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Everything posted by Pinkestlady

  1. Love jarrah where is you're timeline signature? There doesn't seem to have been much activity on the tracker overnight. Has your CO asked for anything? Did you get an email to say CO assigned? Sorry for the millions of questions.
  2. Five from the tracker granted in total overnight
  3. It's on the tracker. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/lv?key=0AkrdCphtU8u-dGJQSWROUlZ0bThIaUF2VW9zdUZmMlE&type=view&gid=277&f=true&sortcolid=-1&sortasc=true&page=4&rowsperpage=250 there doesn't seem to be much rhyme or reason to who's cases they look at, but they seem to go in order of date by a week or so. We are Feb 19th applicants so I am super excited!!
  4. Holy crap! Someone from the 12th feb has had a case officer assigned!! Soooooo exciting!!
  5. I did it myself, it was fairly straightforward for us and with no children. Having said that I haven't got a CO yet so don't know yet if I've cocked anything up :err:
  6. Just realised with the clocks going forward, visas will be granted an hour earlier lol!
  7. http://www.ahpra.gov.au/documents/default.aspx?record=WD10%2F1972%5Bv1%5D&dbid=AP&chksum=J%2FIoojpP8n3U5mPz7ERyeQ%3D%3D
  8. I'm using the same documents I used for the visa application, I got them certified at our solicitors, they were great and didn't charge a penny. I'm gobsmacked at the costs some have had to pay on here to get their docs certified.
  9. I have PM'd you but then I saw this. I would say you can do AHPRA and ANMAC at the same time. But there are others in here a lot more in the know than I am. Then once you have ANMAC apply for your visa. Have you done IELTS?
  10. Re- fit2work. I am not very IT savvy. I printed off the forms for my Nz check and UK in and the consent form. Obviously each are more than one page. When I scanned the documents I can only upload one page to each part of the application, should I just upload the rest to the additional documents part? Or is there a way of making each allocation a whole document? Sorry I know I am being thick here but I do most things on my iPad.
  11. Oh thank you thank you thank you!! Now if everyone would update the dozens of visas that will have of course been granted over the last couple of days that would be great! Thanks! :wink:
  12. I'd like to know the answer to this too. I'm having major withdrawals!
  13. We made the very difficult decision not to take our very loved dog Alfie. He is at least 10 and we just couldn't put him Through the flight (he is sick in the car and can never settle). We rescued him 7 years ago and he is just the best dog you can get. I love him to pieces! Luckily there are a queue of lovely people who want him, and our friends Are taking him For us. Such a hard decision though. We are also not taking anything other than our luggage and our bikes. Starting from Scratch!
  14. Mine too, I can't believe it. And I'm gutted that I won't be able to see my name and line in green after all the waiting
  15. Look at this tracker. At the moment some of the straight forward ones seem to be being granted in 2 months. I hope I'm one of them!
  16. HarryC have you by any chance got access to the recent tracker? The one Wallse found and shared the other day doesn't seem to be being updated.
  17. Not us yet, I'm holding out for a direct grant. Have uploaded everything except form80, medicals and PCC all done too. We apied on the 19th feb.
  18. http://www.immi.gov.au/Work/Pages/SkillSelect/SkillSelect.aspx click on next invitation rounds
  19. Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! OMG sorry but had to vent somewhere. The whole AHPRA registration and fit2work ICHC thing is doing my nut in!! I would go so far as to say it is worse than the whole visa application process. I thought Australia had a national 'no bu**sh*t' policy. It would appear AHPRA are not included in this. Grrrrr. Rant over.
  20. Congratulations on your grant! I hope everything goes as smoothly as possible for you.
  21. Of course as no one has had access to the spreadsheet, no one has updated it lol! Or no visas granted today...sigh.
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