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Curse of 475 visa


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I was going to study Masters at Melbourne as an international student but we had last second news that our 475 application was approved and we could move to WA regional area. We were so happy! On 14th of August we landed on Perth. Because we had to live, study and work in the regional area we moved to Mandurah on the night we landed. We called immigration department, nobody told us that we have to register ourselves. After 2,5 months we went to the Skilled Migration Centre in Perth, they started our settlement period even though we have got bills, rental agreement and flight tickets showing that we arrived here 2,5 months ago and we settled in a regional area. It has been 4 months. My husband is the main applicant. He is an IT Project Manager and he has his skills assessed as an IT Business Analyst. He can make programming and all other stuff but there are no jobs on IT in the regional area. We have 2 kids and I am a teacher. While he is looking for a job, I work as a teacher's assistant (even though I had WACOt registration) on a casual basis and I pay the highest tax rate of all. % 35. My husband has got about 30 reject letters. I don't count the ones that he couldn't get any answer at all. He could have only 2 interviews. Both are negative. One was in Perth and one was in Mandurah, and he wasn't the lucky one. We are not the only ones, we have got many friends and a large group of very qualified people, a group of engineers, dentists, architect and lots of skilled people but no one is happy. That is very sad that all of us are spending our investments which we have been saving for years just to survive.

Here is a very beautiful country, life is great here but you need money to pay the rent and to buy bread. I really want to live in Australia but my visa type is like specifically designed to send me back. That was the personal advice from an officer at Skilled Migration Office, Perth. He told us many people just go back, maybe that can be an option for you as well! How sad, what a pity! 475 visa holders are not eligible for any benefit given by the government. There are some Government funded courses, they were free for 475 holderse before 1 st of June but now it also chaged, you can't study towards a degree for free because your visa is 475 subclass! Recently I had a job offer from Perth and I have to reject it because I can't work in Perth either! Carpenters, hairdressers, chefs can be very happy with 475 visa, there are plenty of jobs for them but if you studied the university, if you have a masters degree and if you are a proffessional with many years of experience in the field, NO! you cannot find a work in the regional area, you have to go up to Perth. Can we? NO! So now what? Nobody knows!!!

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I am really sorry that you are going through this. I know that it is such a big dream for people to come out here. Mandurah is very popular ( hence the lack of jobs available) and I really wonder why it is classed as regional ( in Australian terms) when it is so close to Perth.Have you considered other large regional areas in WA that are much further away from Perth?


Also, I just wanted to clarify the degree issue. You said you can't study towards a degree for free. Degrees are not free here and the only people that can get HECS ( deferral of fees until after studies ) are Australian Citizens. Even PR's are not able to get HECS - which makes sense as the government wants to try and make sure that people are going to stay after the degree.

As a teacher you have the opportunity to apply to go statewide in rural locations. Is that a possible option at all for you and your family?


I really hope that things get better for you very soon, it must be disheartening, but don't give up. Good luck.

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Seems really odd that Aus is granting all these visa for areas where there is no work?


Really? I see visas as money making opportunities.


We pay for the visa if you get it or not.

Oz gets jobs out of it.

And the application money.


Everyone is happy (except those applying for the visa or finding them useless!)


I hope it gets better. Hope you also make a decision before all your money runs out!

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Would you consider moving state? Victoria, NT and Adelaide are all classed as regional on the old 475 now 489 visa.


I really feel for you.


Thank you for your message we thought about it but WA sponsorship is not transferable and say if they accepted us to leave then we have to fulfil the skilled regional sponsorship requirements of that state as well so everything from scratch. I don't mind if the case would be difficult but there is no IT job in any regional area. It is only in Melbourne and Sydney.

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That is what surprises us, too. The migrant center manager of Mandurah told us that she felt really bad about not being able to help the ones with 475visa in Peel region and she advised us to have an appointment with the mayor directly to speak out our situation.

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I am really sorry that you are going through this. I know that it is such a big dream for people to come out here. Mandurah is very popular ( hence the lack of jobs available) and I really wonder why it is classed as regional ( in Australian terms) when it is so close to Perth.Have you considered other large regional areas in WA that are much further away from Perth?


Also, I just wanted to clarify the degree issue. You said you can't study towards a degree for free. Degrees are not free here and the only people that can get HECS ( deferral of fees until after studies ) are Australian Citizens. Even PR's are not able to get HECS - which makes sense as the government wants to try and make sure that people are going to stay after the degree.

As a teacher you have the opportunity to apply to go statewide in rural locations. Is that a possible option at all for you and your family?


