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Everything posted by juliew1499

  1. Hi Cass Interesting thought about viewing the 2nd VAC as future Oz Aged Pension. does anyone understand the rules and regs for qualifying for the OZ Aged pension pension? I know you have to wait ten years and that it is income and asset tested. having trawled my way through the info on the Human Resources site I've become somewhat confused. I am right in thinking that they exclude your principle residence from the asset calculation but include any rental property/holiday home that you might have. with regards to income do they then calculate any UK pensions, Ozzie super, rental income etc and if that comes to less that 284 AUD per fortnight you get the full pension if it is more than 284AUD then you get 50c for each dollar over the 284 - Is there a cut off point where you don't qualify at all? Julie
  2. hi Is it worth bringing this car BMW X5 SE 5 door automatic 2010 4x4 Diesel 32000 milesHigh spec panoramic sun roof, full leather, 20 inch alloys, on board computer, hif I etc Air con value in UK around £24,ooo think it's worth around 55 - 60000 AUD We would ship it with our furniture in a 40ft container.
  3. Hi all Parents Just received the auto update from Perth, they are acknowledging 143 off shore for 12 May 2014 and say that the backlog for acknowledgement letters has increased to 6 months! Interesting that the receipting side has speeded up, they are receipting early October 2014. I reckon they' ve taken the staff over to receipting to get all the money in! Come on Pvc it would be a nice Xmas present to receive an acknowledgement.
  4. Hi Cass Thks for the info on updating signature - tried everything apart throw that! all sorted now. Julie
  5. Hi Amanda Just got the test email back from WA parents, they are currently acknowledging applications lodged on 8th May 2014 so I have no idea how Tony received his acknowledgement! Julie
  6. Hi Tony did you lodge on or off shore? we lodged off shore 23 June not got our acknowledgement yet
  7. Hi Bridgeman Ouch 400 dollars for window cleaning - how much glass have you got? is the electric expensive because it is your primary source of heating and cooling? Ok so need to buy a house with windows that I can reach to clean or have self cleaning glass installed. Investigate solar heating or wood burner. i though I had read somewhere that after 2 years PR that entitled you to a seniors card that gives you discount off all sorts of thing inc electricity. At the same time you should qualify for reduced price prescriptions?
  8. Hi Emma Thanks so much for your post. When we were over 2 years ago we spent a couple of hours in Mt Martha and Mornington and thought it might be a good place to live. We have booked an apartment in Mt cMartha for 2 weeks and now we are really excited about our stay in December. Your post was most re assuring and we are really hoping that Mt Martha lives up to our expectations. I must say you were very brave to jump on a plane and just go - so pleased it has worked out for you and that your parents will be able to join you soon. Julie
  9. Hi Bridgeman Interesting post. Our daughter has told us that we will need to join clubs etc in order to integrate. We shall attempt to pursue our interest in Classic cars when we move to Oz in the hope that we may find some new friends. have found a couple of classic car clubs on the Mornington Peninsular so we shall see.... It must be really difficult for you having one son In Europe and another child in Oz. still as you say being part of your grandchildrens life is priceless. you say that you find things expensive - is that just because of the exchange rate? If all goes to plan our income will be half UK and half AUD so hopefully the varying exchange rate will not trouble us too much. we are familiar with cost of food. what other items do you find expensive?
