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Everything posted by Melbkitty

  1. Who spends all their time in the suburb they reside in? By all accounts the village I grew up in in the UK was boring for a kid and eventually teenager. Wow the life you've described sounds completely boring but I literally don't know anyone in Aus who has that lifestyle, even people who live a good hour out from Melbourne. What a bizarre argument!
  2. I think it's important that your partner is also aware of her rights if she was to move to the UK to have a child. She should be aware that if she misses her parents and Australia, you would need to be fully on board with a move back here. Consider the scenario of you are blissfully happy and she is not - she could feel very stuck indeed and legally/physically with the kids, she would be if you did not agree to a move back. Not everyone is really aware of the Hague Convention and how it works.
  3. Think long and hard about bringing children into the equation at this point. Whilst in love and happy it's hard to conceive that things could ever not be that way - but an international relationship/marriage is hard when you both have different hopes about where to 'settle'. I'm in Melbourne with my Aussie partner and our 3 year old plus another on the way, I've been here for 8 years and no family here, luckily my parents are still able to visit yearly but that won't last forever. His family are in Brisbane and he would move there in a heartbeat - siblings and a new cousin are his drivers (plus the weather). I'm settled in Melbourne with a good friendship network, I get on with his siblings and can see the pull of living in Brisbane however he is closed to moving to the UK so I feel, why should I? Our relationship has suffered because of these issues and the reality is, I'm in Australia indefinitely whether I like it or not. He's worried that moving to the UK may mean him being stuck there if things break down. I'm worried that if we move to Brisbane, I'll be stuck there without support should we separate. A family court could absolutely stop me moving back to Melbourne with the kids. Then there is the question of, do you really want to live in the UK? Really? I'm not sure if I would truly settle there anyway, even with family around. Siblings/cousins all great but life gets busy, personally I'd prioritise a closeness to parents and I agree the woman seems to require the support of her own parents more and vice versa. It sounds like you already have some bitterness towards your fiancés Father in particular (he sounds like my partner's Dad) which would only be harboured more if you moved closer to them. But then life in suburban Melbourne sounds like a bleak prospect to you...personally I still love Melbourne and having kids has only enhanced that. I'd love to be able to say to my partner 'let's do 3 years in each place and see how we feel' but realistically things can change, people change, kids change you and your relationship, and once the kids are 'habitually resident' in a Country, it takes you both to agree moving them, and you may not always agree... I wish I'd listened when people warned me of this very real scenario that affects so many people.
  4. Your last point isn't true - your local MCHN put you in touch with a group of new Mum's when your baby is born. And it's free (unlike the NCT).
  5. Oh dear...something tells me you won't be happy in London either...
  6. Oh and I'm in Melbourne now, much easier transition from UK!
  7. I hated Sydney too and spent my first 3 weeks in Aus there, in the rain, wondering what in earth I'd done! Fast forward 5 years and I couldn't imagine going back to the UK, I'm struggling to get back for a visit as my relatives love coming here so much! Can you call beyond blue as a starting point for a counsellor? Explain your financial situation and ask about community services. And please don't feel so helpless, you can always go back!!! Maybe you should go back and see how you feel, I did that quite soon after arriving in Aus and it helped me to establish that indeed I had outgrown my roots. 3/4k on a credit card has to be worth your sanity and even more depreciation of your emotional health.
  8. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3051078/Wild-bluebells-carpet-floor-woods-country-spring-bursts-colour-traditional-April-showers-return-weekend-temperatures-drop-10C.html#comments :twitcy::twitcy:
  9. Hi I didn't update when granted as I've been busy with a new baby! My 457 transition 186 was granted on May 22 14 and I submitted the app on 22 Dec 13. Nomination approved in March - the rest took longer due to issues with chest X-rey and pregnancy. Good luck everyone!
  10. Hi there were you advised in your own immiaccount the nomination had been approved ?
  11. Thanks for that! And thank you for tracking grants on this thread it's been very helpful in giving an estimate of timeframes !
  12. Do you receive the grant as a letter or email? Is it reflected right away in the immiaccount online?
  13. wow super quick! I submitted mine on 23rd Dec so you've given me hope congrats enjoy the bubbly!
  14. Hi can anyone tell me what the process is following Medical - I had mine last week do I need to do anything or is it sent directly to immigration?
  15. I had a read of the link you posted which States the waiting period does not spot to family assistance payments (which PPL & family tax benefits fall under) so if your visa is granted before the baby arrives and your wife meets the work test etc then yes you would be certainly be eligible rid the payment
  16. Have you been down to the family assistance office to chat to somebody? I went down today & I was advised to apply for my PPL, which will be rejected due to my non-PR status - but then if/when PR eventually comes through I can appeal and say that the chest X-ray held up my decision - I would just need an accompanying GP letter. They advised that this has been successful in getting the payment in the past so it's worth a try! You will still qualify for family tax benefit when you have PR and there is a newborn bonus from March 1st - it's only $2000 but better than nothing - although you would not be able to claim both this and PPL. They were helpful at the family assistance office even though their advice cannot be taken as gospel!
  17. How strange! They told me at Medibank that an X-ray may not even be required as I'm from a low risk Country (UK) but I know immigration require it - we'll see anyway - I don't believe there is a chance my visa will be approved before the baby is born which would enable me to claim Paid Parental Leave - but it would be amazing if it did happen. Oh and I also had to have hep b test as I'm pregnant. Good luck!
  18. Hi there - did your CO give any indication that the visa may be granted pre-X-ray? I'm 37 weeks pregnant & had my medical yesterday minus the X-ray. I'm going to upload the pregnancy undertaking form and have heard of people having their visas granted whilst pregnant, but the official line seems to be that you would have to wait until after the birth/X-ray for a grant!
  19. Only 5 weeks ago! She'd already been nominated though - unsure how long that part took, she's a nurse and her employer undertake a lot of 186s each year. She had the medical on Monday and grant by Friday. Herself and her partner as defacto - temp transition, without an agent.
  20. I wonder if MAs will reduce their fees since they can no longer claim applications handled by them in this way will be prioritised... My Sister had her 186 granted on Friday, it took 5 weeks in total from her application (Melbourne office) - her nomination had already been granted prior to her application.
  21. Wow come of those grants have come through quickly - congratulations!! Can I just ask - with nomination approval - how did you find out your employer had been approved? Did they advise you?
  22. Congratulations!! I'm shocked they would have fail someone for having Austism though, must have been a stressful process
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