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Everything posted by MilaMocha

  1. Finalized as in approved? If your nomination has been approved, they wont be looking at the 'trust' part for your visa application.
  2. Nothing to be stressed about, you just got a stupid CO who can't distinguish between name and type. If your application is not finalized yet, there's still time for your Agent to get back to to CO ASAP and make sure this is resolved. Your Agent needs to call the CO like right now.
  3. If the person in question doesn't have an agent they are comfortable with, they can private message me and I will suggest one (for submitting another nomination or AAT).
  4. Nomination can 100% be granted without RCB if you can build a strong case and have an agent who knows what they are doing.
  5. The bridging visa takes on the conditions of the previous substantive visa, in this case the student visa. As long as the study period is on, you can only work part-time. The moment the study year is finished, or you are on a study break, you can work full-time.
  6. Exactly. People make their own payslips, it's a 5-minute job. Any document can easily be made on any computer, from BAS to PAYG, so as I said- they don't ask for payslips from every single applicant, only when they need to double check something.
  7. Isn't that what I wrote in my very first response? That Immi can find out whatever they want to find out? ATO might be doing the data matching but its IMMI that can access it at all times, and that's what matters.
  8. ATO is using a DATA MATCHING SCHEME which pretty much compares $ amounts and can work out discrepancies even without individual payslips. It is likely data matching can pick up discrepancies between, for example, your business's BAS statement, Tax assessment, bank records and its workers tax assessments and bank records. On the face of it, DoHA would regard this as "adverse information" against the business which could result in your sponsorship application/approval being cancelled. All the 3rd party information that is exchanged with the ATO:
  9. Just comparing records between ATO and the business I guess. They don't ask for payslips/PAYGs from everyone, only applications they need to look into deeper.
  10. They didn't have open access. They can now see everything from payslips to PAYG and super payments.
  11. Immi is now linked to ATO and they have access to everything, so they can pretty much see whatever they want to see.
  12. It means they are processing the nomination application. The will decide soon on the nomination. If approved, they will look into your visa application, unless they approve both together.
  13. You could private message her via this portal. Just click on her profile and then on message.
  14. I applied Dec 2017 (NSW), visa and nomination at once, still nothing. Most of the Cafe Manager approvals I've noted are from around June/July 2017. There was only one I saw last week, I think it was from Feb last year. Lucky guy..
  15. What was the reason for refusal for the 457? Did you go to the AAT, or what happened?
  16. OK that makes sense only if they haven't updated the system after November 2017 (even though I don't see why would the system update show here but never-mind). So you're saying they could be touching the nomination but nothing will show here? I will see initial assessment status only after the nomination is approved and they start touching the visa application?
  17. Oh I see what you mean. So it only registers the changes done by the CO, not by you or your agent? In that case, in the picture above, how come the status still says Received if they have touched it, done some work on it, or requested docs? Wouldn't it change to initial assessment at least? Cos I compare this to my own ImmiAccount, and I am sure the system has upgraded in the last 13 months, but both dates are the same (lodged and updated) and the status is Received. This is why I am confused.
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