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So the Job Market is pretty much dead in Canberra


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you mean people like yourself? I guess it is hard to swallow the truth isn't it?


The sooner you move on from the ACT the better. You have no chance here...........

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We came in January a few years ago and getting accommodation was really difficult, however the situation has changed enormously. There are loads of empty properties and a big surplus in apartments so dropping prices. I mean up to 20% from what they were going for in 2012, a lot of renters are renegotiating or moving to get cheaper deals.

Business will still be slow, but arrive in Jan, get a rental and look for work in Feb/Mar might just be the best option.


Rents fall for the first time in 15 years due to oversupply of houses and (especially) apartments.



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Yes, I read that. On one side I welcome the news as it means I will be able to get more affordable accommodation. But if this really persists it means that the economy is starting to feel the hit from the election.


Perhaps, but they've done an awful lot of building. Whereas before, 4 young people or students might have to share a 3 or 4 bed house, they can now drive hard bargains on brand new apartments with far lower overheads, thus leaving the houses empty because they're now overpriced for what they are.

One thing it is doing is making absentee landlords improve the quality of their houses because they now need to compete with other landlords to get them rented. Previously, every house was snapped up immediately (and i mean people handing in applications at the door before they'd even walked round and viewed), irrespective of the condition. So it's not all bad news.

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The sooner you move on from the ACT the better. You have no chance here...........


tend to disagree. Canberra needs someone who tells the bare truth, not the lies and untrue info. on that subject cars in Canberra are overly expensive and not better quality at all. Also, buying a car from Sydney is the smartest choice since you have more choices to and would be negotiate better deals. If you buy from a dealer, all you need is a road worthiness test and you can take as long as you want to transfer the rego (as long as the old rego is valid). And before you attack this statement, it was said by an official in an official place, directly to us.


So buy in Sydney or Melbourne a car rather than the uncompromising dealers in Canberra. We spoke to a few people who even suggested Queensland (fly out drive back).


So if anyone wants BLACK and WHITE info about Canberra, PM me. You won't get any distorted or delusional picture painted. I'd be glad to TRULY tell you what we experience. And if anyone from a supposedly respected agency tells you to write a 4-5 page resume, walk away in that moment......


PS. it is a shame that a Capital City doesn't even have people to clean up the numerous amount of rotting kangaroo carcasses by the side of the roads. If nothing else, there is your indicator how much some if not most Canberrans really care about things.

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Also, buying a car from Sydney is the smartest choice since you have more choices to and would be negotiate better deals. If you buy from a dealer, all you need is a road worthiness test and you can take as long as you want to transfer the rego (as long as the old rego is valid). And before you attack this statement, it was said by an official in an official place, directly to us.


You missed off the bit about paying import duty to the ACT government:

Duty is charged on the market value or purchase price including GST, trade-in allowance, fleet discounts, accessories, any additions to the vehicle and equipment attached to the cab chassis e.g. tipper body or tray.



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tend to disagree. Canberra needs someone who tells the bare truth, not the lies and untrue info. on that subject cars in Canberra are overly expensive and not better quality at all. Also, buying a car from Sydney is the smartest choice since you have more choices to and would be negotiate better deals. If you buy from a dealer, all you need is a road worthiness test and you can take as long as you want to transfer the rego (as long as the old rego is valid). And before you attack this statement, it was said by an official in an official place, directly to us.


So buy in Sydney or Melbourne a car rather than the uncompromising dealers in Canberra. We spoke to a few people who even suggested Queensland (fly out drive back).


So if anyone wants BLACK and WHITE info about Canberra, PM me. You won't get any distorted or delusional picture painted. I'd be glad to TRULY tell you what we experience. And if anyone from a supposedly respected agency tells you to write a 4-5 page resume, walk away in that moment......


PS. it is a shame that a Capital City doesn't even have people to clean up the numerous amount of rotting kangaroo carcasses by the side of the roads. If nothing else, there is your indicator how much some if not most Canberrans really care about things.


Oh dear, don't like Canberra much then?


i doubt anyone would tell you to write a 4 or 5 page resume, any Canberran knows that 2 is Max. What you DO have to write to - and up to a page for each one - is the selection criteria. http://www.bom.gov.au/careers/guide2SC.shtml is a good guide using the STAR model.


