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Everything posted by juliew1499

  1. Well, would you believe it the processing date for 143's moved another day on Friday to 6th June 2014. Keep it going IMMI! Julie
  2. Hi Join the club of frustrated applicants. We lodged in June 2014 and we are still waiting. Your mum can request the police reports whenever she wants, they come through very quickly, but bear in mind that they need to be valid at the time of assessment so don't do them too early. I asked IMMI if we could do our medicals because we were going to be in Austrlia and eventually after asking 3 times they issued the Hap ID letter to allow the meds to be done. You could try asking for the HAP ID number but I doubt that they will issue it yet until they get some of the backlog out of the way. I have asked for theAOS letter but they won't give it to me so there is no chance that your Mum would get it as her lodgement date is much later. Your Mum will probably be given 28 days to get all her meds, police reports, AOS in place at the time of allocation to a case officer. The way things are going I think you have to be realistic and accept that the wait will be approaching 2 and a half years from lodgement. Frustrating and annoying but it will happen eventually. Julie
  3. Hi Amanda I too have been counting the working days, we are at 12, if IMMI keep to processing 2 days worth per week we shouldn't,t be too long now. I also asked if I could do AOS last week, they said no! We have to be off shore by 2oct as we are on a visitors visa so I think it we will be extremely lucky if we get everything in place by then. I don't think it can get any worse on the exchange rate, we really don't know what to do about buying a house, we are going to I loose thousands if we shift our money from the Uk. Still it,s lovely to be here with our family, it will all come together soon. Have a great weekend. Julie
  4. Hello all in the waiting room Just got the latest update from IMMI, now processing 143's lodged up to 5th June 14 - getting closer Amanda JB! Julie
  5. Hi JJ we applied June 14 and still waiting, house sold all packed up awaiting shipping. We are living with our daughter in Safety Beach, vic until we are allocated a CO. It's been over 25months now and we are both acutely frustrated by the delay with IMMI as we just want to get on with our lives. Where about S in Melbourne are you headed? Julie
  6. Congratulations to you both, enjoy Bali, your new job and life in Oz. Shuffle up everyone two vacant seats! Julie
  7. Hi Alan Can you tell me the amount of the 2nd Vac please. I have lost track of the final payments and ours should be the same as yours. I think it is somewhere around 42,000 per person. Thanks. Julie
  8. Alan Wow wow wow, fantastic and so quick as you had all your ducks in a row. Enjoy Bali and your new life. Julie
  9. Hi Amanda soooooo excited this morning to see that the date has changed to June, don't know what I'll be like when you hear from IMMI! Julie
  10. Fantastic news Alan, fingers crossed that you get a quick result! The waiting room door is opening. Julie
  11. Hi Amanda we too are counting on another date by Friday. As IMMI haven,t automatically been sending out requests for meds and AOS then surely it's got to start moving as they will not have any applicants in a position to be processed very soon. Being out here in Oz, the waiting is worse because we know where we want to live, what car we want to buy etc and just can't get on with it. fingers crossed for more movement in the date this week. Julie
  12. Processing for 143’s at 28 May 14 this morning, I hope it moves forward later today, otherwise 1 day per week movement is going to put me at 18 weeks before I hear anything! (Assuming they don't count weekends). Julie
  13. Hi in the title field of the email you need to enter OTHELP your name, date of birth and case number then you will get a reply. Julie
  14. Hi You could email IMMI and ask if you could have Hap numbers, they will reply and if they say no they will at least give you an explanation as to when they might let you do medicals. Julie
  15. Popped into the local chemist today feeling stressed about my blood pressure, they checked it three times and said nothing to worry about! So we have been here 11 days and starting to feel like we are finding our way around. We have noticed a few strange things 1 it appears that you need to do a bit of chit chat before asking anyone a question in a store or bank, they seem offended if you go straight in and ask "where do I find......" 2 cashiers at the bank like to talk to you about nothing even when there is a long queue behind you 3 what's the deal with meat that is corned or pickled? 4 estate agents in Oz don't seem that interested in finding you a home, coming from an agency background I find this appalling Still we are embracing the changes and getting on with life the Ozzie way all be it with a twist of UK in it! Well the exchange rate appears to have bottomed out and has risen since it was announced that Mrs May becomes PM from Wednesday. Let's hope it continues, hopefully now that the Uk isn't running around like a headless chicken the government might yo something yo get us out of this mess caused by the referendum.
  16. Medicals completed at Bupa Docklands, Melbourne yesterday. We turned up 5 mins early so as not to be late and was told to go away until appointment time! Waited 20 mins to start the admin process and then it all went quite efficiently. Unfortunately my blood pressure reading was slightly elevated, the doc asked if I was worried or stressed about anything........turned out her parents were 1 year into the cpv process so by the time we had compared notes on visas we were both stressed out. anyway five days to wait before results are uploaded, more stress....... just got to find an appropriate moment in the next few days to have blood pressure checked again. Perhaps after several gin and tonics this time! Julie
  17. Hi Amanda yes you are right about the blood pressure! just want the exchange rate to improve now. Julie
  18. Hi This was my third time asking for Hap nos as we were moving. Julie
  19. It's official, being in the waiting room has sent me barking mad. Just decided to tag a reply onto my last request for medicals from IMMI to find that I had misread the email and that Hap I'd nos were provided back in May!!! Feeling extremely foolish and annoyed with myself. Anyway, just about to book meds in Oz as it did say don't do them before the end of June. Onwards and upwards, now trying to master the emedical site! Julie
  20. Hi Lorraine In the last week we travelled to Melbourne on one way tickets and we are on a 3 month tourist visa. No problems, no questions on entry. Having looked at the entry requirements before travelling it appears that if you are asked about onward travel then you should provide proof of sufficient funds to buy tickets. Hope that helps. Julie
  21. Thanks Alan, jet lagged ,up at ridiculous o'clock and it hasn't stopped raining since we arrived. Not at lot of difference from the UK! A political mess in the UK and they can't make up their mind who has won the Oz elections. still best foot forward, off to see some properties today so that we can get the feel of the housing market. Pleased to say it all felt familiar and not missing home. Oh and yes got my fly buy application form. Julie
  22. Now arrived in the Australian section of the waiting room with the bonus of being able to see lots of our daughter and son in law. still no news from IMMI we passed 2 years on 23 June! Let's hope that now we are into the new visa year starting 1 July that they get their act together. Julie
  23. Hi it all seemed like a sensible thing to do back in June 2014! Good job we didn't have a crystal ball! we must be barking mad! anyway off we go to Oz on Thursday, no CPV 143 visa but with every hope that we will obtain it in the next 3 months, time will tell......either way we are off for a nice long holiday. Julie
  24. Hi Amanda could not believe the result of the referendum, luckily we transferred the visa fee @ 1.96 so feeling a bit happier, plus today the rate looks slightly better than yesterday. Like you, we think we will rent for a while until the rate recovers. Can't risk sending all our money over until we know we have a visa. Flying out to Melbourne on Thursday! It all feels at bit strange, just one more goodbye to do. Julie
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