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I'm listening on line to the number one rating radio 2GB 'Alan Jones' www.2gb.com.au


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You have to be kidding! Alan Jones appeals to the most rusted on right wing, xenophobic, misogynistic section of Sydney radio.

He's crossed the decency line so many times it's remarkable that he's still allowed to broadcast.

I can't see him surviving in any other place in Australia.


By all means get a feel for that section of the Sydney audience, but realise that many Australians would like to see him hung, drawn and quartered.


By a certain appendage.

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Personally, I don't care where my threads go. From A (CDC) to Z (Z Top) and back again. It's nice just to have someone, anyone, reply to them. And when I'm down the pub talking to friends, I don't expect the conversation to just stick to football, or whatever we start talking about.


That's fine, but what about the scones?

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The ABC and Fairfax hate 2GB because it DOES reflect what most Aussies are interested and concerned about.


The demographic of most 2GB listeners are older, rusted on right wing voting, Sydneysiders.

This group is not "most Aussies".


To gain an insight into the Jones phenomenon read the book "Jonestown: The Power and the Myth of Alan Jones" by Chris Masters.

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You have to be kidding! Alan Jones appeals to the most rusted on right wing, xenophobic, misogynistic section of Sydney radio.

He's crossed the decency line so many times it's remarkable that he's still allowed to broadcast.

I can't see him surviving in any other place in Australia.


By all means get a feel for that section of the Sydney audience, but realise that many Australians would like to see him hung, drawn and quartered.


Not that many, as it happens, otherwise his show, and Ray Hadley's would not be the most popular in Australia. How elitist to depict his tens of thousands of listeners as unrepresentative of 'real' Australians, just because they are all middle aged, middle (and working) class, and white.

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I don't mind the ABC, to be honest, and I'm always listening to JJJ but I loathe Q & A for the way that they pack both audience and panel with left-leaning people. Who is the 702 guy in Melbourne? Jon someone? Faine?


John Faine 774 I do listen to him if I am in the car, he has his role call of usual phone in people, they must have the ABC on quick dial lol. Sometimes its interesting sometimes less than interesting. I used to listen to Phillip Adams as well a lot when driving home from work.


I do like the conversation hour on 774, that is when I become one of those annoying slow drivers if its an interesting array of guests.

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John Faine 774 I do listen to him if I am in the car, he has his role call of usual phone in people, they must have the ABC on quick dial lol. Sometimes its interesting sometimes less than interesting. I used to listen to Phillip Adams as well a lot when driving home from work.


I do like the conversation hour on 774, that is when I become one of those annoying slow drivers if its an interesting array of guests.


I often tune into 702/Newsradio/RN in the car when I'm not listening to rock music. It's just that the ABC is paid for by all Australians but they always to seem to promote the views of just one side, i.e. the left. So, if you DON'T hate Israel, the USA, Tony Abbott, 2GB, believe in the new 'climate change' religion, endorse unlimited refugee intake, then you won't be allowed a voice.


Watch Q & A. The audience is always packed with left wingers and the panel always has an imbalance. They never fail to invite 'God's' of the left like Billy Bragg!

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To give people an idea of how well Alan Jones represents 'ordinary' Australians here is a interesting measurement of his value as a commentator.


One of his most recent controversies provoked some activity on the change.org website, his critics raised over 100 000 signatories which resulted in more than 60 companies withdrawing their advertising support from his program. http://www.change.org/alanjones


His supporters? Well judge for yourself: http://www.change.org/petitions/2gb-do-not-sack-alan-jones 76 signatories

http://www.change.org/en-AU/petitions/support-alan-jones-sign-petition-to-keep-alan-jones 139

http://www.change.org/en-AU/petitions/support-alan-jones-stop-harrassing-alan-jones 41

http://www.change.org/petitions/support-alan-jones-stop-the-nasty-attack-on-australia-s-greatest-radio-announcer 180

http://www.change.org/en-AU/petitions/show-your-support-for-alan-jones-show-your-support-and-thumbs-up-for-mr-jones 9


Australians tend to be tolerant of peoples right to express themselves almost to a fault, which is why he is still on air. Are there bigots and misogynists in Australian society? Yes. Does Alan Jones represent these people? Yes. But please don't lump me in with those low lifes.


