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Official nurses thread!

Guest scots-in-oz!

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Guest Donna0z

Does anyone know how much Clinical Trials Nurses Qualified 8 years could expect for a salary?

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Guest Filipina

Hi Mags,

Starting this thread is the best idea,very helpfull.Can I join in? To start with I'm A/E Nurse, been in NHS over the last 6 years now, I worked before in Saudi Arabia for 8 years in total I've been qualified for more than 18 years doing mostly A/E.

Got 3 job offer, in Royal Adelaide Hospital, RMH and the Alfred as I always wanted to work in a trauma hospital. I'm waiting for my Nurse registration, then we'll start our 457 visa,heading to melbourne.I've got 2 kids, 12 year old and my son is 7. My husband's have IT background but he now works in Builders warehouse.

We all look forward to go to oz.I'll post some question next time is that alright.?

Goodluck and all the best :)



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Guest moores2melbourne

Hello nurses!


As I would be coming over on a sponsored visa, could any nurses who have been sponsored, let me know by which hospitals?


We are looking at Victoria and WA at the moment.


Really would like Victoria but may have to go to WA.


Thank you


Lynn :v_SPIN:

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Guest siobhan

Hi, just reading ur post, Is charles gardiner fairly central? I have a 10 year old is there schools nearby, Can u recommend suburbs nearby that are not too expensive but safe.

Sorry 4 all the questions but did you hear if charles gardiner pay relocation fees, I think someone mentioned that in a previous blog? so grateful for any info, hope 2 b in Oz by October,just trying to sell house.......

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Hi, just reading ur post, Is charles gardiner fairly central? I have a 10 year old is there schools nearby, Can u recommend suburbs nearby that are not too expensive but safe.

Sorry 4 all the questions but did you hear if charles gardiner pay relocation fees, I think someone mentioned that in a previous blog? so grateful for any info, hope 2 b in Oz by October,just trying to sell house.......


Charlies is mre or less in the city the suburbs are expensive around there oh works there we are about 40 mins away most of her friends travel one thing you have to get used to is travelling its the norm here they dont pay relocation as they did not for us or a lot of nurses we know


Malx n Nic

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Guest annelouise

I am hoping to relocated with OH sponsored early next year,what do I need to have in place to get a nursing job?? I have mnost recently worked on a busy surgical unit.


What docs do I need for the state registration boards ( unsure if it is NSW or QLD )What do I need certifying and what evidence do my employers or the reg board require.If I remember a friend needed certified copies signed by solicitor / accountant is this correct???


What can I do here to ease the process as I don't want to get over there to find I could've done stuff at my own pace whilst I am here?


I am fortunate I do not need to work but want to work the right job at the right hours that suit the family.


Any advice very welcome.



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Guest dmurtagh

:chatterbox::swoon:Hi Annelouise, If you want to get registration in Oz you should download and print the relevant application forms from the websites. In Oz you have to get registration in the area you want to work in. So if you have two areas you are thinking about working in you will have to get registration in both those areas. After you have printed out the applications forms there should be a verification form in the bundles which you have to fill in and send to the NMC who will in turn reply to you with yet another form asking for address of where they need to send form to and payment. I am not sure whether the amount they ask for is for one address or more, but the cost is initially £34:00. in the application form is a checklist for the docs required, and to get them verified you can only use a solicitor, justice of the peace or Notary public. try solicitor first, some will do it per amount of copies, where notary public could do it per sheet. you should photocopy qualifications,certificates, long birth certificates (you may have to obtain them like I did) for the whole family. A reference on headed note paper from latest employer plus application form and fees, which are about £150:00 and that is just for nursing registration. I would suggest that you have duplicates of your photocopies as you may need them for visa application and it may be cheaper getting them certified in one go. sorry its so long.

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Guest annelouise



Thanks for all that info,at least I know I can get a ticklist going.......amongst the others.



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Guest KAD+4

Hello nurses/midwives already in Oz. I'm Kate and a midwife of 9 years,my husband is a fireman. We have 4 kids under 8 years. My husband is close to securing a job with Queensland Fire & rescue but needs a work visa. Unfortunately, they don't sponsor/employer nominate so I've looked at securing the visa. However, I've worked 15 hrs a week for the last year (because of child care) and therefore can't meet skilled independant despite the +ve skills assessment etc etc. The hospitals are willing to sponsor but if I work full time it will clash big time with the fire service shifts!

Over here, I work when he is off duty. My only hope is if I can come to a similar arrangement and work long days/ maybe before his 1st night ? Do any of you guys work long days out there? We really liked Townsville hospital but they only work 8's, so now I'm grovelling to the Royal Brisbane Womens hospital.

Failing that, I'll have to 'up the hours' and try next year?


Kate, Dave + 4 kids! (KAD+4)

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Hello nurses/midwives already in Oz. I'm Kate and a midwife of 9 years,my husband is a fireman. We have 4 kids under 8 years. My husband is close to securing a job with Queensland Fire & rescue but needs a work visa. Unfortunately, they don't sponsor/employer nominate so I've looked at securing the visa. However, I've worked 15 hrs a week for the last year (because of child care) and therefore can't meet skilled independant despite the +ve skills assessment etc etc. The hospitals are willing to sponsor but if I work full time it will clash big time with the fire service shifts!

Over here, I work when he is off duty. My only hope is if I can come to a similar arrangement and work long days/ maybe before his 1st night ? Do any of you guys work long days out there? We really liked Townsville hospital but they only work 8's, so now I'm grovelling to the Royal Brisbane Womens hospital.

