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Jon Venables gets ANOTHER new Identity- How many before enough is enough?


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Sickening though their actions were, Roberts and Venables were so young at the outset I think it was right to try to rehabilitate and give them another chance. BUT Venables has had his second chance and his actions suggest that he is neither safe nor rehabilitated. I'm not in favour of lynch mobs, but I do think Jon Venables has had his second chance now - he should be moved out of prison and left with the scanty protection of his changed appearance. If he gets found out - so be it. I seem to remember that the only reason he was caught the last time was his eagerness to run to the authorities when he thought his cover was blown.


Difficult difficult difficult.


I think he has had more than a second chance, hence IMO enough is enough... I agree with you that if he is to be released he should be left to fend for himself, life can be tough when you don't play by the rules and maybe he needs to learn the hard way.


Cal x

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Guest JK2510

Isn't there some sort of order to not allow newspapers to give out information about his ID and whereabouts.

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And what would you do EW if your daughter married the guy without knowing who is really is?Still so accepting?


I personally don't think Thompson and Venables should be allowed out, partly to protect the community from them and to protect them from the community. But executing them, or anyone else for that matter, not a believer of it myself.

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Little Jamie wasn't given a second chance, these monsters saw to that, ruined his families life and took it upon themselves to torture and kill an innocent child ..... they should have been locked up for eternity .... It stinks that there seems to be an endless pit of money were these gob ()$&@ are concerned, yet people are losing much needed benefits, the NHS is undergoing cut after cut, et et ....not quite right .....

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If someone is found using that level of child pornography, then IMO they should be surgically castrated. That's not an over the too reaction I don't believe because it would takeaway any sexual desire. Of course it's not going to stop any violent tendencies that's a whole other ball game ( excuse the pun :laugh:) but surely if the sexual desire and frustration is taken away for most the problem is solved ! I'm not sure what the answer is when the perpetrators are so young I really don't .

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If someone is found using that level of child pornography, then IMO they should be surgically castrated. That's not an over the too reaction I don't believe because it would takeaway any sexual desire. Of course it's not going to stop any violent tendencies that's a whole other ball game ( excuse the pun :laugh:) but surely if the sexual desire and frustration is taken away for most the problem is solved ! I'm not sure what the answer is when the perpetrators are so young I really don't .


A lot of sexual crimes are commited not due to sexual desire but due to empowerment................the need to dominate and subjugate...............it's in the head not in the balls. Sexual crimes are more subtle than the media illustrates.

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Jk2510 - yes I think you are right, I think that any person publishing details is liable to prosecution. IF we can believe anything we read in the papers, I got the impression that Venables was caught last time because he had told people who he was himself .... as well as making illicit trips to Liverpool (banned under the terms of his release). So it seems likely that whatever is done to protect him, he is likely to 'shop' himself.


I agree with endless Winter - cant get my head round executing people, particularly not children. I think it just brings us down to their level.


I dont know what the answer is, but I find the idea of spending oodles of public money shielding Venables from the consequences of his own actions a bit sickening tbh. I say give the money to the NSPCC and let him fend for himself.

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The truth is that the UK, Australia, the Western World in general are civilised societies. How we treat our criminals matters because it defines our society.

This does mean from time to time their will be individuals like this who make our flesh creep, and our blood boil, but he is every bit as entitled to the protection of the law as everyone else is.

He was imprisoned originally because as a 10 year old he committed murder. He was sentenced appropriately, under our law. We do not execute murderers, and his age, degree of maturity, and background was presumably taken into account when he was originally paroled. His parole was quite rightly revoked, he has served more time in prison, and has somehow convinced the parole board he is again rehabilitated. I find such a decision absolutely astonishing, but, once taken, he has to have a new identity.

Surely to goodness if he reoffends again his licence will be revoked, and he will be imprisoned for the rest of his life.

One final point, does anyone know how we keep finding out about this man? If he has a new identity, how come every time he does something, it is splashed all over the media?

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It was splashed all over the media when he blew his own cover and had to be rescued. I hadn't heard a thing about him prior to that, only that he was out. I actually hope that Robert Thompson has vindicated the trust put in his reformed persona and made a go of things. Its the re-offending that makes it so creepy.

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