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I'm listening on line to the number one rating radio 2GB 'Alan Jones' www.2gb.com.au


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Perhaps if Q & A went on a 'roadshow' and did a few episodes at Blacktown Workers, or Penrith Panthers, you might see a more balanced show.


Q & A does go on 'roadshows' around other cities and regional areas in Australia.

I know travelling around Sydney is not particularly easy but, in other parts of Australia, it is easy for anyone who is interested to rock up to the show.


If 702 and it's equivalent stations were consistently number one in their State markets, I'm sure you would be telling me that they reflected the views of the majority of Aussies.



But the point is, 85% of the Sydney audience DON'T listen to Alan Jones, so how can you possibly say he represents the majority of the audience?

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All I can say is that I am glad to be back in the UK where even Jeremy Kyle sounds like a voice of moderation and open mindedness compared to the lynch mob dross on the airwaves in Sydney. Alan Jones is a demagogue. He has a knack for sounding like he knows what he's talking about. I once heard him talking about the Australian health system, a subject I happen to know to know a bit about from my work. What he said was complete rubbish, but it sounded so convincing I almost believed it myself. He's a con man.


Too true. Remember that Alan Jones was recently forced by media regulators, ACMA to go to "Accuracy School" because he has misrepresented the facts on so many occasions. See http://theconversation.edu.au/a-very-naughty-parrot-acma-sends-alan-jones-back-to-school-10212 for more details.

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Why on earth would anybody listen to a DJ with views they did not agree with? It's illogical, like listening to music you hate, or watching a sport you hate. Some people, me, oddly enough, enjoy reading all the newspapers. In Sydney, I like both the SMH and The Aussie. In the UK, I usually bought The Times or The Independent, but I was happy to read The Daily Telegraph. The Guardian had good sport but I did not like their political views.


Many people who read the SMH and watch/listen to the ABC despise people who like 2GB, hence the disparaging remarks about them being old, white, middle-class, living in the Western Subs. Perhaps if Q & A went on a 'roadshow' and did a few episodes at Blacktown Workers, or Penrith Panthers, you might see a more balanced show.


I know from experience that people who are, for example, pro-Israel, Climate Change sceptic. concerned about the level of 'boat people, pro USA, will not get equal coverage on the ABC.


If 702 and it's equivalent stations were consistently number one in their State markets, I'm sure you would be telling me that they reflected the views of the majority of Aussies.


As far as the rest of Australia is concerned, well, Alan Jones and Ray Hadley shows are syndicated across other parts of Australia. I think that the Macquarie Radio Network, which owns 2GB and 2CH also owns 3AW, 4BH, 5DN, 6PR and in Canberra and Wollongong, 2CA and 2UL. I don't live there, but if they ARE owned by Macquarie, and they ARE talkback shows, and they are the top rating shows in their markets, well, I would assume that they reflect the views of the majority of listeners in their markets.


I'm a big fan of Top Gear. It doesn't mean I agree with everything (or indeed anything) that Jeremy Clarkson says, but I watch the show for its entertainment value. The same could be true for most radio listeners. Someone you don't agree with can be far more entertaining that someone you do.


FWIW I listen to 3AW. I haven't heard Alan Jones on there - but that's not to say he hasn't been on as I don't listen often enough or attentively enough to notice who the presenter is (generally it is someone in Melbourne though). I do think Alan Jone's comments regarding Julia Gillard's father were spot on. Bad taste? Perhaps - but accurate.

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Sydneysiders are different from the rest of us. The nearest program to Alan Jones's in Melb would be 3AW- much milder. Only us old farts listen to radio anyway.


Yes, I agree. I can't see AJ being tolerated as a mouthpiece in any other city.

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I do think Alan Jone's comments regarding Julia Gillard's father were spot on. Bad taste? Perhaps - but accurate.


His comments were disgusting. They were not only in bad taste but cruel and completely inaccurate.

It has always been obvious that she was very close to her father, that much of her political philosophy was derived from his working class background in Wales, his career in mental health work in Australia and his activity as a union man.

And, in interviews, it was very clear that both her parents were very proud of what she had achieved as a migrant to this country.

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If I thought Alan Jones was the mouthpiece of this country, I wouldn't be interested in learning English either.:nah:


But then if that was the case, why would you even think of coming here in the first place? Unless you were thinking of all the 'gold' to be mined via Centrelink of course.

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But then if that was the case, why would you even think of coming here in the first place? Unless you were thinking of all the 'gold' to be mined via Centrelink of course.


I'd give Alan Jones a break for awhile.He's impacting on the thought process. Most refugees can't wait to get a job and support family left behind. The idea being to sponsor them over at a later date......very Daily Mail / Jonsey sort of uninformed comment.....

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His comments were disgusting. They were not only in bad taste but cruel and completely inaccurate.

It has always been obvious that she was very close to her father, that much of her political philosophy was derived from his working class background in Wales, his career in mental health work in Australia and his activity as a union man.

And, in interviews, it was very clear that both her parents were very proud of what she had achieved as a migrant to this country.


He's not the only one to that but, being a right-winger he get's extra venom. I remember Gina Rinehardt getting a right slagging off on Q & A - supposed to be a fairminded reflection of Australia society remember, not a mouthpiece for left wing propaganda.


Then there was that 'Aboriginal' activist who slagged off another one on tweet, with vile remarks about bestiality. Yet again, because she was of the left, there was little of the outrage directed against Alan Jones.


Then again, he made those remarks at a private function, in bad taste for sure, but a mountain was certainly made out of that particular molehill. And remember too some of the equally vile remarks made by Gillard and Co (and Abbott and Co) in the Parliament, which go unpunished.

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I didn't hear the slagging of Gina Rinehart or the Aboriginal activist so I'm not going to comment. But I am aware that some vicious remarks are made by and about pollies.

However, even Australian pollies know there is a line of human decency not to be crossed when one is grieving for a close family member. They reflected that in their condolence offerings in Parliament.

Unfortunately, Alan Jones didn't recognise that line of human decency.

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