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Walking the dog...


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So I'm walking the hound and people are terrified of us, I mean this woman screamed and fell over and then run off!


Now if it was a pit bull or a Rottweiler something with a reputation I could understand it.

I'm walking a bloody poodle! He is a very scruffy poodle, but You know, I am a bit scruffy too.:biggrin:


When I am on my own no body runs away from me, so it must be my dog? Fraggle.


Half the people are Chinese but the others are Caucasian. Do they not have friendly dogs in China? Do they not have friendly dogs in Australia?

What is the problem?

Its just a bit weird.



He may be off the lead but he is trotting along next to me about 18" away from my side minding his own business. It is the people who are weird.





Er no offence meant to anyone who has a pitt or a rotty it is only bad owners that give good dogs bad names.

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We want pics please :yes: So we can make up our own mind.....


that is a bit weird though, I quite like poodles, saw one that had a pink fro going on the other day....don't think I saw anyone running up the road screaming! Lol.

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Shouldn't worry, my bitch is little but she's fab off and on lead, greets politely and then leaves, she is scared of big dogs but once I've said hello she says hello too. It's the people who have the problem, not you. Most Asians I've met on walks love Maisy, but some people just aren't dog people and don't like them. I'm a pet stylist so I spend all day with them!

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It's more than nerves, they are scared!

I'm not joking but this Chinese woman fell over trying to avoid him, she managed to walk right into his path, screamed and ran off.

The path has a dotted white line so you always stay on the left to avoid the bikes.



Ten minutes later I had a audience when we were brushing up on his training in the park. I got a round oh ohh's and ahh's when he does his little tricks. he he he.


But some people are terrified of him and well it's just odd, kinda funny really.


We never had anything like it, not in England or Canada.



When we were in the States you would get old fellas slow their pick ups and say "say boy, that's a damn fine lookin dog you got there." "well thank you very much sir, that's much appreciated. He's my best friend ya know."

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On Sunday a woman jumped into a bush to avoid him!

He was on the lead when we walked past the woman squeaked and the dog looked at her and she jumped into a bush to get away. He didn't do any thing apart from turn his head and look. He didn't make a sound.


I suppose it didn't help with me standing there and laughing at the stupidity of the situation. But then again Mrs Pob was laughing too.


But Fraggle is so friendly, he is a big softy just like me.

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On Sunday a woman jumped into a bush to avoid him!

He was on the lead when we walked past the woman squeaked and the dog looked at her and she jumped into a bush to get away. He didn't do any thing apart from turn his head and look. He didn't make a sound.


I suppose it didn't help with me standing there and laughing at the stupidity of the situation. But then again Mrs Pob was laughing too.


But Fraggle is so friendly, he is a big softy just like me.


Hmmm, this is really really weird. Is it always women who run?

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Yup, more terrifying than a Chimera.

Especially after he has had a couple of pints!


that is the cutest dog....Awwww, god knows why people are scared, looks like it wouldn't hurt a fly.

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Guest The Pom Queen
On Sunday a woman jumped into a bush to avoid him!

He was on the lead when we walked past the woman squeaked and the dog looked at her and she jumped into a bush to get away. He didn't do any thing apart from turn his head and look. He didn't make a sound.


I suppose it didn't help with me standing there and laughing at the stupidity of the situation. But then again Mrs Pob was laughing too.


But Fraggle is so friendly, he is a big softy just like me.


I have to admit when in the pub trade I had a Rotty and people would cross over to the other side of the street to avoid walking past her. I always felt safe on the streets walking with her after dark although if anyone attacked me she would have licked them to death.

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Were you wearing your bikie colours? :biggrin:



Ha ha ha funny.


But then again I do have a shaved head and wear a xxl t-shirt.





Now I thought it was just women, but just now a bloke did it. 5ft 6 stocky, big zz top beard. I was shocked!

This guy just pressed himself up against the wall when we went past!!! Thing is he was exiting the pet shop!

Maybe he is a cat guy? who knows.

But people were saying what a nice dog he was in the pet shop. I let him pick out his new ball. People giving him scratches and what not.

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Guest The Pom Queen
Ha ha ha funny.


But then again I do have a shaved head and wear a xxl t-shirt.





Now I thought it was just women, but just now a bloke did it. 5ft 6 stocky, big zz top beard. I was shocked!

This guy just pressed himself up against the wall when we went past!!! Thing is he was exiting the pet shop!

Maybe he is a cat guy? who knows.

But people were saying what a nice dog he was in the pet shop. I let him pick out his new ball. People giving him scratches and what not.


PMSL I think its you Pob

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I'm scared of water, had a accident a few years back where I nearly died. So I have a fear of boats.

Any way Fraggle was looking hot and tired and I don't think he would have made the 10k walk back home so we caught the ferry. Only way to conquer you fear is by faceing it it told my self!


So when we were waiting for the ferry these Indian people were staring at Fraggle and looking apprehensive. So I went to buy a soda pop and this Indian woman came over. She was quite terrified of Fraggle you could see that. She asked if he was friendly and I said yes, told her to give him a scratch behind the ears and feel how soft his fur is.

I showed her fraggle doing tricks and tried to get her to feed him a biscuit, she was worried that he would bite her. I told her that he was a friendly dog and showed her that I could put my hand in his mouth and he wouldn't bite me. She relaxed even had her picture taken with him. ha ha ha.


I guess that the next time she see's a dog she won't be so scared.

I think maybe in time people will end up liking my furry little friend.




The boat ride wasn't too scary either, so I guess it is good to face your fears water or dogs or what ever it may be.

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  • 1 month later...

Ha ha Pob that made me laugh!! I have 2 shorties and have had my fair share of people jumping out their way!! One was a little old Asian woman in the bloody dog park!! Belle ran past to fetch her tennis ball and the wee woman nearly climbed a tree. Would you believe she had no dog!! I still can't work out what she was doing in the dog park when she was terrified and had no dog. May she was combatting her fears and it didn't work....lol.....

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