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Everything posted by Parkesy

  1. They wont. Australians dont care enough about incoming migrants for labour to go into battle for us. Bigger fish to fry.
  2. Shooting themselves in the foot one bad strategic decision at a time. Laughable if it wasnt so tragic.
  3. Oh sh1t! So sorry Amy! I didn't expect this to happen to you! You have been so great on here doing your best to help everyone. Of all the people to have it refused Im upset for you the most ? Feel awful for you!
  4. Haha! Me too! Asked HR to reach out to lawyers today to try and hurry on the process as Im over it. Answer was just that all our docs are updated and they expect to hear something over the next few months. Couldn't have been anymore generic ha.
  5. FINALLY A MARKETING SPECIALIST! Great news DSK. 16 months is an absolute joke so you have definitely earned that one!!!! Get hat champagne down ya!
  6. My first 457 took 6 weeks and I whinged about that! The second took 4 weeks and the nomination transfer was 48hours! Oh how I miss those days. Received is the worst word in the dictionary. Finalised sounds way better,
  7. Mate you will be sweet as long as your medical is all good. Anytime from 1 hour after updating it to a year Im afraid lol. Average we see on here is 1 to 2 months - luck of the draw! At least its happening!
  8. Mate you are very lucky! 9 months is still a long time to wait though so congratulations. You earned it!
  9. Great news mate. Funny how your life can change in an instant! Happy for you. Good luck Monday crew!
  10. Wonder how many they can get through in a day?! Thats actually less than I thought for 186
  11. How did you get 3 case officers?? Something doesn't add up here.. Anyway sorry for your result.
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