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Visa all sorted and ready to move..Just cannot seem to sell this house, am I the only one????


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I am a qualified Nurse, a mum with a hubby and 2 kids (10 & 7).

We were granted a visa in May and are all ready to go to Perth....but....We are currently trying to sell our house and its taking MONTHS, different agents and price drop later, still nothing!!!!

I'm becoming so desperate about the whole thing, as our lives are now completely on hold and we're in a state of limbo until its sold.

Has anyone else experienced this, or going through the same thing, as the removal Company who we're booked with say theres a lot of people in the same situtation, but I feel like we're the only ones!!! It would be so nice to speak to someone who is in the same place as us right now! :embarrassed:


Thanks xx

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If you have done, or don't need to do all the house doctor stuff, then your choices are to drop the price or rent it out. There are many people who have moved in the last few years that are reluctant landlords having opted for the latter.

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Thanks Rupert.

Yes, We toyed with the idea of renting, but it's quite a big house with a similar sized mortgage and once we'd done the finances based on what we'd get in rent, we were going to be worse off. We've recently redecorated virtually the while house and had new flooring put down too, but it's just so painful!!

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I am a qualified Nurse, a mum with a hubby and 2 kids (10 & 7).

We were granted a visa in May and are all ready to go to Perth....but....We are currently trying to sell our house and its taking MONTHS, different agents and price drop later, still nothing!!!!

I'm becoming so desperate about the whole thing, as our lives are now completely on hold and we're in a state of limbo until its sold.

Has anyone else experienced this, or going through the same thing, as the removal Company who we're booked with say theres a lot of people in the same situtation, but I feel like we're the only ones!!! It would be so nice to speak to someone who is in the same place as us right now! :embarrassed:


Thanks xx


I am putting my house up next month as I want to move over in June next year. I really feel for you. How are houses generally in the area where you live? Have you been keeping your eye on Rightmove to see what's moving and what's not? My cousin reckons that if a house is up for more than six months, people start to steer clear as that indicates a problem but that's not an expert opinion. What have the estate agents said? You say it's a big house, that could go against it.

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We are putting our home up for sale in a few weeks now its nearly decorated etc.... we are getting anxious now.... We have decided that if we get no interest in 8 weeks we will just rent it out and go for it.... We are disparate to get there before Christmas.... I don't think we could do another Christmas in this country....

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Thanks guys.

Id love to be there before Xmas too, but am thinking now that even if we get a buyer it can take so long what with troubles exchanging, chains and completion etc that its gonna be the new year before anything happens-maybe I'm now just becoming cynical!?!

You could be right about the over 6 months thing, we're getting on for a year now!! Yes I think you're right about the size, it's the wrong end of the market!!

i hope you guys have more luck than me, good luck.


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Thanks guys.

Id love to be there before Xmas too, but am thinking now that even if we get a buyer it can take so long what with troubles exchanging, chains and completion etc that its gonna be the new year before anything happens-maybe I'm now just becoming cynical!?!

You could be right about the over 6 months thing, we're getting on for a year now!! Yes I think you're right about the size, it's the wrong end of the market!!

i hope you guys have more luck than me, good luck.



If it's been nearly a year, I think that what I would do, is take it off the market for a few weeks, then put it back up for sale at an offers between or offers only price, and have it up for the lowest possible price that you would accept, that way if someone comes along and offer the rock bottom at least you can move then. I'm putting mine up for an offers between but I will accept up to £5k below the bottom price if push comes to shove xx

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I really sympathise with you. We were in the same position a few months ago. Our house had been up for sale for a year and we had 34 viewings. We had actually sold it twice, but both buyers were re-morgaging their houses in the UK and struggled to get finance. One of them only needed 40K.


After a lot toing and froing and discussions, we decided to put it up for rent. We have a tenant in place already. They came through our estate agent and they move in the day after we leave Spain. We now feel we were obviously not meant to sell. Our asking price was 120K under what we paid for the property. Now we will have to play a "waiting game" with the market and wait for the prices to rise in a few years.


My SIL has just sold her property in SE London for the full asking price to a cash paying first time buyer after a month on the market (we are really pleased for her, but would love to have been in her position). We keep hearing on the news that the market is definitely getting better.


What are your agents saying? What is the feedback from viewings?


Good Luck

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If its at wrong end of the market maybe you could sell half of it. Part ownership. My friend owns half of her house and pays a small rent to the person who sold it to her. She owns 49% which means that the other owner has control. Might be worth considering.



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We rent our house in the Uk and have done for a few years. Could you not opt over to and interest only mortgage to lower your monthly payments,rent it out for 12 months then see how things are going. If things don't work out in Oz you have still got your home in the uk.

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Hi, thanks all.