If you spot road kill that hasn't been picked up, don't expect the road kill fairies to come and collect it - if it's still warm you could pick it up and take it home to roast (LOL) or you could leave a message with "Fix my street" and let them know that it's there. Maybe there's a job for road kill collector out there?! There are fewer roos on the road sides, I would imagine, than there were during the drought so that's a bonus.


oh, and on the cars - lots of duff info there then. Got to register it within a month http://www.rego.act.gov.au/registrations/regobuyinginterstate.htm

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tend to disagree. Canberra needs someone who tells the bare truth, not the lies and untrue info. on that subject cars in Canberra are overly expensive and not better quality at all. Also, buying a car from Sydney is the smartest choice since you have more choices to and would be negotiate better deals. If you buy from a dealer, all you need is a road worthiness test and you can take as long as you want to transfer the rego (as long as the old rego is valid). And before you attack this statement, it was said by an official in an official place, directly to us.


So buy in Sydney or Melbourne a car rather than the uncompromising dealers in Canberra. We spoke to a few people who even suggested Queensland (fly out drive back).


So if anyone wants BLACK and WHITE info about Canberra, PM me. You won't get any distorted or delusional picture painted. I'd be glad to TRULY tell you what we experience. And if anyone from a supposedly respected agency tells you to write a 4-5 page resume, walk away in that moment......


PS. it is a shame that a Capital City doesn't even have people to clean up the numerous amount of rotting kangaroo carcasses by the side of the roads. If nothing else, there is your indicator how much some if not most Canberrans really care about things.



I will disagree with the price of cars here as we purchased a brand new Mitsubishi Outlander in August for $23990 on the road price that equated to £14500 in the UK at time of purchase and I could not find one in the UK Classifieds for that price so I think sometimes you have to shop around more here than say Sydney but you can get a bargain in Canberra if you try hard enough.

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ACT has the best used cars in the country. Used car dealers interstate take many from here. Best roads, toughest rego etc. The roo bit was farcical but I think everybody who visits this forum knows that. And if you want empirical data about ACT life PM me. Unfortunately I've only been in the ACT for 38 years, but I've learnt a thing or two....

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I thought I would share positive news that I have been working for a week and my boyfriend got offered a job today with Australia Post. Both are short term contracts but are bringing the money in so are fine for now! We have also brought a little car to get us around. Next big job is to find somewhere to live long term!!


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I thought I would share positive news that I have been working for a week and my boyfriend got offered a job today with Australia Post. Both are short term contracts but are bringing the money in so are fine for now! We have also brought a little car to get us around. Next big job is to find somewhere to live long term!!


Great. Can you please share the strategy you applied for the job offer.

Congrat once again



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Wow Maggie!! You are having a tough time of it!! We have been here 2 years and thankfully I didn't witness any of job problems you are having. We were 457 visa so really further down the pecking order than those with PR!! Hubby's job offer was the reason we came however when I looked for a part time HR/WHS/Admin job I applied for every relevant job on Seek. I had 6 interviews and offered 3, took 1 which was bloody awful (while your so disheartened with Canberra I should add boss was from Sydney and not from Canberra) anyway luckily for me I handed in my notice and got offered a job in hubby's work. I have been having a nosy on Seek lately and there just isn't the choice that was there 2 years ago. It's not because your a Brit it's just the job market at the present time. I applied for 3 and only just got an interview for one and even then the job start date has been delayed until February. They even told me if I got offered anything else then to take it as they aren't even sure it will go ahead. It seems to be affecting everyone, one of our Ozzy friends has been searching for the past 3 months and is taking a job in Kmart for Christmas, she is a contracts manager.


With regards to the People of Canberra not caring...that's a lie!! I phoned Canberra connect on Saturday about an injured kangaroo at the side of the road. It had already been reported 19 times. As I went back to Westfield the wildlife guys were there dealing with it. Have you noticed the spray painted x's on the wombats and Roo's this means they have been checked for Joeys. I don't recall seeing anyone scooping up a dead fox or badger in the UK and they would not have had a look for their dens on the chance they had cubs!!


Yeah it is hard but think positive and maybe try and meet up with a few on here. A few drinks and a good rant and rage will do you the power of good.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I signed up with an emigration agency last week based on the only access route I had available for Australia, which was state sponsorship via ACT. The biggest concern I had/have was in relation to the job market because, having spent around 18 months living and travelling in the country I know just how expensive it can be, especially if you're relying on GBP savings given the current exchange rate. Having read through this thread (and others) I have to say, it's not exactly put my mind at ease. That's not to say that i'm put off, because i'm not, and I fully appreciate that arguably the biggest contributory factors to success in any job hunt are initiative and persistence, but, is it really as bad as i'm reading?


