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Everything posted by JockinTas

  1. After all those heavy, squally showers and strong blasts of wind, the wind has dropped and it's a clear starry night.
  2. OK, I'll be honest. Today's weather is awful. Dark grey sky keeps rolling in off the Bass Strait bringing in very heavy rainfalls and the wind is blowing. Managed to get out with our dog in between the heavy showers for an hour earlier on but got drenched when we stopped to check the horses. Was making sure their feed was still dry and trying to divide up a bale of hay when it started to thunder and there was also sheet lightning fairly close by. It's 16C not cold at all and still haven't got any heating on in the house but I think this will be the start of colder weather.
  3. I go stir crazy sitting in the house so I went for a long walk in the pouring rain yesterday. The dog wasn't very impressed :cute:
  4. Hopefully you'll receive some of the rain we've been having. My neighbour says we had 20 mm from Thursday night 'til 9:30 this morning. http://www.theadvocate.com.au/story/3879791/rain-a-welcome-sight-for-north-west/
  5. I was talking to a friend in Cumbria and they also had a good dump of snow the other day. Our lovely weather came to an end on Thursday night. It rained without stopping until this morning. I will say this for Tassie though, it doesn't rain for days on end. It pours down for a day or two then clears up and back to sunny weather again. We are supposed to have showers on and off for a few days now. How are your Tassie plans going?
  6. :laugh: The summer this year had a few days when it reached 30C but most days it averaged 23C. That's perfect for me. I notice a few folk in our street have their log burners going at night now but we haven't found it cold at all. Some people just feel the cold more I guess.
  7. It rained heavily overnight and we've had showers on and off in the morning. The sun is shining now and it's 19C.
  8. Enjoyed reading your thread Jack. Great to see that everything has gone so well for you.
  9. Another beautiful autumn day here in Devonport. 20C.
  10. After a grey, drizzly day yesterday - it was back to cloudless skies today and 20C.
  11. After days of lovely sunny weather - no wind and 20C - it rained all last night and today it's drizzling and 19C.
  12. A village called Moniaive in Galloway, SW Scotland. Beautiful little village in gorgeous countryside.
  13. I have friends in Romaldkirk, County Durham. Whenever I visit them I always thing "I could live here". Lovely little place.
  14. Supposed to reach 19C here today but I doubt if it will. The wind is blowing off the Bass Strait and it's currently (at noon) 17C and sunny.
  15. Cloudless sky and 19C. Started to get windy this afternoon.
  16. Bit of a mixed bag today here in Devonport. Overcast this morning, sunny this afternoon and a bit of drizzle this evening. 21C.
  17. 60 years old. Here is a link http://www.australia.gov.au/content/seniors-card
  18. Well, the weather has been glorious all weekend @amibovered ............... hardly a cloud in the sky and 20C. Took a walk this morning along Bells Parade, Latrobe then over the little bridge to Pig Island. Nobody else there, just me and my dog - very quiet, just the sound of birds singing .................... one of those glad to be alive days :smile:
  19. The west coast could have done with the 100.8mm when there were bushfires not so long ago! I'm looking forward to a good change in the weather. I've had enough of the warm weather - roll on winter. :smile:
  20. Last winter was a really cold one! I hadn't ever worn a woolly hat, gloves and scarf in Australia 'til last year. Aye, it made me feel right at home. :cute:
  21. After glorious weather over the Easter weekend, it's been a bit overcast and we had rain overnight. Today was 20C.
  22. After yesterday's day of rain and wind, it's lovely today. This is a photo of a local doggy park. Not a dog to be seen and I think my one is way in the distance somewhere. There's a doggy beach on the other side of the road so that's where they probably all are.
  23. I think it's signalling the end of the warm weather. Everything needed a good drop of rain. Won't have to water the garden either.
  24. It's a dull, grey day and raining. It rained all night too. 17C.
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