Signed, An 'ordinary' Australian.

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I often tune into 702/Newsradio/RN in the car when I'm not listening to rock music. It's just that the ABC is paid for by all Australians but they always to seem to promote the views of just one side, i.e. the left. So, if you DON'T hate Israel, the USA, Tony Abbott, 2GB, believe in the new 'climate change' religion, endorse unlimited refugee intake, then you won't be allowed a voice.


Watch Q & A. The audience is always packed with left wingers and the panel always has an imbalance. They never fail to invite 'God's' of the left like Billy Bragg!

Thank god for the ABC!

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Watch Q & A. The audience is always packed with left wingers and the panel always has an imbalance. They never fail to invite 'God's' of the left like Billy Bragg!


You can believe whatever you like and have a right to be heard but I already replied about Q&A and how they always give the makeup of the audience and it roughly correlates with present opinion polls. Unless you think they're lying.

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Australians tend to be tolerant of peoples right to express themselves almost to a fault, which is why he is still on air. Are there bigots and misogynists in Australian society? Yes. Does Alan Jones represent these people? Yes. But please don't lump me in with those low lifes.


Signed, An 'ordinary' Australian.


Excellent post, Impatient Aussie.


The rantings of Alan Jones also prompted a movement called "Destroy the Joint" - both men and women sick of Alan Jones' bullying and misogynistic rants - one in particular in which he said women were "destroying the joint".




He really overstepped the mark when he said - shortly after the event - that the Prime Minister's father had "died of shame".

To say that about anyone's father, but particularly when she was obviously grieving what was a very close relationship, was abhorrent. It finally prompted many people to vent what they really thought of him - including many politicians.


He had earlier said that the Prime Minister should be put in a chaff bag and dumped at sea.

Death threats are chargeable offences in Australia. Enough said.

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Watch Q & A. The audience is always packed with left wingers and the panel always has an imbalance. They never fail to invite 'God's' of the left like Billy Bragg!


I've only experienced one Q & A audience live. Anyone could enter, no one asked any questions about political leanings. Maybe what you perceive to be "left wingers" are the people who are interested in discussing current issues.

As for the panel - Eric Abetz, Barnaby Joyce, Janet Albrechtsen and other far right wingers are very frequent panellists. I think they try to get as wide a spectrum for each panel as possible.

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Not that many, as it happens, otherwise his show, and Ray Hadley's would not be the most popular in Australia. How elitist to depict his tens of thousands of listeners as unrepresentative of 'real' Australians, just because they are all middle aged, middle (and working) class, and white.


According to a media analyst who studies these sort of figures, the majority of AJ's listeners are older, (past middle age), retired, right wing voters. I think also male, but this was an interview I heard a couple of months ago. His audience was about 18,000 - not exactly great in a city of 4 million, or a country of 23 million.

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I recommend listening to him, or one of the other stations depending upon your taste, as it's a good way to help yourself get a feel for life here. Three minutes to seven and he'll be talking to 'Adam in London' which I always enjoy. 'The UK Report, thanks to 'Peter's of Kensington.' Alan Jones has thrown open the telephone lines to his listeners for the entire show today, as it's his last one before Xmas. So, now's your chance to listen to some 'real, live, Aussies!'




Alan Jones listeners being the real deal Aussies you reckon,then???

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I've never heard Alan Jones but the F-i-L listens to Leon Viner down in Adelaide who's of that ilk.


I've got to say that in a strange way I kind of envy people that think like his listeners. They all seem to simultaneously believe the following three things:


1. Straya is the best bloody country in the world.


2. No one does it tougher than the poor hard working Aussie battler. His life is almost unbearable due to stupid politicians and the presence of people in society who are not exactly the same as him. The government are evil because they're not running a surplus but should shower far more cash on the hard working Aussie battler because his life is so bloody hard. It is his birthright to whinge constantly about everything from electricity prices to asylum seekers to gays and leftys.


