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Damned mossies !! one of the most dangerous creatures on the planet !


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I understand that OFF! repellant is good for midges, which are so much worse than mozzies. You have to use it if you live here - they should put the sign up at the airport! Cornflour works on the bits but makes your legs look funny. Ask people who live near you as you need local knowledge as to the best repellant for "your" area's insects.

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Excellent! Just what I need to hear. I get bitten all year round with mozzies, I currently have 2 bites...they get me through my clothing. They are a menace. I wish there was a way off wiping them out completely, I can't see what purpose they serve in the ecosystem other than spreading deadly diseases. I am scarred from a trip to Thailand a couple of years ago where I became very sick after being bitten multiple times. Same thing happened in Fiji last November...ruined my holiday! Apparently vitamin B complex is supposed to be really effective, also helps prevent sunburn - added bonus! I have been meaning to try it for ages I reckon I'll go out & buy it today. I hear Avon's skin so soft works wonders too. Used to get it in the green welly shops back in Scotland. The midgies are fierce there. Apparently Mel Gibson swears by it...was used during filming of braveheart!

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Due to recent rain in QLD lots of places are having problems with Mosquito's. I never viewed them as 'evil' or one of the most dangerous creatures on the planet before but after reading this ,to an extent i agree.



I knew that they kill more people than any other animal on the planet - but only because I learnt it recently on the QI program:wubclub:


Another interesting fact I learnt recently from the History Cold Case program is that malaria was a problem in the UK in the past. I've always associated it with hot climates but apparently that's not always so.

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I hate them, they have been an absolute pain in the ()$& here lately, I spray myself, but they still pester ..... Oh has more bites than I do.

i have bought a few gadgets but they seem immune to anything, I agree about them being dangerous, totally, they are pointless and should be EXTERMINATED :arghh: they are also the cause of heart worm disease in dogs ......


nuke em is what I say :yes: oh and don't get me onto the subject of brimming ants :wub: I am sick of insects, I am going to Harte them rent soon ...... Insect rant over

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  • 4 months later...

One of the best solutions I have found for stopping them biting is citronella. Add a couple of drops to a base cream (available in places like the Body Shop) and mix in well. Then coat yourself in it. When I put it on, they bite my husband instead. He won't put it on as he thinks it is girlie.


Don't do it if you are going to Canada and plan to go up the mountains or in the backcountry. While it does repel midges and mozzies, it attracts bears and their bite is much worse. :wideeyed:

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One of the best solutions I have found for stopping them biting is citronella. Add a couple of drops to a base cream (available in places like the Body Shop) and mix in well. Then coat yourself in it. When I put it on, they bite my husband instead. He won't put it on as he thinks it is girlie.


Don't do it if you are going to Canada and plan to go up the mountains or in the backcountry. While it does repel midges and mozzies, it attracts bears and their bite is much worse. :wideeyed:


At least with a bear you can see where the fecker is!


When I go on hols I take a garlic and a vit b tablet every day and touch wood never had a bite. Evne in Cuba when we were surrounded by a swamp and others were being bit me and mine were fine so will ship loads over with me

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A couple of months ago I was bitten and and had a sever reaction to the bite. My ankles , knees and shoulders all became very painful and stiff. I was started on antibiotics and had to have blood tests. The blood tests came back clear of all dangerous infections and my doctor just told me I had just been unlucky to pick up an infection the way I did. After a week on antibiotics the pain subsided and after the second week everything cleared up. Don't ignore the mozzie risk it is real and can be very painful even for the non serious infections that they carry.

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Yep Citronella works well, we used to put Citronella oil, in a couple of old lamps and light them. You can even keep a Citronella plant on your patio as well. Skin so Soft by Avon works well as a repellant. We now have the Off clip on fans that you attach to a belt, and they seem to work fine as well.


We have the same problems in Canada with mozzies, and blackflies. I think the worst bites though are Deer/Horse fly bites, they take a chunk out you.


Mozzies are nasty as they carry viruses as well. Haven't heard too much this year about West Nile Virus in Canada, although it is still July !.


Best thing to do, is wear long pants and long sleeves. Also they don't like smoke too much either !





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