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  1. Hi Everyone, I am currently on a 482 Visa on the short term stream so my visa is currently 2 years long. The current stipulations mean that I must work for the same employer for a minimum of 2 years before I am eligible to apply for PR via the employer sponsored 186 TRT stream. Having read the new benefits of the Skills in Demand visa that is coming in at the end of this year, does anyone know if the current people on 482 visas will have the opportunity to transfer over to this visa as of course one of the main benefits is that we don't have to rely on employer sponsorship to get a 186 PR visa amongst many other benefits this vias has over my current one. or perhaps would the current 482 visa holders automatically get to benefit from the new skills in demand visa changes when it is introduced later this year?
  2. Hi Everyone, Looking for some guidance please if anyone has been in the same situation. Just got my Police Check back and it says I have No Live Trace. I have requested a subject access request as I don’t understand what could be on there. I did get a caution when I was 15 after getting into a fight with a girl but was told as I was a minor and providing I didn’t get into trouble again, this would be removed from my records after 5 years, so surely it can’t be that still on there? Other than that the only time I have had any dealings with the police are when I’m the one making a complaint. The only real big thing I can think of that I was involved in was when I was working at a bank we were raided and of course I had to give evidence and see a line up of potential suspects but the guy was never caught and it never went to court. Other than that nothing, not even anything driving related. Any ideas of what it could be? I’ll be pretty pissed if it’s the caution I got nearly 20 years ago when I was told it would be removed from my records!!
  3. “According to the government’s announcement, all subclass 482 visa holders – including those in short-term occupations – will soon be eligible to seek permanent residency through the Temporary Residence Transition (TRT) stream of the Employer Nomination Scheme (subclass 186) visa. Applicants will need to continue to work in the occupation nominated for their TSS visas, but occupations will not be limited to the government’s Medium and Long-term Strategic Skills List (MLTSSL). The government will also reduce eligibility for the TRT stream from three years to two years employment with the sponsoring employer. Applicants will need to meet all other nomination and visa requirements for the TRT stream of the Employer Nomination Scheme visa.” Whilst it may well not be a guarantee… respectfully that was not my question
  4. Hi Everyone, I have been offered a job in Australia with the company offering sponsorship for myself, my husband and my daughter. We are going to be making the move in January but my husband has a few things that need to be tied up here in the UK with his business and will have to travel back here to the UK for a while whilst me and my daughter stay over in Australia. my question is, is there a maximum amount of time my husband can stay out of the country before it affects his visa? Does he have to to stay in Australia for a minimum amount of time for him to qualify for PR or is it just reliant on me staying with my employer for two years to qualify for PR after the qualifying period? Thanks
  5. Hi Everyone, I have been offered a job with sponsorship but I’m awaiting for them to start the sponsorship process. As we have a 2 year old, we want to come over in the meantime so we can get a house sorted and her nursery before me starting work. I was thinking that I can come over on a WHV and my husband and daughter can come over on a tourist visa as he won’t need to work at all and if I’m on a WHV then I can at least do some sort of work if I want to but it’s not a necessity as we have the funds. I understand you can’t bring dependents on a WHV but my thinking is that my daughter will be on the tourist visa with my husband so that rule shouldn’t apply? Anyone been in a similar boat and how did they go about this? Thanks
  6. Hi Everyone, As the title explains really. I have 10 years experience in recruitment and have also owned my own business in recruitment for the last 5 years. Looking at a 190 visa and currently score 85 points from what I can see on the government website. Is there really no way of having 10 years experience outweigh the fact I don’t have a degree? TIA
  7. Adelaide are offering state sponsorship for recruitment consultants under 491 visa. It’s a 5 year visa with the opportunity to apply for PR after 3 years as long as you comply with the visa requirements. Im applying soon, just got to do my English test on Wednesday
  8. Hi Everyone, I run my own company in the UK within the healthcare sector and I’m looking to become an overseas business sponsor to operate in Australia and sponsor myself to expand our operations into Oz. I have lodged an application to become a sponsor and this morning have received an email saying: “ImmiAccount service access approved” “Access to the following service(s) has been approved by the Department: * Organisation Account Administration * Online Lodgement” I’m a little confused, does this mean that our business has been approved? The reason I ask is because when I login it says the application is still being assessed. Any help would be appreciated, thanks!
  9. That's interesting to know. We came over with a 457 visa 4 years ago however decided to return to the UK. We are now looking to return but have found my occupation (recruitment) is on the STSOL and with it only being 2 years with no option of PR, only an extension of 2 years has really put the mocker on things. We do have a saving grace of that my hubby is a bricklayer so our plan was to go over with me being sponsored and then lodge an application for a 189 visa straight away on my husbands skills. It does feel a bit harsh that they are willing to use your skills for up to 4 years but offer no commitment from their end.
  10. Caught me out when they said flip flops are called thongs!! Went into a gym and there was a big sign saying "NO THONGS" I was like "err that's a bit personal"....
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