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Everything posted by Parkesy

  1. Nomination 12 months today. Visa launched last week of June. The business used our MA partner for the nomination side and I did my own for the application. We sponsor around 150 people a year.
  2. Awesome mate. Congrats! Another marketing professional. God I hope its me next - I would be so bloody happy! Things are going really well at work now and I might be getting promoted so this would be the icing on the cake ?
  3. When did you apply and when did this happen? Thats a real shame. How much advertising of the role did they do? Are you in a senior management position in a big company and from a low risk country?
  4. Oh no! When was this? What was the reason? Sorry to hear...
  5. So happy for you mate! All those people whinging its been 6 months - take a look at how Bradfords has been!
  6. Somebody might be able to tell you about their experience but your RMA should be the one giving you the guidance. What you pay them for!
  7. Haha! Wish I could have see your face! Just use the search function on the forum mate - should come up.
  8. 70% in 36 months 90% 1000 years ENS 186 TRT Heard it here first guys and gals!
  9. Ok but the fact remains that people come on this forum, pull things out of thin air, and the tell it like its the gospel. I think shutting down debate because its awkward or uncomfortable is not enough of a reason to stop challenging people. Yes we are here to share experiences - but we must also be mindful not to make people worry more. End of the day people can have their opinions but they need to make sure that its an opinion only unless supported by evidence.
  10. I think not making on bull is a fair policy. Show me your evidence for your claim and I will eat my words and apologise.
  11. You have literallly just made that up. Really getting sick of people making up facts and then posting them on the forum. Cut it out.
  12. Literally the most pointless comment I have seen on here for some time and that takes some beating...
  13. August hadn't gone, it had just been moved. It was right there at the bottom...
  14. There isn't an admin for this sheet, its community managed. The forum does have its own tracker which you can find in the menu options.
  15. Think thats a fair comment. The self infliction comes largely from a desire for a better life which rightly or wrongly, means our decisions are based on emotion as opposed to a clear analysis of the situation. Are you both engineers ha? Very rational view you took! ?
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