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I just got a court summoning...


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Wow imagine what a debate this thread would of made if the op said he was leaving a pile of debt behind as well as taking a leak!

The moral brigade make me laugh, he asked a question about being deported not to be crucified for doing what he did. He knows that and is obviously worried because of the summons.

To the op no you will be fine just plead guilty and say sorry.

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Wow imagine what a debate this thread would of made if the op said he was leaving a pile of debt behind as well as taking a leak!

The moral brigade make me laugh, he asked a question about being deported not to be crucified for doing what he did. He knows that and is obviously worried because of the summons.

To the op no you will be fine just plead guilty and say sorry.


He's going down man. Those summonses are really serious. I don't trust those street rangers or the police. They just tell ya what ya wanna hear just to get your real name and address. I bet their report will be scathing and the lad doesnt stand a chance. Once the judge sees the CCTV he is gonna get slapped with a AUD2,000 fine and a 3 month prison sentence. Seen it all before. These dogooders cant help him. Deserves everything he gets.



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Have a look through this post, someone else in similar circumstances...





He best hope that the judge has had a good day. Defo needs a solicitor to get him out of the mess he's in. he will be lucky to get away with 3 months but could be on the next flight home with a criminal record. Aussie judges don't like British yobs peeing in their streets.



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I guess that you've been unlucky in finding that peeing in public is actually an offence in WA and not allowed, so the rangers had an obligation to report it and you got 2 who obviously did just that.


I doubt that it will get you deported and it will give you a fine - however, you will probably have to keep your nose clean for the duration of your stay as accumilating any more might very well jepodise your status now and in the future.


I read your post as someone trying to make light of a situation in order to cover up their worry. An expensive lesson .. not only the money but also the worry of wondering if you're going to be sent packing. Hope it's a lesson learned and for others that stuff that seems ok to do in the UK - might not be here.


Hope all goes well

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Pretty sure you'll be fine. A work colleague of my oh got caught fare dodging on a train, copped a fine, did the same thing the following week (idiot!) and received a court summons. He ended up getting fined $650 but nothing happened with regard to his working holiday visa.

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He's going down man. Those summonses are really serious. I don't trust those street rangers or the police. They just tell ya what ya wanna hear just to get your real name and address. I bet their report will be scathing and the lad doesnt stand a chance. Once the judge sees the CCTV he is gonna get slapped with a AUD2,000 fine and a 3 month prison sentence. Seen it all before. These dogooders cant help him. Deserves everything he gets.





Seriously, can somebody please just delete this thread. I came here to ask a question in regards to if my visa and being in Australia was in any real danger, I couldn't care less what people here think about something that every single one of them has done at one point.

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