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Everything posted by juliew1499

  1. Hi Parents it looks like the decision on the annual immigration figures for 2015/16 is due on Tuesday 12th May 15 - maybe then we might get an indication of some progress. At least we will know how many Parents visas will be granted in the year. Hopefully it's the same or a higher level. Julie
  2. Morning All Just about to go out and vote........thought I'd just check the test email-it's not working again, wouldn't be surprised if next time it is working that they have re written it again! julie hope the outcome of the election perks up the exchange rate again, all will be revealed tomorrow,or maybe not, depending upon the voters!
  3. Just had a look at Form 80, many of the questions are covered by those asked on the original application form (we had revised forms last year). The real boring bit is the holidays and employment history. Will make a start on it later in the year, too busy with daughter's wedding plans! Julie
  4. Hi Joe I'm with you on this one. They know how many places they have to allocate per year on the CPV scheme and it' s not rocket science to press a button on the PC to know how many applications they have pending. Do the maths IMMI! Good luck with Form 80, I'm not doing mine unless I'm asked for it. Sod's law says that those who have completed it won't be asked for it and those that haven't will. Maybe I'd better think about that one. Julie
  5. Hi Steve just had a look at the "new" test email. Well they are keeping us guessing! It's a completely new email with even less info than before, 143 not mentioned, have they run owith our money! doesn't offer much confidence either for those who are brand new applicants. Julie
  6. Yes very funny Joe, but it's my hubby who has the shoe fetish in our household, so what with workshop stuff and his shoes what's a girl to do? Julie
  7. Hi Maisie, My hubby is going thro a grieving process at the thought of having to give up some of his workshop stuff. when I told him that everything had to be pristine clean and shiney for customs he then agreed to give up a few things. I can see half the container being full of drills, saws etc. never mind furniture. Julie
  8. Hi Maisie that's great news about the house sale, fingers crossed everything goes through OK. Are you shipping your stuff to Oz? if so I guess when it comes to getting quotes the cost of all those extra boxes will focus your mind on feeling less of a hoarder. I can,t believe how much stuff we need to get rid of either because we don't want it or because it' snot suitable for Oz. I'm with you on the night shift - anything to get this queue moving.......Our daughter is getting married in a small chapel in the Melbourne Hill and then a reception in the CBD. Loads to think about and organise, as you say very exciting. Come on IMMI give us some time lines! Julie
  9. Hi Steve oh that's good news, my bet is that we might hear something one year in seems sort of logical to me. Well we've sorted the garden, sold loads of stuff on eBay, just about to start on the house painting.....it,s never ending but time is flying by. When are you putting your house on the market? We've now got our daughters wedding in Oz on 2 July so I think we will have everything lined up to market the house when we get back. Julie
  10. Hi Ian Ah at least they are being consistent. There are several of us on here who applied June and July last year and we are all waiting for news when meds and police reports are needed. If you keep an eye on this thread you will soon pick up the timescales for applications. I hate visiting the Doctors but this is one occasion when it can't come around quick enough! Julie
  11. Hi Welcome to the site. Had you submitted your application last summer you would have had a huge delay of about 8 months for an acknowledgement letter! They are just about up to date now and you are very fortunate to have got to acknowledgement this quickly. See my time lines below. You are now in the waiting room with the rest of us waiting for the next stage. There are loads of us in front of you now so don't expect to hear anything else for quite some time. If you don't mind me asking did your acknowledgement letter gives any time lines for police reports and medicals? Julie
  12. Hi Parents in the queue TEST email working again, they are assessing 143 off shore for 31 July 13 and acknowledgement letters now up to 16 March 14.Hopefully if the acknowledgements are now up to date they might get the task force on moving the assessment dates forward! Julie
  13. Well I wanted something to take my mind off the waiting..........OMG daughter has just announced she is getting married early July, I've just booked the flights to Melbourne on 29th June for 10 days. I've got so much to think about the requests for medicals are bound to come through now!!! Julie
