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Tony Abbott elected new Australian PM in a landslide !!


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Guest Guest66881
not sure to be honest, but to take $4 from the unemployed payments and cut out the school kids bonus which allowed kids from poor homes to have the books, uniforms and shoes they needed and then turn around and give $75.000 to Australia's richest mothers so they can stay home and watch the nanny look after the baby makes me sick to my stomach.



The 75 grand comes from the employer as good as, this is just labour bollox in motion yet again.

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The 75 grand comes from the employer as good as, this is just labour bollox in motion yet again.


Where ever it comes from the decision for it to happen comes from the LNP, and how are the employers going to pay the extra money when they are already struggling ? Oh of course cut wages, scrap weekend rates so who suffers ? the little guys. LNP have always been like that give to the rich and take from the poor.

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Guest Guest66881

Again typical labour speak, i have no affiliation with any of them never have.

So how differently would it be if the overlord at won, don't forget the six past years of overspending and lies?

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Politics and Politicians are sh!t.. I can't understand why people get on their high horses.. They are all as bad as each other and all lie as much as each other.. I just want to go to work, go home and get on with my life.. As the old saying goes.. "You can please some of the people some of the time".

This wine is flowing well just now and my main concern is I have no more once this bottle is polished!! :cry:

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Guest Guest66881
Politics and Politicians are sh!t.. I can't understand why people get on their high horses.. They are all as bad as each other and all lie as much as each other.. I just want to go to work, go home and get on with my life.. As the old saying goes.. "You can please some of the people all of the people some of the time".

This wine is flowing well just now and my main concern is I have no more once this bottle is polished!! :cry:


Typical labour mate, no planning and costings all wrong:laugh:

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Guest Guest66881

If i ever run out of wine (shudders) i fall back onto whiskey or anti freeze, had a close call last week - i felt like a liberal party member being asked about the five points?

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I voted for the first time in Australia and found the entire election and voting experience a complete farce. Apart from the main parties and the greens, the other parties are just a bunch of nutjobs which make the Official Monster Raving Looney Party look sensible. To have a voting system where you put 110 candidates in number order is simply dumb and not one party sent me any election information or bothered to canvass my vote. The whole process was a joke and even the Labor and Liberal flunkies at the polling station admitted that too. With a democratic process like this, no wonder the level of political maturity is so low and Australia has to threaten people to vote with fines and imprisonment.

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I voted for the first time in Australia and found the entire election and voting experience a complete farce. Apart from the main parties and the greens, the other parties are just a bunch of nutjobs which make the Official Monster Raving Looney Party look sensible. To have a voting system where you put 110 candidates in number order is simply dumb and not one party sent me any election information or bothered to canvass my vote. The whole process was a joke and even the Labor and Liberal flunkies at the polling station admitted that too. With a democratic process like this, no wonder the level of political maturity is so low and Australia has to threaten people to vote with fines and imprisonment.


Ah....the fine is $20

"An Australian Electoral Commission spokesman said that failure to vote in a Federal Election resulted in an automatic penalty.


That is $20 unless a person can provide the commission with a valid reason for not casting a vote."

Much to your chagrin they do not drag people off to the slammer

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