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Everything posted by MilaMocha

  1. Hi Tony, me too. RCB approved on 16th February 2018, Nomination and visa applications lodged on the 28th February 2018. Regional Central Queensland. Nearly 14 months and no news yet... Waiting.... Same here, applied 15 Dec 2017.
  2. Can be dealt with by the same one if it's a quick decision but can to through a few it it takes longer. I heard that one CO usually gets 28 days to resolve a case, if they don't it gets transferred to a different one, who is again given 28 days.
  3. I already explained in my previous post that it has never been 190,000. Also, November is just a proposed start of two new visas, not set in stone yet. Even if it does happen, by November 90% of the people here will have their existing cases (what you call old 187) finalized - and if they weren't fake they will be granted. For the nomination part we cannot discuss much as businesses not always disclose all relevant information to the applicants so we can only hope everything is good on their front. Can you share your timeline please Nati89?
  4. Ah ok, cos you've quoted me and then typed your answer which made me think you're referring to me direct. One hell of an agent (lawyer).
  5. Not sure what your point is? The post above is in relation to Nati89's initial post and its purpose was to prevent panic from spreading. How do you know who I am relying on and can't think out of the box?
  6. Ah ok, work on your comprehension then? In plain English - they are 'cutting' nonexistent intake as the actual intake has never been 190,000 per year, which means it doesn't realistically affect anything (162,417 permanent migrants were allowed in financial year 2017-18 even though the limit was 190,000). Moreover, they are making regional visas an even bigger priority as they don't want people in the major cities due to them not being able to cope with such numbers. Also, don't forget the rules that were in place when you lodged the application are the rules under which your application will be assessed, so don't get stressed out (if you have already applied and your application is not bogus) about the planned changes as those will affect new applicants. Finally, this is just a plan for now. You can read more here.
  7. 87% of what you've typed is INCORRECT, check your sources before you spread misinformation and panic.
  8. Calling and emailing doesn't help. Just wait until it's resolved.
  9. Yes, when it comes to DoHA everything is normal. 30 months processing is normal, not updates is normal, crazy reasons for refusals are normal. Just wait till your time comes, that's it.
  10. Ha! It's not like you have options - it's the only game they will let you play, everything else is illusion.
  11. More importantly, do you and your colleague have: - the SAME Case Officer? - the SAME Agent? - the SAME Nomination application (identical documentation)?
  12. You can't be rejected simply because documents are missing. They have to tell you exactly what is missing. Once you know, you can prove whether it's been uploaded or not, if it's been uploaded but not searchable due to a glitch - they have to consider the new upload/email regarding this document. If it's an IT issue, it's shouldn't be your issue. Also, if something is wrong with the nomination itself, even if it means the document is missing, options are: - ask for the 'missing' document to be submitted - refuse the nomination based on incomplete submission But definitely it's not an option to: - ask for police check/medicals (as these are not part of the nomination).
  13. If the nomination is rejected, it's not personal. But I do agree, it is very odd they request Medi and Police Check if the are not satisfied with the nomination application.
  14. The nomination might have nothing to do with him but has everything to do with the business (and whether the business can nominate a cook). The fact that the nomination for another cook has already been rejected only means that the business has been rejected the opportunity to nominate a cook. If both cooks have the very same nomination documentation/application it would be weird one to be accepted and the other one not. If they both had the nomination approved and then one had the visa application rejected- that's different and normal (because it's based on personal circumstances/education/experience). But this one is extremely odd as both nomination are basically the same thing, a nomination of the very same business. Please let us know what happens.
  15. OK in this case I guess you just need to wait. The CO should fix this as it's only his/her mistake.
  16. You didn't answer my question if your Agent replied and what was the very last message from the CO regarding this? If this is finalized without the CO realizing it is name and not type, then it will be rejected. With nomination rejected, the visa application will be to.
  17. How do you know it's been finalized if it hasn't been granted or rejected? All your Agent needs to do is write a submission and explain all this before anything gets officially refused.
  18. This it the regulation: http://classic.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/cth/consol_reg/mr1994227/s5.19.html When did the CO sent this reply to you Agent? And what/when did your CO reply?
  19. Who is she, and what money? If your nomination is FINALIZED as you say it is, must be approved or rejected. It it's not - it's not finalized and they are still looking at it. If they are still looking at it, there's still time to make sure they now that TRUST is just part of the business name, not a type of organization.
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