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Update 10 months after returning to the Uk


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Guest Guest 47403
The supermarkets here are always bloody open- too much. Give us a break.



I find it quite refreshing that some shops aren't open 24/7 in Oz, Sunday shouldn't be spent shopping it's how the UK used to be before it went to the dogs :wink:


Anyone remember half day Wednesday's?

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I agree about the shorter opening hours of shops in general here, but don't understand why you need to do food shop on a Sunday. Coles and Woolies are open to 9pm during the week. IGA can be 11pm or some 24hr same with spud shed.


So even if you Didnt finish work til 7pm you would still have time to get to the shops.


And you want to do shopping after a 10-12 hr workday in dirty clothes? Not me i like to go home have a shower see my kids and eat dinner thanks

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Guest Guest 47403
Let's hope you don't live a busy lifestyle then


We choose our own lifestyles not the country we live in, if you find yourself working long hours it's down to you no one or nothing else should be blamed.


Anyway I've had enough bitchin about supermarkets :dull:

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Guest Guest 47403
Scotland is UK is it not? Just as WA is part of Australia and has different opening times from the more modern states. Most of Europe has 24hr too.


So what's your point? Somewhere is 'better' because you can buy your porridge 24hrs a day

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Guest Guest 47403
Well I guess it is but i don't really appreciate comments like that from some *** behind a computer who would not say that to me in person. No wonder Scotland is voting for independance


No wonder Scotland is voting for independence WTF are you going on about?


Say what to your face? Are you threatening me from behind a keyboard grow up ffs!

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No wonder Scotland is voting for independence WTF are you going on about?


Say what to your face? Are you threatening me from behind a keyboard grow up ffs!


Baz FFS chill out. You have been on pio for about10 hours solid. Have a rest. !)

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Guest Guest 47403
Baz FFS chill out. You have been on pio for about10 hours solid. Have a rest. !)


Slow day at work simmo, I'll have to get up early to be on here before you though ;)

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And you want to do shopping after a 10-12 hr workday in dirty clothes? Not me i like to go home have a shower see my kids and eat dinner thanks


Fair enough...I would rather have a wine:wink:


And my weekends free..


as for Scotland being 24hr...not the part I come from.


ruled by the church still...

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No wonder Scotland is voting for independence WTF are you going on about?


Say what to your face? Are you threatening me from behind a keyboard grow up ffs!


Wouldnt worry about it Baz...it's called a a very large chip.


by the way I can say that...I'm Scottish

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Guest Guest 47403
You snooze ya lose bazza. It's a24 hr world and people need my help so I need to be there for them !)


Your a true leg end simmo PIO is certainly blessed to have you! ;)

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Guest Guest 47403
too true...but thankfully being a woman I can manage starting my day at 5am and still manage a evening fly around the supermarket.


And all without having to whinge about it and blaming the place you live in :wink:

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No wonder Scotland is voting for independence WTF are you going on about?


Say what to your face? Are you threatening me from behind a keyboard grow up ffs!


The comment about buying porridge 24hrs a day. If you said that about an Indian buying curry, or a chinese person buying rice 24hrs a day that would be considered racist. I proved you wrong and so you decide to start trying to insult me? Sad tbh.

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