I really hope that things get better for you very soon, it must be disheartening, but don't give up. Good luck.


Hi Sammy,

thank you for the message. I am aware that degrees are not free but there are some government funded courses. They have available places, there is still a room for it but they say you can't study because of my visa type . I could study if I had PR. The most annoying thing is that maybe we will find a job as a taxi driver or cleaner but when we have our PR we would no longer be able to work in our professions. It is like Australia gets skilled people and turn them into ordinary, insignificant men. You don't need a diploma to drive taxis.

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You shoul dreally try to find out why you are apying 35% tax, it cannot be elping the financial situation.


I must admit, I also understodd it was fairly easy to move to another state regional area on this visa.

Hi Rupert,

I am @yilmazve 's husband and really would like to learn how we can move to another state's regional area.


About tax rates; we have this information from http://www.ato.gov.au web site which we have our TFN number. Hopefully we misunderstood some information. You're right this tax rate doesn't help us at all, since we are entitled to nothing with this ridiculous type of visa !!!


I'm an IT professional with 16 years of experience and it is unbelievable that I cannot find any job opportunity in any regional area of WA !!! All my applications during last 4 months were rejected by some reasons that were similar to each other. During these times, I have lots of reject letters and advises as well.


If you know the way that how to move another state's regional area, I kindly request your explanation.


Thanks in advance,

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Hi Rupert,

I am @yilmazve 's husband and really would like to learn how we can move to another state's regional area.


About tax rates; we have this information from www.ato.gov.au web site which we have our TFN number. Hopefully we misunderstood some information. You're right this tax rate doesn't help us at all, since we are entitled to nothing with this ridiculous type of visa !!!


I'm an IT professional with 16 years of experience and it is unbelievable that I cannot find any job opportunity in any regional area of WA !!! All my applications during last 4 months were rejected by some reasons that were similar to each other. During these times, I have lots of reject letters and advises as well.


If you know the way that how to move another state's regional area, I kindly request your explanation.


Thanks in advance,


On your tax rate, I supsect you have ticked the non-resident box? Your plan is to stay in Australia, so you should have ticked the resident box. Check with your employer if you are being taxed too much and maybe they can change this for you.


I don't have any personal experience of moving to another state, but it is my understanding that you can do so. Perhaps contact your state and ask them/

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Things we have found brutal about a 457 visa:


1. Cost for schooling for each child is $4500 a year

2. No Govt assistance for childcare for our youngest....equating to basically double the childcare fee for him

3. No one will finance anything beyond the term of the 457 (despite my wifes employer contracting us for PR after 3 years)


When we get PR we are going to have a boat load of extra money! $14000 a year extra in pocket when we don't have to pay for school and get the child care help. When the youngest starts school (after PR) that will be $19000 in pocket that we won't be paying out! Come on PR!

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we too are on a 475, the only option for us as we didnt have enough points for PR, so we researched it in great detail and nothing has come as a suprise. Knowing the limitations or regional then gaining sponsorship for South Australia would have been the most beneficial as the whole state is regional. But its a means to an end and luckily everything has worked out fantastically for us. I guess what I'm saying is that you must do the homework/have suitable finances in place and be prepared to move State if needs be. The Visa is not cursed, but limited. You must take responsibility for your choice of it have several back up plans in place Im afraid

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Things we have found brutal about a 457 visa:


1. Cost for schooling for each child is $4500 a year

2. No Govt assistance for childcare for our youngest....equating to basically double the childcare fee for him

3. No one will finance anything beyond the term of the 457 (despite my wifes employer contracting us for PR after 3 years)


When we get PR we are going to have a boat load of extra money! $14000 a year extra in pocket when we don't have to pay for school and get the child care help. When the youngest starts school (after PR) that will be $19000 in pocket that we won't be paying out! Come on PR!




Are you on a 457 or a 475 visa? because you do not need to pay for state schools on a 475



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It is very hard on this visa.


There is very little work in regional areas for professionals. I have my first teaching interview on Tuesday in a two horse town. It is only 45 minutes drive from Noosa though so fingers crossed. There are hardly any teaching jobs around; only one in the state sector and two in the private sector. So I guess I am lucky to have an interview.


I have a start date for another job though on 7th January in real estate but I am not counting that just yet because I will have induction targets to meet in the first week before they hand me a contract. At least I will get paid for the induction which will keep me going until the schools open. The Casual relief standard rate in Queensland for the state sector is paid hourly and I have calculated I would need to work two full days a week to survive (just). I am not fussed on what work i do though as long as it keeps us going.


