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Childrens meals on singapore airlines

Tracy Vickers

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Has anyone had the kids meals on singerpore airlines I am slightly worried that my 2 will not eat them and I should just get the adult ones


My kids don't really eat much kiddy food like chips and nuggets etc and prefer rice and pasta and normal patatoes


Can anyone help:Randy-git:

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Kids meals for us have tended to be things like pasta but they also come with bits of fruit, drinks of juice and a chocolate bar or something. My kids have never eaten the meals but will sometimes eat some if the other stuff on the tray. Quite often I'll eat a bit of the kids meal myself (.we've done the trip with the kids several times). The adult meals tend to be some kind of beef, chicken or fish in sauce with rice or potatoes and vegetables but the other things on the tray tend to be small salads and a moose type dessert. Kids over the age of 12 are counted as adults so don't have a choice of kids meal anyway.


The other thing about getting the kids meals is they get served first so you can help them with anything they need help with and you still have space to move. If they prefer the sound of the adult meal you can always eat theirs and let them eat yours when it comes round.

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How old are they? When we came over mine were 7 and 11 and we ordered them adult meals instead - much better for my two as the choice is a little more varied - they swapped things like cake and cheese and biscuits between each other

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my kids are 12 and 8 , i ordered adult meal for the eldest and kids meal for the youngest . ut was spicy noodles adult meal and vegetables and he didnt like it . the youngest had macaroni cheese or other pasta and fruit , biscuits , snacks so he enjoyed his .

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They are nearly 4 and 5 so stressing about keeping them entertained as well but that will be harder if they are hungry as well


At 4 and 5 they should be kept pretty entertained by the in seat entertainment options - lots of movies and children's shows on demand. They might need help getting things going but should be happy to sit and watch once they have got started. I'd definitely take snacks for them. I find my kids appetite's go really weird when we are flying and they often just want to eat things that are familiar and safe at a time that suits them. Avoid anything with too much sugar but otherwise take what ever they like. If you take fruit though make sure you throw it away before going through customs.


i find the worse part of flying with kids is the anticipation if the journey. The actual flight is never as bad as I expect.

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  • 2 weeks later...

We have just flown to and from the UK with Singapore. Our girls are 5 and 7. On the way to London, they got the adults meals because I had wrongly assumed that since I had specified that they were child seats when booking (i.e I booked for two adults and two children), that they would have the childrens meals. They actually ended up with the adults meals. Youngest is a good eater and will give most things a go, but eldest is not so easy so she really only ate the bread, crackers and so on. On the way back, we confirmed the childrens meals with the airline, and that is what we got. Again, youngest ate most things, eldest was just as picky. The meals tended to be pasta and sauce, noodles, and that sort of thing, rather than chicken nuggets. There was also bread, cheese and crackers, crisps. The adult meals were rice with curry, noodles stir fry, meat with potatoes and veg and that sort of thing. The advantage with the childrens meals is that they come first, so you can help them to eat. The downside of this is that they finished first and were ready to visit the toilet half way through your dinner, which can be tricky because you have to balance trays and so on in order to get in and out of the seats.


We took some biscuits and fruit which is a good idea, but it really won't hurt if they decide they don't like the food and don't eat much.


Our five year old was beautifully behaved on the flight (as was eldest), because we had prepared her and she knew what was and wasn't acceptable behaviour. We took colouring books and pens, I wrapped some small inexpensive toys in wrapping paper for rewards for good behaviour and did a kind of lucky dip if they were good for a couple of hours, and they watched TV. The thought of the flight was far worse than the reality!

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Don't forget the SA also has an on demand snack menu:


Savoury sandwich

Vegetarian sandwich



Roasted peanuts

Potato chips

Chocolate bar

Marble cake

Assorted biscuits



(I think the sarnies are only on the 12+ hour legs)

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Hi, i flew with the kids on sa in Sept. Kids 10,6 and 4. 10 yr old eats adults portions etc. ordered them kids meals and they ad more than me. they were giving back food, they feed them so much with extra snacks etc, honestly my kuds eat for britain and they were fine.

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Hi, i flew with the kids on sa in Sept. Kids 10,6 and 4. 10 yr old eats adults portions etc. ordered them kids meals and they ad more than me. they were giving back food, they feed them so much with extra snacks etc, honestly my kuds eat for britain and they were fine.


I have flown a few times with kids between UK and Australia and know how finicky kids can be with airline meals. I would definitely order the kids meals as they are more accessible to the UK palate. What we do though is make mercy dashes to Burger King or Maccas at Changi Airport in between flights as the kids will always eat that stuff!

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We just flew Singapore airlines and the kids meals were lovely. One was a pasta dish, nice creamy sauce, some pesto and filled with a herby filling. Dessert was a light choc mousse. Also had some fruit, bread roll and nibbles. Another a capsicum omelette with some potato bake things. Good fruit yogurt, fruit, roll and so on. And breakfast was good also.


I've yet to fly long haul and see chips or nuggets or any other crappy food like that served.

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We just flew Singapore airlines and the kids meals were lovely. One was a pasta dish, nice creamy sauce, some pesto and filled with a herby filling. Dessert was a light choc mousse. Also had some fruit, bread roll and nibbles. Another a capsicum omelette with some potato bake things. Good fruit yogurt, fruit, roll and so on. And breakfast was good also.


I've yet to fly long haul and see chips or nuggets or any other crappy food like that served.




Oh and on longest leg kids ones came in a cute little lunchbox with activities- still got it now and using it for snack at school :-)

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Thanks everyone for putting my mind at rest at least it is one less thing for me to worry about any ideas on entertaining the horrors would be greatfully recieved


We didn't do anything special. TBH there isn't a whole heap you can do when stuck in a metal tube at 40,000ft.


We take the night flight so son is tired and conks out for an extended period on the first leg. Then we like a few hours at least in transit at Changi to hit the pool, shower and for son to use the soft play. Then back on another evening/night flight and a bit more sleep.


We had a few little goodies for son to unwrap on the way (tissue paper, not wrapping paper) but other than that, didn't worry. Our son copes well with travelling and not having much in the way of in car entertainment like DVD's or computer games etc so him being confined on the plane for 13 hours wasn't a real biggie for us. He liked the flight plan screen better than anything else. Oh and Tom and Jerry got watched a few times but other than that he was watching where we were.

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Thanks everyone for putting my mind at rest at least it is one less thing for me to worry about any ideas on entertaining the horrors would be greatfully recieved


I had a bit of a nightmare entertaining mine- I flew n my own with them. They refused to sleep on the first flight despite cabin lights being dimmed and me trying to convince em it was night(we flew at 12 noon from Paris on the only flight- then 2.45 in Singapore and straight through to Sydney) I had a bag of goodies but didn't touch them, too busy trying to get then to sleep. They watched TV and played games- loads of choice. The food and snacks come round so frequently that it breaks it up. The stewardesses are great- thank god I took everyones advice and flew Singapore Airlines.

My youngest (4) wanted the TV/ Film/ Games changed every two minutes literally so I didn't get to watch anything. They did all sleep on the 2nd leg for hours. I felt they really misbehaved but I had a couple of comments on how good they were. So I was probably being over sensitive.

It was long but honestly the second you are off the plane you realise it wasn't that long and it's a distant memory. Try and make it fun for them and an adventure- difficult when you are under pressure.

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