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Having a child in Australia


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My husband and I have been granted our visa (skilled independent) and we are going to activate at Easter. We currently have a 15 month old and would love to have another child. Our dilemma is do we stay in the UK until we have a second child and then pay for a visa (takes about 9 months to be issued) at a cost of £2000 or do we move to Brisbane and have a child there? Not really sure how much medical costs will be and what if anything we would be eligible for. I would be in a higher risk group as i have a higher BMI and a hernia. I am also apprehensive about giving birth and having a newborn and in a place where I don't really know anyone!! Any useful comments/advice would be welcomed, especially from anyone who has done it!

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You may have to pay for some bloodtests or scans, but maternity care under public hospitals is free. I guess it depends on your support network and how much support you feel you would need when the baby is born.


I don't know much about child visa's - but I guess you can't tell for certain when you would get pregnant, you would obviously want to stay for some support (if you've decided to have a child in the UK), so that may add (how many months), before you think that you could make the move with a new baby - potentially, how long would you be delaying your move for? Have you validated your visa's? If not then if cost is an issue, you'll end up having to validate (expensive holiday), to return to the UK, then get the child visa and then migrate.

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Personally I think you'd be daft to try and start afresh in a new pklace with a newborn, it's stressful enough as it is and is exponentially harder with 2. If you have family support take full advantage of it and worry about emigrating later.

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Guess it depends on how much of a priority the 2nd child is like you want it now so there is small gap between them or you are happy to wait another year or so in which case you could move and settle a bit then try for number 2. Personally I would make the move first as the extra cost and time of child visa together with having 2 young children on the flight would all be avoided and there is no way of knowing how quickly you would conceive if waiting here just for that sequence of events could be months if you are unlucky/stressed

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Personally I think you'd be daft to try and start afresh in a new pklace with a newborn, it's stressful enough as it is and is exponentially harder with 2. If you have family support take full advantage of it and worry about emigrating later.



Why - its not that bad. Its not as if she is a first time mum and doesnt know what to expect. I came over 29 weeks pregnant, maternity care was excellent, I had a lot of complications and was very ill after, in hospital for 3 weeks. They even moved me back to the maternity unit in a single room so I could have my baby stay with me, wouldnt have got that in UK! didnt have to pay for anything on PR. You will soon find mums groups etc and make friends. Also, I thought it was easier as if I had it in UK and the family etc got to know her straight away it would be harder taking her away from them. It could take years to get pregnant again anyway - what if the visa runs out while your waiting? Worked for us anyway.

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Well, I came with a 3 year old, one who was 1 year 10 months and 3 months pregnant with my 3rd. If you are an independent type of person you won't have any trouble. I survived and so did my OH. He took time off, totally unpaid then, to look after the boys whilst I was in hospital.

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Having kids is not an easy ride. We had a 2 year old when we came and my missus wanted another. I wasn't that fussed, one would have been plenty. We ended up waiting a few years and there is a 5 year gap between them. Gave us time to settle, get a house, jobs, see how much spare cash we were going to have. For some reason I think, women in particular, don't take the expense side into account. The hormones take over and their answer is "everyone else manages".


Sometimes it can be the last straw for the relationship instead of making it better.


Having our 2nd one here was a breeze and didn't cost anything. Had it in the mother and baby centre where it was like being in a hotel, with the added bonus of the hospital and all facilities next door. As it turned out we needed then as the youngest had a breathing problem and was in intensive care for a few days.

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If you are independent, self sufficient and a confident parent and assume that you will be totally reliant on your own resources then why not have a child in Australia - people are having babies all the time, quite successfully. Medicare covers pretty much all the costs - but if you want private (doctor of your choice etc) then there is a waiting period in your private health cover ie insure before getting pregnant!

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Glad you found it easy. Personally I find having a newborn and an older one the hardest thing I've ever done and wish to god I had family support right now.


I didnt say it was easy! Having Pulmonary Oedema and then Post Partum Cardio Myopathy 2 days after an Emergency C section, 7 weeks after you move to a new country and dont know anyone except your husband is certainly not easy! But sometimes you just have to get on with things and not expect your family to do it all for you.

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If you are independent, self sufficient and a confident parent and assume that you will be totally reliant on your own resources then why not have a child in Australia - people are having babies all the time, quite successfully. Medicare covers pretty much all the costs - but if you want private (doctor of your choice etc) then there is a waiting period in your private health cover ie insure before getting pregnant!


I think you're right about the self sufficiency. We had a lot of people around us but very little practical support when whe had our children - we just put our heads down and got on with it.

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