It's interesting that the government said they are half expecting us to go back.


Keep plugging away, something might come up soon. best of luck


Millie x

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We came in 2009 on a 475 visa to Adelaide. It is not an easy visa to live on by any means. However, we were told explicitly by a SA Gov Immi employee at the registration/information session that if we could not find work in our sponsored regional area but could find work in another regional area that we could ask SA Immi to give us permission to relocate. The woman who told us this made the point that they weren't in the business of letting families starve as there are no benefits for 475 holders.


We were lucky in that I got the first job I applied for but my husband - the visa holder - took 18 months to find a job in IT in Adelaide. We got our PR on my 2 years work rather than his. Financially we are still recovering as my wage was not great, although now I have a much better job. If my husband had not got his job we would have relocated to Sydney or Melbourne as soon as we had PR as that's where the IT jobs are. We were aware of this situation when we emigrated but living it is much tougher than we imagined.


I have heard many stories of 475ers taking very low level jobs for 2 years and then moving to a city which could offer them more opportunities.


Good luck to the OP. Please look into moving to another regional area if you can.

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I do feel for you, it's very hard when you have left a place where work opportunities come easily to one where it is more challenging. I am in IT in Brisbane, have 20 years + experience and really struggle to get work, there just aren't that many vacancies, lots of applicants, and preference is always for someone they know irrespective of skill levels. It is a terrible time of the year to be looking for IT work so don't despair, most believe that the market will pick up post Feb, Australia closes down over the holidays. Sydney and Melbourne are much better for opportunities but you may find that you have more luck in the New Year

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Hi all,

Thank you for your support. Sometimes I really feel down and it helps to know that people could come over these problems and maybe we will, too. Actually I was feeling OK at the beginning but when I have been to Skiiled Migration Office in Perth, I started to feel really uncomfortable because WA Skilled Migration Office is not much help most of the time. We have been there several times and the way they act is really strange. Actually we had to talk with the same guy who told us that we cannot apply for 190 visa because we have to have a job offer and that we cannot work in an occupation which is not related with our profession. He further explained that if my husband works as a taxi-driver in spite of being an IT project manager, he would lose his skills after two years and when he applies to PR they could say how on earth could he be useful for WA as an IT project Manager. Both information was wrong and we explained him the procedures and later on he sent us an apology e-mail saying that he checked the information and what we told was right. We see lots of useful web-sites, institutions and centers to support migrant is SA and other states no matter they are on 475 or other type of visas but WA State, I must say, needs improvement in this field. What I wrote here is not only my concerns. We had many friends in the same situation. An architect from Italy moved here with his wife two months ago. They stayed in Mandurah when they realized that there are no jobs, they moved down to Bunbury. The wife applied for a job but they told her that her husband's visa seems "strange" and that they wanted someone who will stay here. These are really silly things to hear. We are lucky because we sold our home back in country and came here prepared for the worst case scenario. Still, cost of living is really high in this state and people explain it saying "the salaries are high in WA" and I just say Wow, that would be great if I can have a salary, too. People say go up to mines. Another friend of mine who is a marine biologist with PHD degree applied to be a cleaner at the mines after being unemployed for a while and she got her reject letter yesterday. It is sad. My aim is not to complain or make fuss

I just want to warn people in order to have higher scores at IELTS so avoid Regional State Sponsorship Visa if their occupation is not trades, etc.

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Hi all,

Thank you for your support. Sometimes I really feel down and it helps to know that people could come over these problems and maybe we will, too. Actually I was feeling OK at the beginning but when I have been to Skiiled Migration Office in Perth, I started to feel really uncomfortable because WA Skilled Migration Office is not much help most of the time. We have been there several times and the way they act is really strange. Actually we had to talk with the same guy who told us that we cannot apply for 190 visa because we have to have a job offer and that we cannot work in an occupation which is not related with our profession. He further explained that if my husband works as a taxi-driver in spite of being an IT project manager, he would lose his skills after two years and when he applies to PR they could say how on earth could he be useful for WA as an IT project Manager. Both information was wrong and we explained him the procedures and later on he sent us an apology e-mail saying that he checked the information and what we told was right. We see lots of useful web-sites, institutions and centers to support migrant is SA and other states no matter they are on 475 or other type of visas but WA State, I must say, needs improvement in this field. What I wrote here is not only my concerns. We had many friends in the same situation. An architect from Italy moved here with his wife two months ago. They stayed in Mandurah when they realized that there are no jobs, they moved down to Bunbury. The wife applied for a job but they told her that her husband's visa seems "strange" and that they wanted someone who will stay here. These are really silly things to hear. We are lucky because we sold our home back in country and came here prepared for the worst case scenario. Still, cost of living is really high in this state and people explain it saying "the salaries are high in WA" and I just say Wow, that would be great if I can have a salary, too. People say go up to mines. Another friend of mine who is a marine biologist with PHD degree applied to be a cleaner at the mines after being unemployed for a while and she got her reject letter yesterday. It is sad. My aim is not to complain or make fuss