  10. Hi Emma I was interested to read your post. We are parents (early 60's) applied for CPV 143 lodged late June 2014. our plan is to live on the Mornington Peninsular probably Mt Martha or Balnarring. Whereabouts on the Peninsular are you living? How easy do you think it will be for people of our age to integrate into life in Victoria? we are off to Melbourne in early Dec for a thorough 7 week reccie. My husband is plagued with fears that we will not fit in to life in Oz. any other parents got any experiences they can share? Majority of posts on here are about young people emigrating and missing the UK and their family. what about parents emigrating to be with their family and having their life turned upside down? Yes, we miss our daughter dreadfully, she's our only child and we can't wait to be with her, but we also have to have a life! Ugh, sorry about the moan must be all the waiting doing my head in. Julie
  11. Hi All Selling the house is a tricky one. Our home brings in an income so if we sell it we have no income to afford to rent until hubby's pension kicks in in 3 years. Can't take the pension early as we need as much as we can get to afford to live in Oz. We are really hoping for an interest rise so that the exchange rate improves. It's like being a juggler got so many balls in the air you just don't know where they are all going to land! Forecasting cost of living based on ever moving exchange rates, frozen state pensions (don't get me started on that one), some pensions that you can turn into QROPs a and some that you can't is a real pain. Soon as we get PR we are buying a property to rent out in OZ so we will get some income in AUD. we think it's the best way to have income in both currencies. Aah the joys of emigrating..... But really looking forward to daughter just dropping by our home in Oz just because she can. Julie
  12. Hi Steve Yes it will be a great Xmas gift. we should get ours at the end of Nov just as we fly off to Melbourne for 7 weeks (I'm taking my docs file with me Just in case they want any info whilst we are away). From what I can see on this site it would appear that the whole process is about 18mths possibly longer - it's a long time to to wait and then we have to sell our property.......We are thinking of putting our place on the market next summer to try and get a head start. If someone decides they want our house before we get our visas we'll just have to decline any offers. Julie
  13. Hi Steve You will be feeling so much better now you know the process has started - since we had our 1st VAc taken on 8th Sep 2015 the days have rushed by and you really do start to relax and feel that it is all happening. Amanda and I are keeping in touch as we both lodged in June so it will be interesting to see how our applications go. I will continue to post updates so you'll get a good idea what is happening in the queue! Julie
  14. Hi Amanda Can you let me know when you get your acknowledgement letter. As expected ours will be due just as we are flying out to OZ for 7 weeks visiting our daughter. I'm not expecting that they will ask for any info but will take my file and IPAD with me just in case.... Going to take the opportunity to do loads of research whilst we are there. had our house valued a few weeks ago so we've got a rough idea what we might be able to afford in OZ. I wish they would get on and sort this Scottish referendum out it's messing up the exchange rates with the UK£ particularly with the AUD. Julie
  15. Hi Joe Hope lloyds don't mess you around - it'stressful enough waiting for Perth immi to sort it out without the hassle of payment being rejected by credit card co. My email also stated that if you contact them by email and put the heading TEST that will auto reply with an update of where they are at with application processing etc. I was twitchy all last week, came down with shingles from the stress! I feel like an enormous weight has lifted from my shoulders and that now I can sit back and relax. All kinds of doubts ran thro my mind like should have used an agent, what if it's lost down the back of someone's desk....It's enough to send you bonkers! Julie
  16. Hi Joe we advised barclaycard to expect the payment, as I was reading the email receipt this morning barclaycard fraud dept phoned to double check that it was Ok to process the payment. Don't know which credit card co you're with but that it how it worked for us. Julie
  17. Hi Joe I advised barclaycard to expect the payment, even so as I was reading the email this morning the phone rang and it was Their fraud dept double checking that it was OK to process the payment. don't know which credit card company you're with but my payment wasn't rejected. Not long for you to wait, you will feel so much better when it comes through. where you off to in OZ? Julie
  18. Hi Amanda At last got my receipt this morning - interestingly they said I'd lodged on 23rd June even though docs were signed for on 20th June in the afternoon. it would appear that Friday afternoon post becomes Monday a.m. Got to say I'm so relieved. My email says that the application is validated and receipted so at least I know the forms were all OK and I hadn't made any silly mistakes. Had to admit to dancing around the room in excitement! Not ot long to go for everyone else - it's so hard to be patient but it's such a relief to know that we are now in the system. they are still saying 5 months for acknowledgement etc so no changes to timeline. Julie
  19. Hi Amanda Great news - I can't wait until next week when hopefully will receive the same email. We are 2 days behind you with lodgement date we'll see if they are doing things in order. All this waiting for an email and now another wait, still a least you know they are on the case. julie
  20. Hi I decided to email PVC in Perth today as I had some extra info to add to our sponsors application and got an auto email back saying that they are currently receipting offshore applications lodged on 13th June 2014 and onshore lodged on 26th August 2014. They still have a backlog of 5 months for applications awaiting acknowledgement letters but now have a task force in place so this time will gradually reduce. they continue to say that applications are considered based on the lodgement date and the delay in registering an application will not effect the processing time for a decision on an application until assessment stage. They are currently acknowledging applications made on 20th March 2014.The current processing date is February 2013 for 143 where applicant does not hold a 173 - due to high volume it is currently taking 18 months from date of lodgement. We lodged on 20th June 2014 so I'm watching my online credit card like a hawk!
  21. Hi Amanda We lodged our 143 on 20th June 2014 and payment will be by credit card - still nothing taken. It's so frustrating!!!! When something is costing this much money you would think that out of common courtesy you would at least get any email saying OK we've received it, waiting time is.........for anything further. We're off to Oz for 7 weeks in December and I'm sure they'll want this that and the other answered whilst we are away from home!
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