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Everything posted by juliew1499

  1. Hi Amanda could not believe the result of the referendum, luckily we transferred the visa fee @ 1.96 so feeling a bit happier, plus today the rate looks slightly better than yesterday. Like you, we think we will rent for a while until the rate recovers. Can't risk sending all our money over until we know we have a visa. Flying out to Melbourne on Thursday! It all feels at bit strange, just one more goodbye to do. Julie
  2. Congratulations Alan, great news you can't be far from grant now. Julie
  3. Hi Amanda I know how you feel and know which way we want it to go. I'm hoping for an Remain vote ....... Julie
  4. Hi Alan you have been busy, I've just taken a second to sit down on the last remaining sofa in the house. Removal men everywhere! Made me smile about the dog. We will also be dog walkers so will have to take note! As you say all of this really does take your mind off the waiting. Julie
  5. Hi despite the house move and the flight to Oz later this month I am sorry to say that I'm still in the waiting room (just on the Australian side!) so you will still be hearing from me. Julie
  6. Well, the removal men phoned yesterday and asked if they could come half a day early! Wow it,s now 2.18 the following day and half the contents have gone to store and I'm surrounded by boxes and wrapped furniture waiting to go on Monday. Three very nice staff members from Chudley International who work referrals from Anglo Pacific. So far so good, just some more sorting to do over the weekend. processing date stuck this week (I didn,t even think I would have time to look). Ah well que sera sera. Roll on legal completion next Wednesday, although getting out of the house early is a nuisance it will be a big relief to have it all done and dusted. The cobwebs in the house that I hadn't noticed until now we're a shock, at least they are not from red backs! Julie
  7. Hi Kim Thanks for your lovely comments. I think we all lose sight of the actual move in the frustration of waiting for our visas. I hope your problems are resolved pretty quickly, it sounds horrendous and certainly the last thing you need. Keep us all posted. Julie
  8. Hi Amanda You are quite right, going for a G and T shortly. All this has taken my mind off the dreaded wait for the visa. I don't think I'll even look at the processing date until we arrive in Oz at the beginning of July. Julie
  9. Hi Alan Thanks Alan, that,s very reassuring to hear, was having a bit of a wobbly this morning! What's a Flybuys discount card? Julie
  10. The weather is glorious in Cornwall and I'm still sorting stuff out for the move, the paperwork is relentless! The removal company start this Friday and finish next Tuesday. The goodbyes have started and I'm finding it really hard. it's exciting and scary at the same time. Cornwall is pulling at my heartstrings and I don't want to leave, oh my there go the tears again.... Just have to get through this. Is it just me? I can't believe this is so hard. I know it will be worth it in the end but hadn't realised how difficult this would be. Julie
  11. Hi Alan looks like you have got off to a great start in Perth. If you don't mind me asking how long has it taken to arrange the AOS? Only another 6 more processing days for IMMI get to you! Julie
  12. Hello Parents in the waiting room, Have to say that I am feeling quite encouraged that the processing date moved forward 2 days and that Kim has been contacted by a CO. Even if IMMI don't grant anymore visas until after 1st July 16 it would appear that they are still processing up to pre grant stage. My biggest fear was that they would just stop all progress and not start again until 1st July. Thank you IMMI! Julie
  13. Hi Kim whoop whoop, good luck with the extra paperwork, almost there.........come on IMMI keep moving even it is only a little bit! Julie
  14. Hi Good luck Alan, safe flight, as you say it zooms up quick. Our packers arrive on 10th June and finish 14th, don't know where the days are going! Keep us posted of your progress. Julie
  15. Hi Judy as you say at the speed of applications processed 103 applicants might overtake 143s. If I'd have known were going to be so bad I'd have applied on my 21st birthday and that's a very long time ago!!!! Until IMMI can clear the backlog it looks like we are all in for a very long wait, it will be interesting to see how they forecast the processing times over the next few months, 2 years plus? 3 years? The 143 is not starting look value for money. Julie
  16. Hi Amanda hope you had a good few days in London and that the meds went OK. Here's hoping that the date keeps edging forwards and that very soon they will be into June applications! Julie
  17. Oh the suspense is killing me, they are almost at your date, roll on next Friday.........fingers crossed! Julie
  18. Hi I guess it depends what car you are selling. We agreed a price with we buy any car and a dealer, then offered it on a classified ad on EBay at 14.99 also put it on Gumtree for free. In the ad we said we were emigrating and needed the car up to a certain date. 5 days later we have taken a deposit on the car and he picks it up 21 June! It's worth a try there is nothing to loose. good luck Julie
  19. Hi Joe It's difficult to second guess any info from IMMI, I don't understand why they treat everyone differently when they say they treat everyone the same. Look at the situation with meds and AOS, some people ask and get it, some people ask and don't get the letters. They told me I'd be contacted late June the last time I asked but if Moomin's reply is anything to go by it may well be September! These delays are really making the whole process of emigrating a pain in the backside! I don't think I've ever spent so much money and been treated to such horrendous customer service! Ah well rant over, back to waiting....... Julie
  20. Hi Joe what gets me is that the update via Moomin says that the delay is caused by the influx of applications of 103's as they were about to be abolished. 103’s are not on the same processing times as 143's so how can this be the case? Any delay was caused during the receipting and acknowledgement stage. Julie
  21. Hi Moomin Yes, you are quite right it would have been better to know this information. IMMI need to learn better communication skills. They have a weekly Test email why on earth don't they put a bit more info on there. They mention lack of resources, they must be employing one person full time just to field all our begging requests for updates, hap nos etc. Ah well back to snoozing in the waiting room. Julie
  22. Hi Moomin my lodgement date is the same as yours and I have asked three times for hap nos and they won't give them out or AOS. You are really lucky to have been allowed to do meds. Judging by what they said to you we are all in for a much longer wait than we thought and there is absolutely nothing we can do about it. I'm now very glad that we made our decision to fly out to Oz on 30 June as we would have been waiting many months in Uk without anywhere to live. Whilst we are all waiting you would think that they could improve the facilities in the waiting room!? Julie
  23. Hi Jan we are off to Melbourne on 30th June, sadly without our visa, owing to the delays it will probably be ready for grant around end of July to mid August this year, providing they grant us permission! If not we are off to Spain. Anyway if we get our PR we will be located down the Mornington Peninsular somewhere in the region of Mt Martha, Red Hill or Balnarring. Feel free to keep in touch. Julie
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