I found it extremely difficult to find work when I was in Perth at the start of this year, mainly because I did not have a permanent visa (I was on a WHV). Well, other than casual, low end manual labour jobs that was - which is exactly what I spent my working time there doing - from abbatoirs, to farms, to warehouses. I'm happy enough to do anything in the short term in order to get started, but i'd be lying if I said that it wasn't my hope that with a permanent visa (and residency), that job search would be made markedly easier. In an ideal world I would secure a job befoe I left the UK, but reading various posts on here as well as other forums, that sounds like an outside bet at best.


My professional qualifications and experience are in IT. For the past five years or so i've been overseeing the support department for a software development company in the UK. I don't know whether anyone on here works in the IT industry, or perhaps even within a similar role, but if so, what are the prospects like in that area at the moment? Are the opportunities entirely government based (and therefore unavailable to non-citizens)? Or are there private companies as well? Additionally, are UK qualifications and experience valued in Aus?


I've had people tell me that "there's no jobs" before, here in the UK. I've heard rumours of people submitting hundreds of applications and hearing nothing back. Personally though, i've always managed to find something relatively quickly so I will admit to taking such statements with a pinch of salt. Maybe i'm being a little naive, who knows.


Anyway, sorry for the slight rant along with the barrage of questions. Any advice on any of that would be appreciated anyway.


Oh, and good luck to those of you already there in your own job search!



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Just as a follow up point as well, my girlfriend will be coming with me and i'm even more worried about her job prospects because she'll be coming in on a 147 (working holiday) visa. As I said above, I know from experience how difficult finding work on that kind of visa can be at the best of times, so i'm just hoping there might be some bar/waitressing/cafe type work available for her. She's coming on a 147 to begin with purely because, despite being together for over three years, we haven't lived together and therefore she won't qualify for spouse sponsorship via my own visa - yet.


As an aside, does anyone happen to know if there is any regional work available within the ACT region? It's not a region i'm overly familiar with so any advice, as ever, would be welcome.


Thanks again,



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Of course there are private companies who employ IT people but IT covers a multitude of sins and it very much depends on whether your skill set and experience is in demand. Bear in mind, too, that with APS cuts and attrition the market may well be a bit overladen at the moment. ACT doesn't count as regional work, your GF would need to go further out into NSW for that - fruit picking perhaps out around Griffith, there isn't much locally that would count. As long as you have 3-6 months of living expenses behind you you should pick up short term contract work and that should get your foot in the door - wait until the end of Feb though.

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I signed up with an emigration agency last week based on the only access route I had available for Australia, which was state sponsorship via ACT. The biggest concern I had/have was in relation to the job market because, having spent around 18 months living and travelling in the country I know just how expensive it can be, especially if you're relying on GBP savings given the current exchange rate. Having read through this thread (and others) I have to say, it's not exactly put my mind at ease. That's not to say that i'm put off, because i'm not, and I fully appreciate that arguably the biggest contributory factors to success in any job hunt are initiative and persistence, but, is it really as bad as i'm reading?


I found it extremely difficult to find work when I was in Perth at the start of this year, mainly because I did not have a permanent visa (I was on a WHV). Well, other than casual, low end manual labour jobs that was - which is exactly what I spent my working time there doing - from abbatoirs, to farms, to warehouses. I'm happy enough to do anything in the short term in order to get started, but i'd be lying if I said that it wasn't my hope that with a permanent visa (and residency), that job search would be made markedly easier. In an ideal world I would secure a job befoe I left the UK, but reading various posts on here as well as other forums, that sounds like an outside bet at best.


My professional qualifications and experience are in IT. For the past five years or so i've been overseeing the support department for a software development company in the UK. I don't know whether anyone on here works in the IT industry, or perhaps even within a similar role, but if so, what are the prospects like in that area at the moment? Are the opportunities entirely government based (and therefore unavailable to non-citizens)? Or are there private companies as well? Additionally, are UK qualifications and experience valued in Aus?


I've had people tell me that "there's no jobs" before, here in the UK. I've heard rumours of people submitting hundreds of applications and hearing nothing back. Personally though, i've always managed to find something relatively quickly so I will admit to taking such statements with a pinch of salt. Maybe i'm being a little naive, who knows.


Anyway, sorry for the slight rant along with the barrage of questions. Any advice on any of that would be appreciated anyway.


Oh, and good luck to those of you already there in your own job search!