I just want to warn people in order to have higher scores at IELTS so avoid Regional State Sponsorship Visa if their occupation is not trades, etc.


This is the other problem


Employers are not familiar with this visa and it makes them nervous. I think they automatically assume they need to sponsor the person. They know the 176/175 and the 190/189. In my case even the girl at medicare argued the toss with me that there was no such thing as a 475, only 457.


Millie x

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I was going to study Masters at Melbourne as an international student but we had last second news that our 475 application was approved and we could move to WA regional area. We were so happy! On 14th of August we landed on Perth. Because we had to live, study and work in the regional area we moved to Mandurah on the night we landed. We called immigration department, nobody told us that we have to register ourselves. After 2,5 months we went to the Skilled Migration Centre in Perth, they started our settlement period even though we have got bills, rental agreement and flight tickets showing that we arrived here 2,5 months ago and we settled in a regional area. It has been 4 months. My husband is the main applicant. He is an IT Project Manager and he has his skills assessed as an IT Business Analyst. He can make programming and all other stuff but there are no jobs on IT in the regional area. We have 2 kids and I am a teacher. While he is looking for a job, I work as a teacher's assistant (even though I had WACOt registration) on a casual basis and I pay the highest tax rate of all. % 35. My husband has got about 30 reject letters. I don't count the ones that he couldn't get any answer at all. He could have only 2 interviews. Both are negative. One was in Perth and one was in Mandurah, and he wasn't the lucky one. We are not the only ones, we have got many friends and a large group of very qualified people, a group of engineers, dentists, architect and lots of skilled people but no one is happy. That is very sad that all of us are spending our investments which we have been saving for years just to survive.

Here is a very beautiful country, life is great here but you need money to pay the rent and to buy bread. I really want to live in Australia but my visa type is like specifically designed to send me back. That was the personal advice from an officer at Skilled Migration Office, Perth. He told us many people just go back, maybe that can be an option for you as well! How sad, what a pity! 475 visa holders are not eligible for any benefit given by the government. There are some Government funded courses, they were free for 475 holderse before 1 st of June but now it also chaged, you can't study towards a degree for free because your visa is 475 subclass! Recently I had a job offer from Perth and I have to reject it because I can't work in Perth either! Carpenters, hairdressers, chefs can be very happy with 475 visa, there are plenty of jobs for them but if you studied the university, if you have a masters degree and if you are a proffessional with many years of experience in the field, NO! you cannot find a work in the regional area, you have to go up to Perth. Can we? NO! So now what? Nobody knows!!!


IT project manager you say? Seems strange he can't find work. I know PMs who have been actively head hunted from the UK to work in Perth. What is his discipline Prince or Agile or something else? Where has he been looking? I have to say there's *plenty* of work in Perth for PMs with the right skill set. In fact so much so my other half is talking of re-training as an I.T. PM. What programming languages does he have?

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IT project manager you say? Seems strange he can't find work. I know PMs who have been actively head hunted from the UK to work in Perth. What is his discipline Prince or Agile or something else? Where has he been looking? I have to say there's *plenty* of work in Perth for PMs with the right skill set. In fact so much so my other half is talking of re-training as an I.T. PM. What programming languages does he have?


It seems that you haven't read the post you've quoted.


The OP cannot work in Perth. All the problems he's encountering are because he MUST live and work in a regional area of WA (where there are no IT jobs).

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It seems that you haven't read the post you've quoted.


The OP cannot work in Perth. All the problems he's encountering are because he MUST live and work in a regional area of WA (where there are no IT jobs).


I have read the post. Since when did Mandurah become 'regional' Mandurah is the second largest urban conurbation in Western Australia. It's most assuredly not regional. Besides, there's *loads* of I.T. management jobs going up North. I asked what skillset he has - perhaps it isn't what is required in which case he is stuffed, but he should have researched that before coming. As for moving to Bunbury to find a PM job??? That makes no sense whatsoever.


