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Perth for Singletons?


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I've always been very honest in my reasons for leaving anywhere, no reason not to.

Indeed backpackers moving on is the very nature of the beast. And this nonsense about having to work on a farm these days, what's that about.


You don't have to work on a farm, just work in a regional area and by completing this you're entitled to apply for a 2nd WHV

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Well I would like to be different and say Life is what you make it !!! Yes I am married with 2 young children, we could stay indoors all the time and play on the computers etc & do nothing else but we dont we are out and about most of the time there are loads of place to visit that cost nothing.

I have been here before 10 years a go and did the whole back packing thing. I stayed in the City when to Northbridge, clubs, pubs, Friends houses, Drive in movies, Joined fit clubs in the park. There are meet up groups for all different types of people weather you are into photography, football, running, over 40 over 50 social groups you name it you can find it.

Yes Perth is a bit behind on things but this can be a good thing I feel safer here than UK, We don't work all hours to pay for a house we cant afford & people still have time to get together. If there is something you really want to do organise it & invite people.

Sydney is great for young people bars clubs etc but Being young and single comes to an end at some point & you need to think ahead too.


Anyway good luck with what you decide.


Remember Life is what you make it as you only have one chance :-)

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Is perth boring...? You name me another city in Australia which gets bashed as much as perth does on this site..? Must tell you something....!


Tells me there are people who jump on the band wagon of Perth Bashing when they might not have even been.

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but Being young and single comes to an end at some point & you need to think ahead too.

And then you have five short years that go like lightening when you have small children and then you have to think of their social lives as they grow up too.


My almost 18 year old tells me they've been glad to have had their teenage years here in Perth, my friends 21 year old is out most weekends socialising - they seem to be doing ok

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Tells me there are people who jump on the band wagon of Perth Bashing when they might not have even been.

If that's true why not bash the other cities as well..? All I'm saying is that it gets a lot of negative views from single people to married family's . Can't recall often sydney, Melbourne , aderlaid etc getting quite as much negative posts as perth. And yes perth also gets praise too but more negative than positive

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I'm torn i'll be honest. Half of me thinks Perth is up and coming and therefore there will be more opportunities and if everyone from the East coast hates it then all the better for my kids, less competition for everything. Maybe we can be the ones to pioneer all the developments, implement the new systems and be at the forefront of bringing Perth onto the global stage.

And then I worry that the Perthians are perfectly happy as they are, no intention of moving forward and it'll be impossible to convince them of the benefits and that will become depressing and draining after a while, in the meantime the kids could be getting more opportunities elsewhere.

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If that's true why not bash the other cities as well..? All I'm saying is that it gets a lot of negative views from single people to married family's . Can't recall often sydney, Melbourne , aderlaid etc getting quite as much negative posts as perth. And yes perth also gets praise too but more negative than positive


It does get a lot of bashing I think because it's 'the thing' to do. The Group page for Perth (perfect Perth) on this site has more members than any other - so equally there are a lot of people who enjoy living there, but perhaps they don't feel that they have to justify why they like it as much as those that don't?

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My children came to Perth as 5 and 8 year olds. They are now 26 and 29. They have both had a good education and are very happy and settled in their lives. They have both travelled the world and came back to Perth because it is where they want to settle. My eldest is now married ... the other in a long term relationship and heading that way. They both say that Perth is where they want to live and bring up their children. Perth is different to every other city in Australia as it is so isolated - it is a sort of hybrid I suppose in a way as it is so far away from influences from other cities so has devolved into it's own lovely self. Yes it is backward in some ways, but it has so very many advantages in others. I am English, originated from London, and have lived and worked around the world. But Perth is where I call HOME.

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Is perth boring...? You name me another city in Australia which gets bashed as much as perth does on this site..? Must tell you something....!


Because all of those who actually enjoy living in Perth are out doing something and not stuck behind a keyboard (like the resident whingers on here!).


Must dash, off to the beach before heading out to lunch.... :laugh:

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Because all of those who actually enjoy living in Perth are out doing something and not stuck behind a keyboard (like the resident whingers on here!).


Must dash, off to the beach before heading out to lunch.... :laugh:


I guess some of us need more stimulation than the beach though, simple things for simple minds.

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I guess some of us need more stimulation than the beach though, simple things for simple minds.


I don't go to the beach much (actually not been for over a year) .. but I do find that comment rather insulting to those who enjoy it

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They do actually serve those at Royal Garden Parties!


I know ..... you'd think they'd run to something else. I remember doing my hostess badge at Brownies and we went to a big house for a garden party and made cucumber sandwiches

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I know ..... you'd think they'd run to something else. I remember doing my hostess badge at Brownies and we went to a big house for a garden party and made cucumber sandwiches


My Dad was in the RAF and was invited to a Buck House garden party in 1991. He was allowed to take his wife and any unmarried daughters so as I wasn't married until the year after so I went along. I thought it was hilarious they had cucumber sandwiches with the crusts cut off, it seemed such a cliche!

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