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Is the flight really bad


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Its not so bad. Take some music on your ipod or whatever, a book if you are a reader and an inflatable neck pillow for when you sleep. In flight movies, comedy series, music and so on passes time also.


Malaysian airlines are good so you'll be fine in that respect. It can feel long depending on what time you fly. If you fly out in daytime you'll maybe notice it more as you'll be awake the first long leg till KL. We usually take a night flight out of the UK and once they have served dinner an hour or two into the flight, the lights go off and most people snooze for a good 6-8 hours, then its breakfast and a few more hours till landing. The second leg to Aus is much shorter. 7-8 hours or so usually. It can be pretty cool flying over the outback and seeing how vast it is. Seeing Uluru from the air. Gives you an appreciation of the size of the country.

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I flew about a month ago, I had three stops so the flight was split into 7/8/9 hour slots. Some said this would make it much easier. It didn't! It was exhausting and next time I will be getting a flight with just one stop. The flight itself was wonderful but even with the best flight crew and best plane, etc. it was still totally exhausting.

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I flew about a month ago, I had three stops so the flight was split into 7/8/9 hour slots. Some said this would make it much easier. It didn't! It was exhausting and next time I will be getting a flight with just one stop.


Yes, this is not a good idea unless you actually have a genuine layover, sleeping in a hotel. The middle leg is a killer.


To the OP, how bad can sitting in a chair reading, listening to music, watching movies and being waited on, actually be... that's the way I look at it.

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It's fine! A lot of people moan about it, but it's 24 hours of your life and you can stand pretty much anything for 24 hours. Much of that time you are going to be either eating, asleep or watching movies. Get up and move around every now and again (you will usually find someone doing stretches own the back of the plane) and all depending on the time you can spend ages looking at the wonder that is earth below you! If you're very lucky you might see Mt Everest in the distance (all depends on your flight path). The only thing to really watch out for is if you know that you get travel sick, then talk to people about a good motion sickness medication and take one before you fly. Sometimes you hit a bumpy patch which can be scary but planes fly through them all the time and pilots do try and avoid them if they can - scary but nothing to worry about! I've done it lots of times and so have my kids - it's probably easier when you are young than when you are a grandma LOL.

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  • 2 weeks later...

hi its dom on my mothers account im 14 and ive just recently came back from a visit you brisbane. me my mum and dad and sister went over for 3 weeks to visit some family and we are making to big move in about 7 months time! the flight isnt as bad as you may think, we travelled from manchester airport to abu dabi which we stopped for about 4 hours waiting to be transferred over to our flight. we waited in a five star suite which we were able to get food, hot showers and watch tele and take advantage of the free wifi...lol :) when you get on the flights make sure you look around and try and spot out any spare seats like 2 seaters or 3 seaters or 4 seaters. i found a 4 seater and was able to sleep atleast 7 hours but that was on the way back! when we landed in singapore to be transferred over to our last 8 hour flight to brisbane australia i found this the hardest part to sleep i watched about twenty films but the time doesnt feel like its going fast at all. the excitement is just rushing around your body! the food is alright unless your in business or first class ;) the food changes from which country you fly out from so lets say abu dabi we got some food that they liked. for example: omelete with spinach! when we flew from manchester the food was like chicked breast and potato. we flew with etihad which when we make the move we hopefully get in business lol :) hope ive helped you out dom! :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Exciting times :)


Just try to go with the flow, don't over think things too much if you can help it. Sat on a plane for hours I get bored and my mind just turns to mush. But it is only 24 hours give or take and what's one day.


Let us know how you get on once you arrive and are settling in.

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Absolutely woeful,but i despise the whole rigmarole from as soon as i leave for the airport,no sleep for me,at all,just spend hours importuning/walking round the toilet block,"i" have to have a two day break before i can get back on one of the instruments of torture

Enjoy your flight.....

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hey im 14 and i came over about a year and a half ago and i hated flights! i was scared but i have to honest because it is such a long flight you kinds sleep a lot and forget you are on a plane! i had a 6 different flights to get here ranging from 1 hour to 13 hours!just relax and think of all the goo things you will see when you arrive!

hope this helps!!!:cute:

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