Quoll is right here, but I'd say that you should have at least 6-12 months of financial reserves to have a prospect of surviving the ACT. Look on Seek.com.au and you'll see that most IT jobs need security clearance. You can try to contact Hays or other agencies, but they did squat for us from overseas. They only wanted to talk to us when we landed and were able to show the permanent visa status. Without that no fingers were lifted. You have a better chance to use yellowpages.com.au and look up local IT companies and get in touch with them. Good luck with your search. We learnt the hard way that some people here are full of s**t rather than giving you the reality. The spin down of reducing commonwealth jobs is expected to stretch the next 3 years (some 12000 jobs and maybe more) and Canberra having no sustainability (no industry) without Government Jobs (most private sector leaches off the government) the effect will be parallel. Draw your own conclusion and listen to your gut when you feel that an advise sounds too good to be true: your gut feeling is always right and what sounds too good to be true probably it is. A very good luck from a professional couple who learn the hard way.....

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Of course there are private companies who employ IT people but IT covers a multitude of sins and it very much depends on whether your skill set and experience is in demand. Bear in mind, too, that with APS cuts and attrition the market may well be a bit overladen at the moment. ACT doesn't count as regional work, your GF would need to go further out into NSW for that - fruit picking perhaps out around Griffith, there isn't much locally that would count. As long as you have 3-6 months of living expenses behind you you should pick up short term contract work and that should get your foot in the door - wait until the end of Feb though.


Thanks for the reply mate, I appreciate it. I understand the diverse nature of 'IT' as well. From my perspective it's largely first and second line helpdesk experience, including a number of years working with MySQL and SQL Server, in particular. Having had a look at Seek there are positions advertised, but the majority appear to require security clearance, which rules me out straight away. There's maybe two or three that don't that look to be relavent. As i've only just began the gathering of information to support my application (which should be lodged around May next year), i've got a bit of time on my side. Realistically i'm probably looking at a visa being granted (fingers crossed) next July/August, with a view to making the move either towards the end of the year or start of 2015. Hopefully things will pick up between now and then.


Thank you for the information on regional work as well. I was fairly sure that ACT didn't count but thought i'd check. As an aside, if I may, does anyone happen to know what the restrictions are on a 190 visa in terms of travel/work in other states? Does it rule that out entirely? The reason I ask is that, should I fail to secure a job before making the move, what I would look to do (if possible) is to go and complete the regional work along with my girlfriend. That way it gets it out of the way for her, as well as giving us three months worth of income and savings, which will reduce the pressure significantly. I suspect that won't be possible, but I thought i'd ask the question anyway.



Quoll is right here, but I'd say that you should have at least 6-12 months of financial reserves to have a prospect of surviving the ACT. Look on Seek.com.au and you'll see that most IT jobs need security clearance. You can try to contact Hays or other agencies, but they did squat for us from overseas. They only wanted to talk to us when we landed and were able to show the permanent visa status. Without that no fingers were lifted. You have a better chance to use yellowpages.com.au and look up local IT companies and get in touch with them. Good luck with your search. We learnt the hard way that some people here are full of s**t rather than giving you the reality. The spin down of reducing commonwealth jobs is expected to stretch the next 3 years (some 12000 jobs and maybe more) and Canberra having no sustainability (no industry) without Government Jobs (most private sector leaches off the government) the effect will be parallel. Draw your own conclusion and listen to your gut when you feel that an advise sounds too good to be true: your gut feeling is always right and what sounds too good to be true probably it is. A very good luck from a professional couple who learn the hard way.....


Again, thanks for the reply. As mentioned above, i'm not planning on making the move (realistically) for another 15 months or so, which should allow me time to get some money together. Ideally i'd be looking towards coming over with around £10,000 behind me, at a rough estimate. I'll certainly be keeping a close eye on the job market over there though and if things are looking particularly bleak around that time then one benefit of the 190 visa is that it does give you some flexibility with it being a 5 year visa. I will delay the move if I think it's wise to do so. I will of course need to come over to activate the visa initially, so it will perhaps be a case of contacting a few agencies during that trip and seeing what the picture is looking like then.


I did deal with Hays, among others, whilst I was looking for work in Perth and to be brutally honest, they were absolutely useless. In fact, there wasn't a single agency that were in any way helpful. That said, I should add some context to that because I believe that the main reason for that was quite simply my visa situation and with that in mind, it probably wasn't worth their time forwarding my details on when it was known beforehand that residency was a requirement, whether stated or not.


How is your own job search going anyway, Maggie? Did you manage to find anything yet?

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