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Has anyone ever moved back to the UK and thought it was a bad move for their kids?


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Hi all,


just wondering if anyone has gone back 'home' and regretted it, not for themselves but for their kids?


We live on the goldcoast and life here is great but we just can't envisage a future due to cost of living. If I am to stay here forever I want to buy a home and build for the future. I left the UK for financial reasons I thought an 80k a year salary was too hard to turn down only to find out it's so expensive here 80k doesn't go that far with a family of five.


My dilemma is we all love it here, we feel the kids are having a great time and if we go back it will be the same old same old. Asda on wet weekends instead of the beach or wet n wild.........


I am not concerned about the kids future as schooling back home is better it's more the fun side of things in life.



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Personally I don't think cost of living is a good enough reason to go back and you will definately regret it.

You can adjust your lifestyle in Oz. Lots of things you can do for free, beaches etc.

And you can shop cheaper if you ask advice and know how to do it.

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I'm sure there are some, I'm just not sure on the specificity of those who think it's been bad for their kids


Try going to the Advanced Search section and searching for "ping pong" in the Moving Back to the UK sub-forum. That should give you a number of threads from people who have moved back and then returned, or considered it, or similar



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We found after being here a while that it seems to be you can have the lifestyle but wont get rich quick in Aus. To us, as long as we can get by, live a decent life and have fun, a fat wallet or bulging bank account isnt important. Dont get me wrong,in the UK we had alot of 'spare cash' ,my hubby was very money orientated and it did take him quite a few years to adjust once we had moved here.


Would we go back to the UK because of it?,,,- Not a chance in hell,lol, you dont need to be rich to have lots of fun over here.


Cal x

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We found after being here a while that it seems to be you can have the lifestyle but wont get rich quick in Aus. To us, as long as we can get by, live a decent life and have fun, a fat wallet or bulging bank account isnt important. Dont get me wrong,in the UK we had alot of 'spare cash' ,my hubby was very money orientated and it did take him quite a few years to adjust once we had moved here.


Would we go back to the UK because of it?,,,- Not a chance in hell,lol, you dont need to be rich to have lots of fun over here.


Cal x

You dont ave to be rich to have great fun in the UK.

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I think you'd regret giving it all up. We did but were lucky that a miracle allowed us to come back to Aus and we are slowly but surely building our lives back up here. ( http://www.pomsinoz.com/forum/moving-back-uk/140638-think-hard-before-giving-all-up-aus.html thread explains our situation). Before making such a drastic decision to return to the UK can you not try managing your money more efficiently? We are having to be careful with every cent this second time around as we spent a fortune on moving back to the UK, moving back to Aus and having to have our things shipped, along with our dog, back and forward. The website simplesavings.com.au helped us enormously. You can browse around for free or subscribe to a membership to have access to loads more great advice and information. It's amazing how little you can live on if you really put thought into it. Best of luck with everything.

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Hi all,


I am very careful with our finances to be honest, we have cut down our food shopping, drinking, eating out etc... but it's getting harder. I think we'd be ok if we were residents but we are currently on a 457 which has zero benefits. There are lots of great things to do for free I agree that's why we love it here. My youngest starts pre school this month which is setting us back financially but she really does need to go before she starts school. I visit to the bosses office for a payrise is in order haha.


I won't give up on Oz that easily, I enjoy my job (especially with a payrise) and once all 3 of our kids are at school I am sure the missus can pick up a part time job so a year down the line we may have a different outlook financially. I just wondered if taking the kids back would affect them.....my eldest who's nine loves it here, I think if we took her back she'd certainly move here again later in life.


Family are a big pull but always will be, I am trying to do what is best for my family. Our friends returned home for personal reasons and are back here now, they didn't have alot of positives and her kids where not as happy as they had been here......they are loving it second time round.


I do agree perthbum that the UK does have a great deal of offerings but just feel my kids are a little better off here.



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It will definately help if you can get your wife working too at some point, but I know it is hard with young kids if you don't have grandparents around or others to babysit.

Hang in there though. It will be worth it.

Once your kids are all at school and your wife can do some work, that will help.

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Guest Guest80482

We live on the Gold Coast and absolutely love the lifestyle. There are definately more things to do here than the UK that cost nothing, admittedly most are down to the excellent climate we have. Young kids have far more options to occupy them here than I ever did back home and I'm sure that will be grateful in the long run if your stayed.

I agree the cost of living is high in Australia, I'm sure it'll help once your wife can add to your income when all the kids are at school.

If you could afford to buy at the moment it'd be the best time with mortgage rates down and house prices at the bottom. WE came out on a 457 visa and you can get a mortgage on that visa it'd maybe worth a trip to visit the mortgage advisor so you know what the repayments would be. I'm sure it helps people settle if they own their own home.

Good Luck with the pay rise.

