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Everything posted by JockinTas

  1. Tsk Flag! Of course Ali isn't going to travel all the way to Mures in Hobart for fish and chips only .................................. I'm sure if someone was trekking all the way to Perth you would suggest amongst a heap of other things to see and do a popular eating place in nice surroundings. I have heard on the grapevine that Mures isn't as good as it used to be and expensive Ali, so maybe try the other places Skani suggested.
  2. The most important thing of all is finding work. After that things will seem a lot better ........................... hopefully.
  3. It is but Mures on the Hobart dockside do good fish and chips. Could be very touristy and crowded in January though. It was when we were there.
  4. Were they from the bakery in Ross? Last time we went we couldn't get near the place for tourists. Will be going in a couple of weeks - hopefully it will be a bit quieter tourist wise.
  5. By Australian standards yes it is. A bit like Ireland though in that the roads are smaller and twisty and driving around, especially off the really touristy bits, can take longer than you think.
  6. Tasmania is nearly as big as Ireland so there is really quite a lot of sight seeing to do. I like to look through the old towns such as Ross and Richmond and a few others. Lots of lovely coastline with some nice little seaside towns then there's mountains, lakes and forests. Plenty to keep you busy Ali.
  7. My OH and 2 of our neighbours share a petrol lawnmower - no idea what make. We needed a new one when we moved to Devonport and the neighbours were updating from electric ones. After nattering over the fence for a while they decided to club together for one. Better than the 3 of them having a mower each sitting idle in the shed between mows.
  8. After a week of frosty mornings and lovely sunny days, today it's milder but a bit showery and blustery. 13C. Went for a 'horse ride' this morning. One of the horses I look after (with 3 other people) is a lovely Arab mare - very flighty and nervous but I've been trying to gain her confidence for a while now and today she let me get onto her back. Gone are the days when I could vault onto a horse - now I have to stand on a hay bale and mount from that. :laugh: Unfortunately she tossed me off when a gust of wind scared her. We would like to get her to the stage where she enjoys human company then find her a good home. When we rescued her she was in foal and her little colt foal (now a gelding) has weaned himself so hope to find him a good home too. It's been a hard winter for them - very wet and stormy - plus the other two we care for but they are looking plump and healthy as we found them a good sheltered paddock and they get plenty of good food and hay. Will be glad to see spring time soon and the milder weather again.
  9. I grew up in Scotland and was a very outdoors person and I'm the same here. Bike riding, tennis, swimming and a lot of weekends at friends' place near Bathurst, NSW horseriding, bushwalking and camping. I don't find the weather stops me from any outdoor pursuits. I dare say I'd find WA or QLD a bit more challenging. Tasmania is great for all those things too.
  10. Really nice to hear how well you are settling in. :smile:
  11. I worked for the same company for over 20 years so got 2 months LSL after ten years (on full pay) then another 2 months after the 20 years (on full pay) plus $2,000 after the 20 years for spending money!!
  12. That weather hit us last night Bobj. Horrendous and lashing rain. Had to got and check the horses to make sure they were OK. The dog wouldn't get out of the car. :eek: Today is calm and the sun is shining .......................... at least it is just now.
  13. We had a flurry of snow this morning. It didn't last long but the flakes were really big. Now it is raining :frown: and it is icy cold. Nice and warm in the house though.
  14. Wet and wild - that's the only description of the weather today. Moved the horses into a sheltered field that also has a proper shelter on it. Was all togged up in waterproofs from head to toe. It's 13C. Happy to get back to a warm, cosy house and curl up with a book. Even my dog wasn't too fussed about going for a walk. I should really start to apply a richer moisturiser to my poor old face. At this rate, I'll be starting to look weather-beaten. :cry:
  15. Yesterday and today the sun is shining though we had hailstones early this morning. 11C max today. The ferry is sailing again tomorrow to and from Melbourne, for the first time since last Sunday. The river was too dangerous ......................... debris floating all over it and submerged yachts. ................ for the ferry to negotiate it's passage into the Bass Strait. Farm livestock has been badly hit - many sheep and cattle have drowned. :frown: I was appalled when out driving last week to see new born lambs in some fields. :mad: Lambs should only be born in spring when the weather is getting warm. http://www.themercury.com.au/news/tasmania/search-for-livestock-as-farmers-tally-losses/news-story/82404396093f2f69ff6880c316628cb8
  16. Just been for a walk along the shore at East Devonport. It's littered with whole felled trees, heaps of branches, a couple of dead seals and umpteen dead seagulls plus the usual garbage that gets washed up after a bad storm. Quite a few boats left stranded too. No rain today but a bit damp and the wind is blowing off the mountains. Currently 13C.
  17. It's a calm day today but there has been a lot of flooding. As usual I feel really sorry for farm livestock - many drowned. We have been so lucky where we live to be so near the river and the sea and not to have been flooded or damaged in any way.
  18. Latrobe and Forth were flooded. Devonport was very lucky considering we are on the river.
  19. The wind usually blows from the north or west here but over the past 24 hours it's been from the east and really strong making the rain horizontal. :shocked: Fingers crossed it's over for a while now. Yes we live very near the river and the ocean but no flooding at all near us anyway. The ocean is looking very wild though.
  20. Everything fine here thanks Skani. The wind and rain has eased and in fact it's not raining just now. Devonport received 60 mm in the 24 hours and my friend in Sheffield told me they received 163 mm. Everything a bit soggy - definitely going for a walk in wellies weather. Just been to check on the horses. Was worried about them but they are fine. This rain should be good for the hydro electricity dams. Did you get the storm in Hobart?
  21. Frosty morning again here in Devonport. Not a cloud in the sky and 15C forecast for this afternoon.
  22. Brilliant day! Had a light frost and it's currently 7C at 9:45 am. Cloudless blue sky and no wind at all. It's forecast to reach 15C later on.
  23. We had TORRENTIAL rain last night. It's 12C just now (7:30 am) and is supposed to reach 16C later on. The sun is shining after all that rain.
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