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what is a legally binding job offer

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hi quick question for anyone in the know. im considering a job offer in Melbourne. they want a start asap so I think they are going to want me to put my notice in on tuesday after the.bank holiday. However I havent got anything formal yet from them. what do I need from them to be confident I can resign and organise a rushed move without being exposing myself to any financial risk

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A signed offer letter which forms your contract of employment (when you sign and return it). May have conditions attached, eg the passing of a medical or similar, but nothing less is acceptable IMO. Once you have this, they can't back out without compensating you

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Guest guest76088

I would accept nothing less than a signed offer on behalf of the company by someone eligible to make such an offer with details of T&Cs.


Anything else will end in tears.


If they are not able to commit to writing, ask yourself why not.



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so this is going to be trouble isnt it for me. it will take two weeks for contract to get back to them, when I told them originally I couldnt come for six weeks they said they would go with another candidate in that case.


Why would it take two weeks to get back to them? It can be expressed mailed internationally, or it can easily be emailed or faxed and be delivered instantly.

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Why would it take two weeks to get back to them? It can be expressed mailed internationally, or it can easily be emailed or faxed and be delivered instantly.


Express post certainly. But I know employers in my line of work would not accept fax or emailed (electronically signed) contracts.

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so this is going to be trouble isnt it for me. it will take two weeks for contract to get back to them, when I told them originally I couldnt come for six weeks they said they would go with another candidate in that case.


Scanned and e-mailed in this day and age is good enough for every company I know. Even in Australia, where of course generally you have to get your farts certified by a JP before they count.......

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Express post certainly. But I know employers in my line of work would not accept fax or emailed (electronically signed) contracts.


I signed, then scanned the document and emailed it for the current position I am in. Most establishments are happy to accept that method as it's pretty standard these days.

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Wolfaussie!! I've read a few of your posts, I seriously don't think your going to struggle to find work but I do understand you want the job to fly home to. I don't get in this day and age why you can't sign a contract, scan it in and voila, it's arrived in OZ that day??? seriously, I do think when you land in OZ, you will find the jobs, I can't back it up with evidence, I just think if you want to get back to OZ, do it and you will be surprised, just my advice........

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thanks jessie its more to make my girlfriend happy having something lined up. shes a teacher and a lot of people down playing her chances of finding work so it would make her feel a lot more relaxed knowing we wont have to sponge off my folks

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Hi Wolfaussie! I can only speak from experience but I think the biggest factor here in OZ is confidence!! My friend is a teacher (from Ireland) she earned about $300 a day casual until she got her teachers 'accreditation' then her wages bumped to $500 a day, casual and no certainty of work every day and obviously no holiday pay etc! She's a plucky gal and I con honestly say it was her confidence and tenacity that gets her the work. I was a very successful manager in UK, worked my way to the top through hard work and knowing my stuff, moving to OZ was a hard knock for me as I'm not a confident pushy person and I'm not a blagger but I can honestly say, confidence and blagging in addition to the right connections gets you the job, unfortunately that's the way it seems to be here and I meet many pushy people who talk the talk, can't walk the walk but their well connected, you need the confidence to network and blag here!! And also, make sure you've got loads of wonderful stuff on your thumb drive before you leave!!!

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so this is going to be trouble isnt it for me. it will take two weeks for contract to get back to them, when I told them originally I couldnt come for six weeks they said they would go with another candidate in that case.


Scan it in and email it back. Then send it as well. That way they have it and you have evidence that you have sent it (as email counts in law). If you don't have a scanner, PC World do scanning at their counter. Sometimes they can do it the same day, sometimes it takes a couple of days, depending on how busy they are.

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but dont they need to sign send to me (so I know they signed it). then takes 5 days to get here then the same back. My mum sent me olympic tickets from aus express post took 4 or 5 daya


No they can scan and email it as well.

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