3. Anyone else who makes even a minor criticism of Australia - greatest bloody country in the world maaaaaate - is a whinging bastard. Even worse they're probably a whinging pommy bastard who should Fit in or F*ck off.


I would love to be able to believe such contradictory beliefs and not be troubled by little inconveniences like facts, logic or reason. I reckon it would make life so much easier.


EDIT - I should hasten to add that the F-i-L doesn't fit the unthinking demographic I've described above.

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Alan Jones is a Sydney shock jock.

I'm in Melbourne and so don't hear him. He says some sensible things and is very eloquent but is known for causing trouble in certain areas.

He was sanctioned for comments about the Lebonese race and also the PMs father.

He is quite controversial.


They thrieve on being controversial. More the better for ratings. I can't stand the sound of his voice myself. Besides find him a bit of a relic of times past.I used to come across a number of Aussie blokes like him. Shoot from the mouth giving little thought to what comes out,be as rude and crude as possible and justify it by comments like calling a spade a shovel.....

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It IS like Radio 4, but with one vital omission. They don't have The Archers and I've already complained to them about it!


And if we don't find some way to 'stop the boats' then perhaps Australia itself will become like Xmas Island - ie. full to overflowing.


I don't understand the attitude that Australia has a duty to accept all the world's 'refugees.' And purely in logistical terms, how are we supposed to provide housing, medical care, schooling, etc. Reduce funding for other needy sectors of society? The aged, the handicapped?


'Let them in, let them in, for God's sake let them in. In the name of humanity, we MUST do it.


We could charter 747's and 380's from Qantas and park them in every Third World country, and charter cruise ships too.


Incidentally, how are we supposed to check we are not letting in criminals, terrorists, and the like when they all throw their identification papers overboard?


Perhaps a little too much air time to Jonsey and not enough to shows like Q & A.......to get a balance. His may be the most popular jock show but then it is in the most populated city in OZ and most of us don't bother with such shows.


A breakdown I suspect of his audiance would be all too revealing of the types the show appeals to.

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Australia takes a tiny percentage of the world's refugees, much smaller than many European countries, whose populations and infrastructures are smaller (and who are obviously smaller in geographical size). And for some reason Australia's processing times are some of the longest in the world...


It's a smoke screne the right often use and as such avoid discussing issues or searching solutions for real issues that impact on ordinary folk.......you'are unlikely to convince the unconverted .......easy scape goat and easy point scoring ..populist politics...Jonsey and his ilk just pretend they speak for the ordinary bloke in the street ...

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That's a bit like the argument the Road Haulage Association always puts up about how the UK's area is only made up of about 2 per cent of the land area. Australia might be a big country but most of the poeple are squeezed into a few sprawling, crowded cities, with transport networks, hospitals, housing, etc. already overloaded. Perhaps we should build some new cities far out in the outback just for refugees, but again, where are the doctors, nurses, dentists, etc coming from to look after them.


I agree immigration is too high,but I focus on the abuse of employers bringing folk from where ever to do at best semi skilled work and as such depriving locals. 457s need to be looked at ..even stopped. Immigrants should come in to meet shortages but not at the expense of locals nor should it be an answer to not skilling locals.


Don't see anything wrong with accepting 20,000 refugees a year.

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You have to be kidding! Alan Jones appeals to the most rusted on right wing, xenophobic, misogynistic section of Sydney radio.

He's crossed the decency line so many times it's remarkable that he's still allowed to broadcast.

I can't see him surviving in any other place in Australia.


By all means get a feel for that section of the Sydney audience, but realise that many Australians would like to see him hung, drawn and quartered.


Well said. Although a little too humaine in this instance perhaps??

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John Faine 774 I do listen to him if I am in the car, he has his role call of usual phone in people, they must have the ABC on quick dial lol. Sometimes its interesting sometimes less than interesting. I used to listen to Phillip Adams as well a lot when driving home from work.


I do like the conversation hour on 774, that is when I become one of those annoying slow drivers if its an interesting array of guests.


Now Phillip Adams is a man worth listening to........

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