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Who really cares what the beaches are like?


We live not far from the Gold Coast but it is over 6 months since we went near a beach....they bore me to tears unless I am fishing.


I got over them years ago....I read on here that some people go every day...WTF???


am I unusual???

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Guest chris955

No, you arent unusual. We lived in Brisbane 12 years and went to the beach perhaps 15 times so it wasnt important to us. I wonder what these people that go every day actually do when there ?

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We have been once in 6 years.

I dont understand the attraction of beaches all the time,,,either.

That seems to be all some people think life in Aus is about though, beaches,barbies and a better way of life for thier children,,,,,how many times do we read that on forums???

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A waste of a day. Having to cram the car full of crap, lug it down there, smother yourself Factor 40 because sunbathing is actually, k'now, quite dangerous, before sitting there squinting and secretly looking at your watch for it to be time to go home. It's ok for a early morning or late night stroll, but every day?. Just how possible is it to enjoy the "majestical spectacle of crashing waves and rolling sandszzzzzzz etc?"

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I live one km from the beach and haven't been this summer - I do feel a bit guilty but there is always something better to do. I do cycle along the path alongside the coast for miles but sand in your cycle shorts isn't much fun :)

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A waste of a day. Having to cram the car full of crap, lug it down there, smother yourself Factor 40 because sunbathing actually, k'now, quite dangerous, before sitting there squinting and secretly looking at your watch for it to be time to go home. It's ok for a early morning or late night stroll, but every day?. Just how possible is it to enjoy the "majestical spectacle of crashing waves and rolling sandszzzzzzz etc?"

This is sooo true...lol

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One of the things I really miss is the beach. I'm living in Brisbane and can't be arsed to go (long boring drive) , although some parts (Manly boardwalk) I enjoy. Growing up in Brighton, UK, had a view of the sea from my bedroom window, down the beach in all weathers for a bracing walk - even swam in the sewage as a youngster - aah happy days. Give me pebbles and a good seafront pub any day. And a cheesy pier!!

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I don't like going to the beach, it's boring, the flies follow me and I just get really hot and sweaty and the fact u have to cover yourself in sun cream, it's mental. All that hassle for a couple of hours of hiding under a sun shelter isn't worth it, I would rather never see a beach again. Lol

Also I wouldn't dare go to the beach in this heat, it's just too hot for me, where as the hubby loves it all, he's been snorkelling and been on his mates boat today. I've been hiding indoors with the fan on. Xx

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We live very close to the Beach ( Bournemouth/ Southbourne) to be honest we hardly ever go, kids get so bored there, They would rather go down the river fishing or weymouth to the rock pool. The only time now we go to the Beach is to watch the air show!

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I live one km from the beach and haven't been this summer - I do feel a bit guilty but there is always something better to do. I do cycle along the path alongside the coast for miles but sand in your cycle shorts isn't much fun :)


So knowing I might just look back and regret not making the most of it, my son was told we were going to the beach! We normally cycle but to actually do beach stuff there's too much to carry so I packed the car for a 1km drive and fretted about whether we'd get parked but we did. Sandcastle building was the order of the morning and I got away with being an active observer for quite a while, to be honest I was bored though! Lunch at the cafe then back to the beach, I was determined to get my son in the sea and was delighted to not only get him in but for the first time I got him on a body board and he even caught a couple of waves. We did have fun :) Even my son saw the irony and said 'we live here four years and only now I learn to body board'.


Camping in the bush this weekend :)

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Beaches aren't for sitting on or eating! Walk in the water and your feet will feel wonderful (sand, salt and minerals), surf, jet ski, boogie board, swim, skim board, join in a game of beach volley ball or play cricket with the kids. Or exercise by walking in the soft sand (boy it hurts after a while), look for shells like a kid, clamber over the rocks and look in the rock pools, take dogs to a deserted beach and let them free, take a ball or watch the pelicans playing with a dog by flying back and forth whilst the dog chases it's shadow, watch a dog discover the little blue crabs that pop up and scurry across the sand - they think they are balls. Or simply look at the waves and know that life is like surfing the waves and goes down but then back up again and the waves are eternal. Good for the soul. I have a problem though as I also love mountains and rolling green hills and finding that combination in Australia is not easy! And the best time at the beach in Oz is when the sun isn't shining and the beaches are quiet! Then go and have a great cup of coffee!

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I agree with fizzy, beaches are great, but not for sitting on your arse.


When we go, admittedly only a handful of times during summer, the boys love trying to catch those little blue crabs you mentioned, rock pools, sandcastles, big holes.


And then theres the sea! Theres nothing quite like body surfing for sheer unadulterated fun. Snorkelling is good fun too.

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Its what ever floats your boat i suppose. If I had a choice of lugging fold up tables and chairs, sun tents, full UV suits, eskies.... ect ect... to the beach or just turning up and chilling out I know what one i'd choose.






or this


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Its what ever floats your boat i suppose. If I had a choice of lugging fold up tables and chairs, sun tents, full UV suits, eskies.... ect ect... to the beach or just turning up and chilling out I know what one i'd choose.






or this



I wouldnt mind being the bloke in the 2nd pic, I mean, have you seen the of his wife's knockers?? No wonder he's laughing, the lucky bastard.

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I wouldnt mind being the bloke in the 2nd pic, I mean, have you seen the of his wife's knockers?? No wonder he's laughing, the lucky bastard.





:biglaugh:Trust you!. There's always a silver lining!

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