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Ozzie Slang


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You have never heard slang used in the Sydney CBD? I find that hard to believe.


May I refer you to post 11, then you can comment on what I have actually said.


I have suggested that OP does not need to worry about getting up to speed with slang and it is very easy to understand people. And no I have had no trouble whatsoever in conversing with the locals in Sydney, or anywhere else in Australia for that matter.


Perhaps I could refer you to posts 7, 9 and 11 where a few others have suggested the same. Why not go and pick on them, instead of jumping on the lets-give-as-much-grief-as-possible-to-Rupert bandwagon.

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So do you agree it is ok to make rude personal comments? That was what I meant, but perhaps I was not clear enough.


Oh and as a rule, I do not do background research on posters before replying. Re the blog, well maybe the link wasn't there when OP first posted and many people start their blog before their travels and in any case I rarely pay attention to signatures anyway. I read the post. Hope that is ok with you, or is that something else you want to pick holes in.


Oh come on, you can't seriously be that wound up by those comments. You are carrying on worse than the comments you are complaining about. And the one that you initially jumped on to start with.........

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Oh come on, you can't seriously be that wound up by those comments. You are carrying on worse than the comments you are complaining about. And the one that you initially jumped on to start with.........


Wound up, no i am having a cup of tea and relaxing. But yes i am annoyed that I ask politely for a clarification and the response is to have my personality and posting history commented upon in a negative manner. It was rude and uncalled for.


And as for you, well you are being a bit pathetic jumping in like this. Did you join in when you saw somebody being picked on by school bullies as well? Did it make you feel tough?



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Someone has seriously taken something the wrong way!!


Are you referring to me?


If so, perhaps you could tell me how I should have taken the unnecessary personal comment. There didn't seem to be a good way to take it. And I don't see why I should have to accept that people can make comments like that out of the blue.


Do you know what, the people on this forum make me sick sometimes. I am often noted as one of ht e most helpful posters on here and yet I am one of the most abused and picked on as well. And I am supposed to just take it and every character dissection that goes with it. But no I am really sick of it.

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Are you referring to me?


If so, perhaps you could tell me how I should have taken the unnecessary personal comment. There didn't seem to be a good way to take it. And I don't see why I should have to accept that people can make comments like that out of the blue.


Do you know what, the people on this forum make me sick sometimes. I am often noted as one of ht e most helpful posters on here and yet I am one of the most abused and picked on as well. And I am supposed to just take it and every character dissection that goes with it. But no I am really sick of it.


You are very helpful but I do think you have defo taken things the wrong way and too seriously! You need to kick back with a massage and a french martini!

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Guest Guest16631

...........:hug: Rupert.........and so sorry you feel picked on......

..........our meanings so often get lost in our words.....ime.....

.........and sometimes it's best to just leave it there....

.........as the tangle gets worse when we try to pull it undone......


........and Ozzie slang......depends on who you mix with ime......

..........I hear a lot in the markets......:biggrin:

...........but little in Myers........:wideeyed:

............no hard and fast rule ime.......tink x

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Guest guest30085

A lot of crossed wires on this thread ... and over slang as well. It's almost as bad as the 'price of lemons' thread. People were infracted/banned over that one I think :rolleyes:


I think there's been a problem of taking some posts literally, I don't think anyone intended for it to cause offence.


Ive heard slang/sayings even in cities, still get 'howyagoin' every time I speak to the 'rellies', who still go for a smoko, it's alive and well as far as I can see (hear)

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I think that people think we do not use slang anymore but seriously we use it every day. Aussie slang is alive and well, just have to mix with the Aussies. I know that I say "Good Day"a lot, How you going, etc etc. Many many other things get said as well and even if we do not use them ourselves we know what they mean.


So its confusing when people first come to Aus, especially as we call things by different names here as well. We tend to use the slang if others are using it and its not being smart of anything its just what people do.


Is Aussie slang really so confusing though? The odd word or expression is usually self explanatory I'd have thought through the context.

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wrong and wrong IMO.


I live on the edge of melly and its alive and kicking. Not rural and remote.


The Cities are where its being killed off, but get outside the sprawl and hit the normal country towns and its normal.


They do but as nearly everyone lives in a city or very large town overall it is hardly normal as in numbers.

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Guest The Pom Queen

A mod has kindly asked you to get this thread back on track now please do that. Do you think this bickering is helping the OP?

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I've deleted stuff that was carrying on the stuff you've been asked to move on from twice now, and will be deleting any more stuff about the stuff posted in the future.


No third time lucky ;)


Fankoo very muchly in advance and all that :)

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I hear Aussie slang every single day.

Smoko for tea break.

Dunny is an occasional one, but I do hear it sometimes, always warms my heart. :-)

Blue for a red headed person.

Mole for a skanky woman.

Tinny for a beer.

Chewie for gum.

Franger for condom.



That's all I can think of at the mo, but I'm sure there are lots more.

I'm in Adelaide, so not exactly remote.

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