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The all new UK weather game.......


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just popped out and the car said 28 degrees on the dashboard, went down to 27 when driving along but hot hot hot!!!


so hot its poppng tyres at silverstone..


Wish i was at silverstone.


Its more like autumn here, cool and very windy. Trees blowing around like mad

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Wish i was at silverstone.


Its more like autumn here, cool and very windy. Trees blowing around like mad


I saw on the telly that scotland and the north where not going to get much of the heat good weather... :no:

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Sorry mate, but ...... I have to agree with PB on this one, after decades of no show summers, this year has been as good as it gets, not great, but definitely better, but ...... In fairness to you, it IS probably like an Oz spring time.


Sounds more like a Perth winter time Hoff. Me and the missus had Friday Hoff work as she had a groupon for The Breakwater at Hillarys. $90 for a bottle of Moet and tappas for 2. Sat outside on the deck, 23 degrees, cloudless blue sky and to top it Hoff my missus is on a diet and drove. Had to drink all but one glass of the champers and ate all but prawns and salad of the tappas. Tough work but someone had to do it.


Finished off by a couple of pints of guiness. Can tell I don't drink as much as I used to, went straight to my head, stomach didn't feel right for a couple of days.:cool:.


Saturday and Sunday around 22 degrees too.

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27.5 official temp at heathrow yesterday!! I recorded 27+ on the car thingy yesterday too. Today set for another 20+ with tue and wed struggling a bit but after that its hot and settled !!

Don't forget to slip slap slop guys!

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27.5 official temp at heathrow yesterday!! I recorded 27+ on the car thingy yesterday too. Today set for another 20+ with tue and wed struggling a bit but after that its hot and settled !!

Don't forget to slip slap slop guys!

Nice day again this morning...must admit even this heat dies not suit me....I actually prefer it dry but cloudy especially when playing golf...I hit the all a long way and trying to follow it when the sun is shining in your eyes is difficult.

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I know. Rains for days on end up here, and the sun barely shines.


You poor thing :hug: Where I live we don't get that much rain. It rained earlier but it was baking hot. Had to do my decorating with all the doors and windows open and there was such a downpour for about five minutes but it's really sunny and hot now. Luckily, I didn't have any washing out, or I would've been spitting mad!

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You poor thing :hug: Where I live we don't get that much rain. It rained earlier but it was baking hot. Had to do my decorating with all the doors and windows open and there was such a downpour for about five minutes but it's really sunny and hot now. Luckily, I didn't have any washing out, or I would've been spitting mad!

Do you honestly believe him....

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Guest The Ropey HOFF

It's almost like summer here in the UK, I know you won't believe it, well we know why you don't, especially if you now live in sunny Oz and suffered decades of crappy no show UK bummers, sorry I mean summers, lol.


i think records might be broken this year, average summer temps could possibly reach 20 degrees, which is incredible for the UK, YEAH BABY YEAH.

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You poor thing :hug: Where I live we don't get that much rain. It rained earlier but it was baking hot. Had to do my decorating with all the doors and windows open and there was such a downpour for about five minutes but it's really sunny and hot now. Luckily, I didn't have any washing out, or I would've been spitting mad!


We have had our fair share of rain that's for sure.

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Guest The Ropey HOFF
Yep, and it gives me something to whinge about, I feel like I fit right in.



We have had quite a few members on here who live in and around London, who have said the weathers not great there either, this great north, south divide is a myth.

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