  14. Hi Steve That's really good news, however, I do wish that the update included further info such as medical and police check requests. We just don't know when we are going to get that request, could be soon or even next year! Can't help it I like to be organised and this lack of info periodically drives me up the wall! Ah I'll just get on with the house decorating before it goes up for sale"....... Julie:arghh:
  15. Hi all waiting parents, Just received the test email back from IMMI and it would appear that their backlog of acknowledgement letters have now moved to mid Jan 2015 and best of all they are now assessing 143’s lodged from 9 July 2013. At long last they seem to be moving the backlog. We are keeping busy ebaying anything we don't need, this has been going on since February and it' surprising just how much you can sell. Have to do something positive to keep our minds off the never ending wait. Roll on the general election then we put the for sale sign up and have something else to think about! Anybody had letter recently asking for Meds or police check yet? julie
  16. Hi Val Speaking as an ex estate agent.......when the sales negotiator calls to arrange a viewing on your property. Make sure you ask them what position the person is in. Ideally they should be under offer or at least on the market. There are any number of time wasters out there who think it's great fun just to have a look at someone's house! We will be in your position shortly, just finishing the decorating and general tidy up. Good luck with your next viewing. Julie
  17. Hi all Just a note to all parents in the queue who might want to hire a car in Victoria when visiting. Watch out for the speed cameras on the toll roads, just had 2 speeding tickets in the post for 185 dollars each for doing 6 Kms per hour Over the limit during our visit in January of this year. Needless to say it was the other half who was driving but me who got the bill as I hired the car! The lesson to be learn is make sure you have your cruise control on'!!!!!!!!! :wacko: Julie
  18. Hi Carolyn Can't believe you are nearly on the way, thank you for all your posts that have helped us in the waiting room pass the time and answer our never ending questions. We wish you the best of luck in Australia with your family. Hopefully, we will be in your position in about a years time, subject to a house being sold and IMMI keeping up with their work. Best wishes. Julie
  19. Hi Ruth If you going to be relying on public transport then Mornington Mt Martha is probably not for you. train service goes as far as Frankston but personally I wouldn't want to live there. Have a look at some of the Bayside resorts like Brighton down to Mentone and surrounding areas, good transport links. despite mixed reviews some parts of St Kilda are really nice with great transport to CBD. williamstown is also very nice you can get in by train or ferry. Hawthorn and Camberwell have plenty of restaurants and bars. Easy train into the city. Julie
  20. Hi Ruth We're also heading for Melbourne, our daughter lives in Hawthorn at the moment but has plans to move to Mentone on the coast. We've been over twice, recently in December and January for 7 weeks. We don't like city life so will be heading down the Mornington to Peninsular to either Mt Martha, Balnarring or Somers. A bit of a commute to visit our daughter but we're used to a quieter lifestyle and our daughter is more than happy to have us up to an hour away rather than on the other side of the world. Julie
  21. Hi Ruth I remember the excitement of sending off the application. Make sure your courier has a tracking service then you can watch it online on the journey to Perth. I tells you where the parcel is at all time even thro customs in Perth and then you will get an acknowledgement stating what time it was delivered and who signed for it. Welcome to the long wait, you'll find this site invaluable for advice and it also helps you make it thro the long wait. We're just over 8 months into the process and hope to be off to Melbourne in 2016. Where are you heading? Julie
  22. Hi Freesia Thks for the info. I hadn't realised that you could do Meds on shore. Congratulations on getting your visa here's wishing you a very happy retirement in Oz. Julie
  23. Hi Freesia That's really useful info, I'm assuming that you left the UK about 12 months into your application. Did you have your medicals in the UK or Oz? We are hoping to do the same if our house sells, so any info would be great. Julie
  24. Hi All The TEST email is working again. backlog of 8 months now down to 6 months. currently acknowledging 143’s lodged 19th August 14. Hopefully when the backlog clears we might all hear about medicals etc. Julie
  25. Hi Steve We are also planning to go on the market but waiting until after the general election. Hopefully we'll have a better idea of timescales from IMMI by then and that the country will have settled down from the election and people should feel confident about the future. (Depending on course on who wins!) julie
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