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Do we underappreciate London?

Red Rose

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A case of don't know what you've got until it's gone :) ...temporarily at least in your case :)


Your commute sounds bad even by Australian standards which as you know aren't quite copenhagenized :)


Good to see London looking to step up to the next level though...really think it will add to the city...Dublin has made some great improvements as well. I must stop watching all those helmet cam videos the London cyclist commuters put on youtube of screaming matches with car drivers...sounds like I'm getting things out of proportion... :)



Love these dutch roundabouts...great if London gets them: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-22347184

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Guest Guest 47403
No, really


No he hasn't he's full of shite, if he'd have done that he would been pestering us for months for sponsorship which he hasn't!! ...................but Dom your probably the most gullible on here so yes he is a total hero give him you credit card number PMSL

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No he hasn't he's full of shite, if he'd have done that he would been pestering us for months for sponsorship which he hasn't!! ...................but Dom your probably the most gullible on here so yes he is a total hero give him you credit card number PMSL


have you heard that the Oxford English Dictionary are removing that word from their next edition?

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Guest Guest 47403
have you heard that the Oxford English Dictionary are removing that word from their next edition?



There's a new entry in the Oxford consise it's some hanger on from Geelong that's in to the Smiths PMSL

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Is london worth living in while your young even if your skint/or a student? Just found a girl from here moved down there recently, im not sure what shes working as though but i dont think she was at uni or anything. Just wondering, it seems a really cool place to live but sounds really expensive. I imagine its not very fun if your skint!

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I'm leaving there after 14 years. When my partner and I were childless it was great, but with a child - no way. Too many hooligans, knife crime, wannabe gangstas trying to look tough by harrasing mothers with their kids (yes, that happens), and an awful work-life balance. Taxes are high and if you want your children to have a decent education then you have a further £16k tax per child paying for public school.


The health system is completely overloaded and even ex-government staunch left wingers I know are resorting to taking their children to private GPs to get a proper diagnosis when they're ill. Getting to work is an ordeal as the public transport sucks - don't listen to tourists who say it's great, talk to commuters who travel in rush hour to find the truth.


Like I said, great when single or childless, but definitely not the place to raise a family.



Lived in the South London Suburbs my entire life. I'm sorry but I don't recognise the City your describing! As the mother of two kids who have been educated and brought up here Ican honestly say we've never experienced any of the things you mention.

They've had excellent educations my eldest leaving the local state secondary school with 11 GCSE's at grades B - A*. And yes we're leavng for Oz next year, but not because I hate this place, just cos we need to experience everything life has to offer.

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I love it too! Been loads now - and always find something new to do! We even managed to take mum down there last September for my brother's 40th (she gets dizzy getting to the next village!). Haha - she loved it too. Love drinks on the Tattershall Castle (boat on the Thames) - spent a few days there drinking! For my bro's birthday we went to the Ivy (oooh get me!). I was pleasantly surprised actually. Don't normally go in for owt like that - but, the food was amazing!! And, I thought not that much more expensive than one of the flash pubs in our village - so highly recommended! You can't beat the buzz of London - never felt it anywhere else! :)




Lol, The Tattershall Castle. Great place to spend a Friday eve after work!

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Loads of parks, loads of room. Even some of the central parks (Hyde Park and Regents Park for example) are massive. Further out there are some vast tracts. Wimbledon Common for example, Richmond Park, Victoria Park in East London, Hampstead Heath - these are big spaces



Live on the doorstep of Richmond Park. Don't underestimate the size of that place. Great views of London from the hill. Has one of the lat remaining vistas through to St Paul's Cathedral from Henry VII mound. It's rumoured that he stood on that mound to wait for the smoke signal that Anne Boleyn had been executed.

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I love London, lived there for most of my adult life before moving down here 6 months ago. It's possible to love it and appreciate it and also appreciate other great cities too.


It can be a hard place to live though - even dyed in the wool born and bred Londoners have their days when they absolutely hate the place and find it infuriating living there. But this is balanced with great days too. It does have an energy that's unique to itself. But also, some people believe it's the only / best city in the world but the truth is other places excel too, in a different way.


It has become a city of extremes though more recently,of wealth and poverty, and i think that's sad. I worked based in Mayfair for years but also for years worked in the poorest areas of London, and have seen both sides. What you can say about London is that it's an endlessly fascinating place because it's always changing, and changes fast - and its hard to ever know all there is to know, or experience everything there is to experience there - which can't be said about too many cities.

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Sorry got to disagree with the people who like and love London , born and bred East London worked and lived there all my life and cant wait to do the off , over crowded , dirty, crime ridden place, people with no time for each over , people trying to have you over , got to be on your guard at all times , bloody tourists , crap packed underground in the summer , drugs is rife , seen and done most things London has to offer and every one I know wants to get out of there , Ive seen first hand experience when someone is a victim of crime what it can do to people , yes it has some great places and I will miss it (West Ham) but not for me anymore and not for the future of my daughter

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Sorry got to disagree with the people who like and love London , born and bred East London worked and lived there all my life and cant wait to do the off , over crowded , dirty, crime ridden place, people with no time for each over , people trying to have you over , got to be on your guard at all times , bloody tourists , crap packed underground in the summer , drugs is rife , seen and done most things London has to offer and every one I know wants to get out of there , Ive seen first hand experience when someone is a victim of crime what it can do to people , yes it has some great places and I will miss it (West Ham) but not for me anymore and not for the future of my daughter

You can't appreciate it fully as you still live in London, wait until you move away then reassess how you feel.

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It has a little of everything for everyone. Having lived here for all my life still love the city but no longer in love with it. Is changing too fast and struggling to keep up with it. Perhaps it's me getting older! With 2 small children have my doubts to their safety in schools and the streets with the use of weapons. My day 2 kids had a problem it was a good old fashion fight, now knifes and even guns are involved. It appears we are going backward, with the people that have to those who have not and resentment is settling in. With all it's faults it is still the city of opportunity. Though I love the place I have the conclusion that it's not a great place to raise a family.

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It has a little of everything for everyone. Having lived here for all my life still love the city but no longer in love with it. Is changing too fast and struggling to keep up with it. Perhaps it's me getting older! With 2 small children have my doubts to their safety in schools and the streets with the use of weapons. My day 2 kids had a problem it was a good old fashion fight, now knifes and even guns are involved. It appears we are going backward, with the people that have to those who have not and resentment is settling in. With all it's faults it is still the city of opportunity. Though I love the place I have the conclusion that it's not a great place to raise a family.


​Sounds like most cities in the world.....certainly in Australia

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