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Scottish not British...


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The English mindset that you just clearly demonstrated when you wrote 'you are welcome to hate the British' - England is NOT Britain.

But it's the only part that matters.......

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What the English forget is that without the rest of the countries that make up the UK they would be irrelevant on the world stage. Hence why the UK government does not want to lose Scotland.

Now that's what I call 'taking-the-piss'

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What the English forget is that without the rest of the countries that make up the UK they would be irrelevant on the world stage. Hence why the UK government does not want to lose Scotland.


It's not that 'we' forget, it just isn't something we think about or question. If the Scots / Welsh / Irish want independence let them have it.

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It's not that 'we' forget, it just isn't something we think about or question. If the Scots / Welsh / Irish want independence let them have it.


I agree with this, with regards to the Scots they have bought up and pursued the independence idea and will vote on it which seems fair enough, however if they vote for they will leave and if they vote against they won't, its a shame nobody else including the English gets to vote on it as they seem to be in a win win situation and causing a load of grief at the same time. I hope that if they vote against then that will be the end of it because if it resurfaces in another couple of years it will get dead boring and lead to a load more animosity ( bought on by themselves not those darned English ) Same goes for Wales and Ireland if they want to do the same crack on and we English will manage quite well on our own.

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It would also be interesting to see what reaction the English would get if we were doing what the scots are and threatened to cast ourselves adrift of our neighbours and go it alone, lets be honest it does not bear thinking about as we would then be cast in the role of the big headed English who think they are above everyone else and better of on our own, oh year we have that role already :dull:

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Me too, im a bit pissed off


Why is that then, someone from Scotland has bought up a very relevant subject and its being debated, i thought that was the general idea. Some people will say something that pisses you off but its that kind of thread and if it offends you then maybe dont read it, i am not being sarcastic or anything by the way.

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Well the "haggis gobbling heathen" part yesterday annoyed me a little but of course i must just have a chip on my shoulder..


Anyway debate away about scottish independence, it's not my thread. Im sure whichway wont mind


You've surely got to realise that that over the top comment tongue in cheek? If anyone took offense to it sincerely I'm sorry. But at the same time were the Scots up in arms at 'Robin Hood Prince of Thieves' when the Scots were described as "Barbarian's in skirts"? I don't think they were. Nor do I think you have a chip on your shoulder, but someone who is offended at being called British or English / won't use the word Scottish because of its origins / speaks of an English mindset / thinks that the UK is being propped up by Scotland is harboring more extremist views.


IMHO I love you guys - Welshies and Irelanders too - I know that successive English governments treated (and probably continue to treat you badly) but I didn't and I feel aggrieved when people say they aren't keen on me, my kith or kin - just because I was born in England.

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Sometimes its hard to tell wether it's a joke or not tbh, well Im like that anyway. Maybe im a bit like sheldon from the big bang theory!


I suppose you'll always get people who are more offended at these kind of things than others. I have no problem at all with english people, theres quite a lot at work. Lets just forget it and have a big british group hug lol

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I've seen enough signs that say " Anyone but England" during the Euro and World Cups to know just how much a lot of Scots and Welsh feel about England that's OK it doesn't bother me one iota but it does make me wonder how we'd fair with a similar sign ( anyone but Scotland/Wales if we were in those Countries) My sister lives in North Wales and warned us not to have the England flags on our car when we came to visit as we'd have our car damaged ( even set alight !) is it just banter or are the English really hated?


Where were the stickers? To be honest i think thats maybe mostly just a football thing. Im not saying I agree with it though, if england or any other UK team were playing against someone from abroad i'd cheer for the UK team. I've said this before - I think quite often in football its the commentry for england that can annoy people, i dont know about now but in the past they seemed a bit.. Cocky/arrogant. So maybe thats where its came from. I dont really take anything to do with football though so dont quote me on that. It's ridiculous if your car would actually be damaged, thats disgusting. I think the majority of us dont hate each other at all and get on fine but there will always be exceptions from each place

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I was asked in Florida was i an Austrian talking English lmao!


Lol thats quite funny!! We got a mixed response in florida. We were in sizzlers one day and this waiter came over, started talking to us and said either "where in england or Uk are you from". We said "we're from scotland" and he just gave us a dirty look and wandered off. Another waitress served us after that. We were just like "err ok then!". After that though dave met this guy who loved scotland and wouldnt leave him alone lol when we told him we lived somewhere thats to do with william wallace i thought he was going to die with excitement!

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