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Everything posted by MilaMocha

  1. Yep I feel the same way. And until then - no news are good news haha
  2. I like how optimistic and flexible you are. My plan B is DAMA in NT or SA, but not moving out.
  3. haha me too! I just did the same calcs! I applied Dec 2017 so I can sit back, relax, and expect it around April this year. Wishful thinking
  4. It was 22-24 then a few months ago dropped down to 21-23 and now 20-22 Yep, looking good
  5. What system? And updated what about what file? Can't make sense of it sorry.
  6. Ah ok. I'm guessing the last time you/the Agent uploaded new documents or made any changes to the application? Weird because my application has been updated but the two dates are the same.
  7. Have you seen them uploaded in your ImmiAccount? Not sure which section they need to go in. Thanks
  8. Have you guys uploaded payslips? If so, in which section?
  9. I'm on a BVC and waiting for over 13 months now. It does not affect the processing time at all.
  10. Not true, he can leave as soon as the PR is granted on basis of bullying at the work place. It only matters that he remains in regional Australia and works in the nominated position (and this is only if there's a risk of the company reporting him, which I doubt they'll do cos then they'll face even bigger issues due to the bullying).
  11. Even if they have sped up they don't update the processing time on daily basis. I'd check again on 1st of Feb. It's usually done on the 1st of the month.
  12. Oh that's heartbreaking. Very sorry to heart. Didn't they elaborate in detail why they think the position is not genuine? Are there other Sales and Marketing Managers in your team/company?
  13. Sorry to hear that. You can absolutely change employer. Get a new RCB first, then lodge a new 187 (you can do nomination and visa at once) and use the same police checks and medicals (if under a year). You can then withdraw the previous 187. If your current Agent is of no help you might want to considering lodging the new application through a new Agent. Hope this helps.
  14. No, the English test needs to be valid at time of lodgement only. Once you have applied it does not expire, regardless of the processing time.
  15. Congrats! If you don’t mind me asking.. What type of business is it and whereabouts in NSW? Are you the only manager? And did you go through an agent? Thanks
  16. Yes, speak to your Agent as he might have had such cases and could tell you if it's possible. If it's a high-risk application I suggest speaking to you boss to employ you full-time on a proper salary. Keep us posted.
  17. As per my understanding, to be a full-time worker you need to have at least 38 hours on your payslip. Regardless of the opening hours of your workplace, when closed you should be doing other kitchen-related jobs, such as preparations. With that annual salary and hours less than full-time I would worry, as it might seem as they don't have enough hours to give you or enough profit to pay you full-time, which pretty much says they don't really need you (which is totally opposite of the requirements for the visa, a DE PR). I'd consult with an agent who knows what they're doing. Best of luck.
  18. I think it's too low too. I'm in regional NSW with 55k (exclusive of Super). I don't think there's an official minimum salary for regional occupations but I wouldn't even try with less than 45K. And I know the feeling of being on BVC, 13th month now.. Best of luck.
  19. So.. to use your own words, sit back and relax. Happy New 2019.
  20. Your bridging visa letter should answer all these questions and list the conditions...
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