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I think a family of 5 will struggle wherever you live. Like you say there are a lot of things to keep your youngsters occupied here that are free or very cheap. Once they get a bit older they can get about on there own and maybe visit friends and the beach without you having to be involved.


Good luck.

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I think a family of 5 will struggle wherever you live. Like you say there are a lot of things to keep your youngsters occupied here that are free or very cheap. Once they get a bit older they can get about on there own and maybe visit friends and the beach without you having to be involved.


Good luck.



I agree with Paul. We are a family of 5 who moved back to the UK 18 months ago. We are still experiencing the same financial pressures as we were in Oz simply because I am unable to work as many hours as I would like due to the cost of childcare,which mirrors the situation we were in when we lived in Oz. My oldest child has settled fairly well but my middle child is very homesick and begs us to go home to Australia,which is heartbreaking though She is slightly happier this year because her teacher is Australian! It has been hard to watch our happy outgoing energetic child become so sad and introverted and know that we are responsible for that. We are lucky that we are all Australian citizens and we now know that we will return to Oz in the next few years. There are many positives about being in the UK and we try to focus on these things, though that can be hard at times. We just know that for our family living here is not going to work long term. We are finding that the education here in the Uk is better but we were unhappy with the school they were in in Oz so maybe just changing schools would have sorted that out. We live in North West London and find that there is lots of things to to in and around London that are free,such as the museums and art galleries , there are also some beautiful parklands that have lovely walks and play areas , but I do worry about what will happen when they are teenagers. I just think long term they will have a better life in Australia, so I am counting the days till we can go back. Really just staying here now because of my husbands job. He feels that he needs the experience this job will offer him so he can earn more when we go back . My advice to the OP would be if possible don't come home until your family has citizenship because that will give you all more options if you do regret it. Even if your children don't use that option until they are adults it might help them in the future .

" if we go back it will be the same old same old. Asda on wet weekends instead of the beach or wet n wild.........


I am not concerned about the kids future as schooling back home is better it's more the fun side of things in life. "


Think seriously about this , because I have learned at the expense of my children's happiness , that to them these things are worth thinking about.

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We live on the Gold Coast and absolutely love the lifestyle. There are definately more things to do here than the UK that cost nothing, admittedly most are down to the excellent climate we have. Young kids have far more options to occupy them here than I ever did back home and I'm sure that will be grateful in the long run if your stayed.

I agree the cost of living is high in Australia, I'm sure it'll help once your wife can add to your income when all the kids are at school.

If you could afford to buy at the moment it'd be the best time with mortgage rates down and house prices at the bottom. WE came out on a 457 visa and you can get a mortgage on that visa it'd maybe worth a trip to visit the mortgage advisor so you know what the repayments would be. I'm sure it helps people settle if they own their own home.

Good Luck with the pay rise.

Just out of interest what things can you do in oz that you can't do in the UK? I have found nothing I can't do here as oppressed to oz, please don't give me the chestnut of the weather as you can still do any sport or activity when it s raining unless you are not committed.

apart from last year I have not been rained off playing golf since I have been back, it has been very dry the 4 years previous.

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I think a family of 5 will struggle wherever you live. Like you say there are a lot of things to keep your youngsters occupied here that are free or very cheap. Once they get a bit older they can get about on there own and maybe visit friends and the beach without you having to be involved.


Good luck.

And so much free stuff to do in th Uk if role can be arsed to motivate themselves.

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Just out of interest what things can you do in oz that you can't do in the UK? I have found nothing I can't do here as oppressed to oz, please don't give me the chestnut of the weather as you can still do any sport or activity when it s raining unless you are not committed.

apart from last year I have not been rained off playing golf since I have been back, it has been very dry the 4 years previous.

It's not the kids who don't like the weather...it is the parents and their lack of imagination. Kids will play happily in any weather. There is an awful lot of projection from parents on these type of posts

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It's not the kids who don't like the weather...it is the parents and their lack of imagination. Kids will play happily in any weather. There is an awful lot of projection from parents on these type of posts


Really? The majority of people would prefer to be outdoors in sunny warm weather because its a more pleasurable experience and it gives people more options to do things. Fair enough, the occasional rainy day and a dreary overcast sky here and there can be exciting so that you can jump in puddles, watch a good DVD and watch the veggie patch get a watering. My kids are much happier playing in the sunshine here in Perth and so am I!

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Really? The majority of people would prefer to be outdoors in sunny warm weather because its a more pleasurable experience and it gives people more options to do things. Fair enough, the occasional rainy day and a dreary overcast sky here and there can be exciting so that you can jump in puddles, watch a good DVD and watch the veggie patch get a watering. My kids are much happier playing in the sunshine here in Perth and so am I!

You really call being outside in the type of weather a lot of places are now experiencing 'pleasurable'?

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