Failing that, I'll have to 'up the hours' and try next year?


Kate, Dave + 4 kids! (KAD+4)


You have mail, KAD+4!

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Guest itskaren
Hello nurses/midwives already in Oz. I'm Kate and a midwife of 9 years,my husband is a fireman. We have 4 kids under 8 years. My husband is close to securing a job with Queensland Fire & rescue but needs a work visa. Unfortunately, they don't sponsor/employer nominate so I've looked at securing the visa. However, I've worked 15 hrs a week for the last year (because of child care) and therefore can't meet skilled independant despite the +ve skills assessment etc etc. The hospitals are willing to sponsor but if I work full time it will clash big time with the fire service shifts!

Over here, I work when he is off duty. My only hope is if I can come to a similar arrangement and work long days/ maybe before his 1st night ? Do any of you guys work long days out there? We really liked Townsville hospital but they only work 8's, so now I'm grovelling to the Royal Brisbane Womens hospital.

Failing that, I'll have to 'up the hours' and try next year?


Kate, Dave + 4 kids! (KAD+4)


Hi I too wanted long days but unfortunately many of the hospitals just don't like them. I also have also worked around my husband in the UK but I just could not do this here. I managed to get the visa and my husband had to work around me. it was so stressful I would not recommend it to anyone. the children were constantly in breakfast club at 7am which broke my heart! However after 6 months of hell my husband managed to secure a visa from his workplace and I now work off his. So instead of working 4 to 5 nighs a week I now work 3. Good luck to you. karen

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Just found this page....what a great idea ! I'm nearly a nurse, i qualify in Oct, and can't wait ! OH is a plumber, we have 2 kids Jake is 15 and Kyah is 10. We just starting the process, have spoken to Visa company and we're gonna do it OH's profession. We want to head Perth way, Fremantle maybe or surrounding areas. I will work fulltime over here but would quite fancy working part time when we finally get to Oz.

Thanks fellow nurses xx

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Guest kateben

Hi All


Im Kate im 20, and im a second year student nurse, finish my training end of dec 09, me and my fiance are having serious thoughts of moving to Oz after visiting friends in March and seeing parts of the beautiful country.


Currently im doing the Advanced Diploma in Adult Nursing, can anyone tell me that although over here I would be an RN would I still be one over there, or would I become an EN?


Whats the nursing and health system like over there? it must be better than the NHS.....dont think it could get much worse!


Any feedback and advice would be great, and any info as to getting our asses over there would be fab!


Thanks Kate x

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Guest kateben

Thats great Debbie, good luck to you, where abouts in Oz are you going? have you got a house and job over there yet?

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i have a job..thats about it (all part of the adventure eek)

looking at houses now but i have not got a clue where we will go when we get off the plane.


trying not to stress over it as i am busy packing up the house to move into rented week after next as we have sold our house. that is one depressing job!


we are going to rockingham WA

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Guest siobhan

Hi Debbie, see you are goin 2 Rockingham,

are there many hospitals there?

I have a 10 year old so would be keen to have house near school and hospital..

Do you have any idea how many hospitals there are? is it a big town?

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Hi everyone


I'm new to this website and would be really appreciative of some basic info if anyone can help.


I'm a second year paediatric student nurse and have the opportunity to "top up" my Adv Dip to a degree in my 3rd year (which starts in September). Is it possible to work in Oz as a newly qualified nurse with a degree? I'm assuming if I stayed on the Adv Dip, I would need a few years experience before being considered?


We're really keen to relocated asap after qualifying next September and wondered how soon to start the process seriously? And where would we start - it all seems so daunting?! Can you recommend any good agencies or do they charge?


What grade / level of job would I be able to apply for as a newly qualified paediatric nurse with a degree (or Adv Dip if this is sufficient)?


I'd love to work in a children's hospital and wondered what the job situation was like for overseas paed nurses? I emailed RCH in Melbourne last week for some information but not heard anything yet.


Well, I think I've gone on enough for now (!) and look forward to any advice and comments you might have.




Kelly Richmond (28), Paediatric Student Nurse

Graeme Richmond (35), Forklift Truck Instructor & Examiner

Leeds, West Yorkshire

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Guest kateben

Hi Nurse Kelly


I chatted to the ANMC (Australian Nursing Midwifery Council) and as I am in the same boat as you, 2nd year student however im Adult branch, I asked if with my Adv Dip, could I work in Oz and his response was yes, most states in Oz accept the Adv Dip, however may require 6-12months experience (depending on how desperate the hospital is to have you!)


Although some hospitals do take Grads but again you will have to ask about! I want to work in NSW but for now NSW wont accept Adv Dips, but by july 10 hopefully the australian registration will change to national registration (same as the NMC) so I can! Hope that has helped even a little bit and its not all babble!!


Good Luck in your training, hope your enjoying it like I am!



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Guest wiljenni

Hi guys , I'm new to this.I am currently a nurse in Newcastle UK in haemodialysis and I'm currently applying for a spouse visa for Oz as my OH is desperate to go home he has been in UK for 10yesr now.We are thinking of going to either Brisbane or Adelaide,he is from Perth but doesnt want to go back there.Anyone have any ideas of which one is better for jobs and for familys to live and how much are the wages and is there lots of agency work.Sorry for all the questions just want to be prepared:spinny:

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