By the way I checked the jobs boards for PM positions before writing - has he looked at employment with the State?

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Are you on a 457 or a 475 visa? because you do not need to pay for state schools on a 475




457....two more years on that then my wifes employer sponsors us for PR. I guess I mis-read the original title of the thread...oops!

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I have read the post. Since when did Mandurah become 'regional' Mandurah is the second largest urban conurbation in Western Australia. It's most assuredly not regional. Besides, there's *loads* of I.T. management jobs going up North. I asked what skillset he has - perhaps it isn't what is required in which case he is stuffed, but he should have researched that before coming. As for moving to Bunbury to find a PM job??? That makes no sense whatsoever.


By the way I checked the jobs boards for PM positions before writing - has he looked at employment with the State?


Mandurah is regional area without any IT jobs or IT requirements unfortunately. In September there was only 1 (one) vacancy for a Software Development job, here in Mandurah. The only worker was the owner :) If I had the opportunity, we would be 2. Neverthless, I applied to this opportunity even though I have developed my last application almost 10 years ago. However he have chosen someone else and explained that there are *tonnes* of 475 Visa holders in Mandurah with exact conditions with us.


If you're interested with my skill-set, I have almost 16 years of experience in diverse field of IT. I have started to work as Network Consultant in Internet Service Provider, then I worked as Software Developer for 3,5 years in a Turkish bank. Then I moved to a bigger Turkish Bank which is in top 3 list in Turkey. Also my last employer has different subsidiaries across Europe. Since this is not main topic of the thread, I don't want to explain all the projects that I have completed. I worked lots of different Project Management disciplines during 6 years of Management experience. I can share if anyone interested.


I would like to share only one of rejection letters below. I have a collection of those.

Here in this letter PC Scheduler means Project Coordinator/Scheduler. I applied for the job vacancy and I got advise with rejection. During our time in WA for 4 months, I have always advises and rejections from employers and recruiters as well.


"HI *****,


I just thought I would send you a short email to let you know that for the PC Scheduler role we will not be able to hire you. Your skills are more directed at IT Project Management or Business Analyst Roles.

I checked the 475 Visa and it states that you need to BOTH live and work in a regional area. I checked your postcode and your address in ****** is definitely in a regional area but our place of work is in *********** in Perth which is not in a regional area.


It sounds like your visa has been created to attract skilled people to regional (country) areas in Australia as it is always a challenge to attract people to roles outside the city areas.


It sounds like your skill set and your Visa location requirement will make it a challenge for you to get the role you wish for as traditionally IT Project Manager roles are city based.


With that in mind may I suggest you do one of the following things: (but this is only me personal advice in trying to help you get a good job long term).


Either try and get a job in a Bank local to where you are in Mandurah. I used to work in Bankwest. I would try to get a job as anything in the retail store – eg. Teller, home Loan Specialist,etc. and although it would be a step down compared to your current experience you could work there for 1 year (as your visa states). Once you have store experience then you could still live in Mandurah and see if you can transfer to Bankwest Head Office in Perth City (Your visa states 2 years living in a regional living and only 1 year working there)

They have a large IT Project Management area and it would be very beneficial getting Bankwest store/branch experience as there are a lot of projects that require an understanding of how the retail stores/braches work. If you are to apply for a role in a store I would consider changing your entire resume. I would focus on making it a more customer service type resume showing how you have been able to provide customer facing experience and people skills as well as confidence in handling cash,etc. I know this may feel like a back step but if you want to keep around Perth, then this is the only real way I can see your visa working.


The other option would be to move to a larger regional country town like Albany, Geraldton, Busselton or Bunbury. The towns are big enough to have some type of IT Project Management positions for you... but you would probably need to get a job there and then move there (if you have a family that cannot move easily.)


If I were you though with your skill set I would get a job at a bank doing anything and then work your way up and focus on Bankwest as they are the only bank in WA that has a large WA-based IT area – all the other banks have their head offices over eastern states and therefore not many IT jobs.


I hope this information is of help to you and wish you all the best in finding a job in Perth.




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That was very kind of them to take the time to make some suggestions for you. It's also a positive sign that not all employers are quickly binning CVs. Some good advice to about looking temporarily at alternative roles within companies that do have big IT departments / offices.


There is one option. If the majority of IT jobs coming up are in a particular area eg: software development, you could try talking only about your experience with that and none of the PM stuff. If they think you are not too over qualified they might be more open? I don't know really, just thinking out loud.


Best of luck


Millie x

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