alan


I'm a secondary applicant for this visa but doing all the donkey work.


The employer submitted all the documentation needed for nomination of both visas, so I never dealt with any financial information at my end. In answer to your second question, not for 457 but yes for PR I've no doubt about it oiling the wheels!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi everyone,


Today my manager said that the company finally agree to sponsor me. My manager said that to not use agent because of wasting money.


My company have already sponsored someone before me but different job he is drafter and I am welder.


so do you think it is wise to not use an agent to apply 457 visa?

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Hi everyone,


Today my manager said that the company finally agree to sponsor me. My manager said that to not use agent because of wasting money.


My company have already sponsored someone before me but different job he is drafter and I am welder.


so do you think it is wise to not use an agent to apply 457 visa?



Who's looking after your interests?


Best regards.

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Hi Rurouphi,


Sometimes managers, HR or individuals go through their visa process once and assuming every application is the same they say it's easy. For example do you think the manager is aware that certain applicants in your particular occupation would have to undergo a skills assessment as part of their 457 visa application? Maybe he's not been keeping up to date with the latest changes and didn't notice the new labour market testing requirements that were introduced at the end of last year.


How do you feel about it? Because ultimately it's your decision. Anyone making an application should understand the requirements first, if they're not confident that they know them I recommend professional advice.

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