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Everything posted by juliew1499

  1. Hi Sadge we had Windows 8 on our PC which we absolutely hated so very innocently thought that window 10 would be a good upgrade. Well It is much better except it completely messes up your printer drivers and nothing works properly. I'm constantly getting upgrades from Brother ironing out the wrinkles that Windows upgrade has caused. As soon as Amanda has heard back from IMMI ref hap I'd nos I am going to ask again. How about you? Julie
  2. PC help please from anyone who has managed to upload their Form 80 Ever since we upgraded to Windows 10 our Brother printer has had problems. We are just trying to scan Form 80 and it would appear that no matter how we try it will only do one page at a time which we then have to drop into a folder which will then contain 17 separate PDFs files for each Form 80. Does anyone know if IMMI will accept it done this way? Julie
  3. Hi Roy i'm sure you will hear next week. My bet is that they will move much more than 3days on the next update, otherwise we will all be looking at 3 years for processing! We will all have to wait and see, nudge me awake when it's Friday, I've read all the books in the waiting room. julie
  4. Hi If. I remember correctly your Mum lodged on 6th May 2014 and now has a case officer. This surely means that the date should mover quite a bit by Friday's update. It's real nuisance having to redo all the reports especially when it's not your fault they are running behind with applications. At least they are in touch now, good luck with everything. Julie
  5. Hi Amanda I'm planning to see how the update goes next Friday and then ask them probably early part of the following week. Let me know how you get on. I too will ask about the AOS as so far as I can see this is the item that will slow us all down, the sooner we can get on with it the better. I've been watching the exchange rate all day today I got really excited when it broke 1,97. Anyone got any thoughts on changing money now or waiting until after the referendum? It's a bit of a gamble but if we vote to stay in the exchange rate should fly high if we vote out, it doesn't bear thinking about. Wish I had a costal ball. I'm counting down sleeps until we are homeless, oh er Julie
  6. Looking on the bright side There are three positives this morning exchange rate currently at 1.96 to the £ the federal budget has raised the tax band for higher rate tax from 80,000 to 87,000 so we should all pay less tax Immigration made a typo? Well it did move.......3 days, I reckon they were so busy that that forgot to put a 1 in front! If. I recall correctly they did tell Skeelsy That it would be about two weeks before she heard...... Or was that a flying pig? Julie
  7. i'm speeclhless, 3 days movement in 3 weeks, I just don't believe it! On your way to the beach Joe just drop into PVC and sort them out. It won,t be hard they should all be grouped together with their feet up drinking coffee! julie
  8. Hi Alan yes, that's definitely me! caption should also read "so where's the flipping update Iimi?" julie
  9. Hi. Moomin Tedious, frustrating, annoying, I could go on....... And on....... if the update doesn't move forward this week I swear I'll ask Geordie Joe to go sort them out! so near yet so far, hang on in Skeesley and Steely. Julie yes it's silly o'clock again 04.20 am
  10. Hi still not got my head around it yet? when we enter Oz on a 651 can we get in Ok without holding onward or return tickets? I know we have to go offshore for the grant but I don't want to buy return tickets in order to enter Oz in the first place. having looked at the return airfares to Oz this morning am starting to feel sick! Julie
  11. Hi Alan good morning, the problem with getting up at silly o'clock is that you get all the disappointing news from IMMI before breakfast. Back to the drawing board for our plans. As it now appears likely that we will both be going into Oz on tourist visas do we need to have a return airline ticket or can we get in on a one way? is it too early for something alcoholic? Plan A has gone out the window this morning along with plan B so having to rethink and come up with plan C. Julie
  12. Hi Kim i'm also speechless, can't believe it. There's One big aargh in the waiting room today. None of us happy! Julie
  13. Yes the exchange is so much better, I think we all owe a big thank you to President Obama for that. Julie
  14. Hi Alan well I just asked and they said no it's too early, but in your case I think it's worth a try! julie
  15. Hi Amanda i notice form your timeline that you have completed police checks. We went to complete ours last week and we were a bit concerned about the question "do you have a case officer if so put their name on form" decided not to continue as worried that we might get asked to do them again. I think I'm getting neurotic and should just get on with them. Julie
  16. Hi Amanda thanks so much for your message, I was just feeling like a naughty child that had been told off by her teacher. We were also given the excuse that they don't want medicals to expire, we also need to leave straight away as we have no where to live past 15th June. Let me know when you ask again and I will be right behind you! Waiting for medicals is not too much of a worry it's the AOS that is the pain in the ......! Julie
  17. Hi Moomin I've just had an email back from IMMI saying that they won't issue hap I'd numbers, police requests or AOS as it is too early for June applications! Julie
  18. Hope they have something positive to say, fingers crossed. Julie
  19. Hi Maisie well was that you just super charging through the waiting room door, whoosh and you were gone. many congratulations, at least we know IMMI are doing something today! Julie
  20. lfinishing Hi SusieRoo welcome to the forum and the waiting room. What would we do differently? sell house first and move into rented, rather than try to time the two together, it is sooooo stressful and having nowhere to live in 7 weeks and no case officer is driving us up the wall. you need to try and have some control over what you are doing, it just feels like someone else is always pulling the strings and moving the goalposts. bag a good exchange rate and fix it for 2 years if you can via someone like Moneycorp. We missed out on this last year as we hadn't sold and now looking at a vastly decreased rate. be prepared for everything you know and understand about CPV processing to be thrown up in the air and land much later with a completely new set of rules. We started out in June 14 expecting 18 months and here we are looking at probably two years plus and a stupid last minute dash to the finishing post frantically trying to get Australian government bodies such as Centrelink to get a wriggle on with paperwork. keep an eye on this forum it is a lifesaver. There are times when you will despair of it ever happening but there is always someone on here who has "been there done that"who will help you through any problems. Finally you you need patience, regular therapy sessions, a vat of alcohol, cakes or chocolate (whatever does it for you) and try to keep your sense of humour! the one thing a really got right was starting to de clutter and sort at least 18 months in advance, it all takes longer than you think and it is now such a relief that just about most of the selling and sorting is out of the way. good luck, Julie
  21. I really feel for you KIm, just fired off another test email and still no reply. I'm hopeful until I get a reply myself saying 6 May! Julie
  22. My thoughts exactly Kim. when it gets to 5.30pm Perth time if the date hasn't changed I will know that someone in the PVC section is definitely winding us up! hang on in there you are so near!!! Julie
  23. Morning Alan humph, this silly o'clock is driving me mad. Ever since we exchanged contracts on the house I've been up at 4 or 5 am. Just occasionally I get the luxury of 6am. Must be my mind trying to switch me to Ozzie time! Hoping for a late May processing date so that next week it might possibly be approaching June 14 for me! Julie
  24. Hi Alan up since 5 Am pinged off 3 test emails, nothing either! please IMMI put us out of our misery! Julie
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