The builder idea isnt a bad thought actually, although we already live on a housing development, but may be worth looking into!! thankxx

We looked into doing the interest only option and renting, but they said it had to be repayment.


I totally agree with you, the market is terrble, I'm hoping that now the summer hols are at an end it might pick up-fingers x!!!!


Hopefully Perth isnt too far away now, everything else is sorted!!


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Our house has been up for sale since may in glasgow , we have had 2 viewers. The estate agent in our opinion hasn't tried very hard.especially as other houses have sold within a few weeks. It's very frustrating. We are now having to rent our house out.Not really what we planned but we don't have much choice as we fly out to Australia 9th September.xx

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Our house has been up for sale since may in glasgow , we have had 2 viewers. The estate agent in our opinion hasn't tried very hard.especially as other houses have sold within a few weeks. It's very frustrating. We are now having to rent our house out.Not really what we planned but we don't have much choice as we fly out to Australia 9th September.xx


Don't forget your agent is just that, YOUR agent. If they seem useless sack them off and get one that works for you. We got the top four in the area in, listened to their sales patter but went with the one that had the best local knowledge. My wife did the viewings as no one knows the property like you do. Word of advice to sellers, sell to the female, they do the buying with their hearts and takes a brave man to come between their wife and dream home.

feel sorry for people stuck tho, we bought at the peak of the market, set new ceiling price for the road, thought we would break even at best but so far have had offers over the asking price and looking good for a tidy profit although we always treated it as a home, not an investment. Market is definitely moving.

hope things take turn for the better for you OP.

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  • 4 weeks later...
I am a qualified Nurse, a mum with a hubby and 2 kids (10 & 7).

We were granted a visa in May and are all ready to go to Perth....but....We are currently trying to sell our house and its taking MONTHS, different agents and price drop later, still nothing!!!!

I'm becoming so desperate about the whole thing, as our lives are now completely on hold and we're in a state of limbo until its sold.

Has anyone else experienced this, or going through the same thing, as the removal Company who we're booked with say theres a lot of people in the same situtation, but I feel like we're the only ones!!! It would be so nice to speak to someone who is in the same place as us right now! :embarrassed:


Thanks xx



We had a similar experience - don't worry you're not alone. We put our house on last August (2012) - after 3 months of no viewings we ditched the agent and went with a new one. We finally got an offer in January (2013) and completed in April. We eventually got on that plane and landed here on 13 August (6 weeks ago).


I don't envy you your current position. I remember it well, its not pleasant. Everything went on hold for us too - we literally lived week to week thinking (hoping) that we'd be moving soon and therefore couldn't/shouldn't book anything up or make any large purchases or long term commitments.


As a result of that time Me and my OH now have a long running (friendly) argument about Micky Flanagan. The coversation went like this:


July 12 (OH) - ooh look MF is playing in town in Jan (13), I like MF lets go!

July 12 (Me) - no, we won't be here! The house will have sold and we'll be in Perth by Xmas!

Jan 13 (OH) - oh, look MF is playing in town tonight, it would have been good to have seen him : (

Jan 13 (Me) - yes, it would : (


Now everytime MF is on the telly, my OH goes "Oh look, MF, I like MF, we could have gone and seen him but you said no. No you said, we won't be here. But we were and it was sold out. I bet MF won't tour WA. I'll never see MF now" etc etc. Broken record. Broken record.


To save you from my fate my best advice to you now is to try to carry on as normal, remember to keep living your life and don't let the current "limbo" mean you miss out on stuff (or else, like me, you'll never hear the end of it!).


Our delay came with some silver linings too though - it meant I got to meet my baby niece (born Jan 13) but also celebrate my brother's 40th birthday with him (July 13) - I'm so glad I did, I'd have missed both if we'd moved when we'd originally hoped to.


Also, just to make you feel better, the weather here is pretty rough at the moment. Its really stormy (sever weather warnings on a daily basis) and its been recorded at Perth's wettest September in 40 years! Trust me - weather wise - you are better off where you are at the mo!


Chin up - it will all come good for you in the end I'm sure.



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My sister had been in this situation for 12 months but completed the sale last week. Her house was valued at £290k 5 years ago and she took £210K for it now, there were plenty of offer around £160-170k. She was in a privileged position of having no mortgage to pay so she went and left the house empty!


Our situation is four times worse as we have our own to sell plus three properties we let out, we have to sell to be able to move yet need decent prices so as not to lose money on what we have paid! Hopefully the market has turned a corner though.

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Good news...looked into rental, interest only mortgages and have appeared to have found a tenant already- fingers x!!!!!!


hopefully this is our much needed break!! Thanks for all the posts guys!! Xx


Just seen your post. Have you managed to make the move. Bear in mind that if the rent does not cover the mortgage interest and other expenses you have the facility to offset the loss against tax on your earnings when in Oz which could be a big help. Negative gearing.

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