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Everything posted by GooseRenders

  1. When are you off Croker? I've been looking into flights around April time and they are around £550 one way at the moment which isn't too bad. £420.20 is an absolute bargain!! Good skills
  2. I literally am reading these posts with butterflies, I am so pleased for all of you! :wink:
  3. Totally agree. I wish that we could be together but unfortunately, like you, we have things keeping us apart at the moment. We've known each other 16 years, the day I meet him at the airport in Perth knowing that our lives are finally beginning together will be the best day of my life.
  4. Awesome job Pookie!! I'm excited to watch the list change with all our lovely visa offers ;o)
  5. Hi! I'm moving to Perth! It's a hard slog being so far away and I am such a rubbish impatient person, I hate not knowing! Cannot WAIT for the day I can get on a one way flight and never have to say goodbye to Benn again!!
  6. I've just replied to his original email (which says not to reply to, lol) and asked him what I should do. Hoping he will reply asap. Our PMV has only been in for 2 months so we have a long wait ahead of us yet! Yeah I think so, 10-14 months?
  7. Hi Alan, I see you have applied for an ETA. Did you have to contact OH in doing so? I'm off to Aus in 3 weeks for a two week holiday so will need to get an ETA, but don't want it cancelling my PMV app!!!
  8. Hi Laura! Good luck with everything, won't be too much longer now I bet you can't wait!! Where are you moving to?
  9. Guys can someone please tell me what the '100' & 'pookie' things people are talking about are??
  10. Oh bummer. Ugh I am ridiculously impatient, I think coming out of this will make us some of the most patient people EVER!!!
  11. I had a missed call first, googled the number and saw it was from Australia House in London. Crapped myself, lol, called them back but they don't receive calls until 1pm. Checked my email then saw letter confirming appointed CO, OH, and asking for 2 Docs which I will get from Fiancee in Aus next month when I visit and saying not to apply for Police Checks and Medicals until Dec 11th 2015, even though I did them already. Oh well!!

    <p> </p>

    <p><p>Hi Jen </p></p>

    <p><p> </p></p>

    <p><p>How are you finding this whole process? What's your story?</p></p>

    <p><p> </p></p>

    <p><p>Danielle <img src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/ohmy.png" alt=":o" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/ohmy@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" />)</p></p>

    <p> </p>


  13. Isn't it weird how we can all be so ecstatic for you, yet we have no idea who each other is! I really am, the strain and struggle of this process is so tough. The day we get ours granted I don't know what i'll do!!! Actually - that's a lie - I'll be booking the next available flight out to my boy!!!! I am so pleased for you )
  14. Me! I applied for the PMV 300 on June 11th - got a phone call and email today! ) You???
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