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Everything posted by TheGreatDane

  1. Where in the UK are you? Weather is generally crap here. You don't want it too hot as places don't have a/c and in London it's terrible with the humidity etc.
  2. An Aussie at work moved his family back to Brisbane, then after a few months regretted it, back to London they went. That cost him £30k.
  3. Yep I liked the transport in Brisbane when I lived there. The river boats or whatever they're called are sweet. Perth is unreal. I might need to buy a holiday home there. We did a comparison of what shits us in London. Mainly to do with space in the UK, or lack thereof. At least in Oz you have the space and people are considerate. Some people don't mind. I rent out one of my flats for £600/week. Tenants love it as it's a great place. Of course you can pay less if you don't mind living in a shitbox.
  4. Ahhh the old I-don't-want-to-be-here-sh!ts. Many a pom has suffered from this syndrome. As soon as you start making friends you'll be fine. Much easier in Oz as everyone speaks English, and is more outgoing. In London sometimes I wonder what country I am in. Good thing is you have done a matrix of the things you miss - first time I've heard someone say they miss the god-awful tube. Now you need to work out what the substitute is in Oz. 2-3hr drive up or down the coast, ideal. Going through any UK or Euro airport is hell to me. After an hour in Stansted you need professional help and barbiturates. Doesn't sound like you're one of those fish 'n chips poms who like 15 degrees and drizzle. Plenty of outdoors'y things to do in Oz.
  5. Whatever you do, do the forms etc yourself. Don't pay a lazy third party to do it. Nothing more satisfying than completing all the forms and submitting yourself, and you'll save a few grand long the way too.
  6. I'd say his skills are on the jobs list. Best bet is to contact Australia House for more info. Sorry a pretty useless reply from me.
  7. Guess morning humour laden with sarcasm hasn't made its way to Yorkshire yet?:wink:
  8. That's it, reality will hit hard one day. Being locked in pubs from Oct-Mar and doing the odd weekend to the continent will wear thin eventually. And paying £500/week for a tiny flat when money goes so much further in Oz.
  9. Chill out, it's just an online forum. London has become a dump. Overrun by thugs from the non-desirable parts of Eastern Europe. I live in St Johns Wood which is rather nice but even this part of London is suffering from the influx of Euro Trash and is not what it used. Transport is rammed, expensive, dirty, doesn't matter where in London you are.
  10. He'll be back, the kids all get tired of getting boozed and drugged up every weekend.
  11. how much is a de facto these days? i paid £1400 all up inc medics etc back in 2012/13.
  12. how old are you? maybe your getting p!ssed days aren't over. that part needs to be beaten out of the system, hard. i can't wait to move to Sydney. London has become a right sh!thole and i wouldn't even consider moving to the home counties. commuting here is a farce. Oz is the way forward. no wonder everyone wants to move there
  13. I will be an Oz resident very shortly The AUD will correct further in 2014 so will transfer later when we get closer to $2 per £1
  14. The 309 is a temporary visa. My case officer confirmed so herself and said while they couldn't give tax advice I am considered a temporary visa holder until a decision has been made on the 100 permanent visa, and my stay is in effect temporary. Thats great for me which means I will be a non UK resident paying no UK income or capital gains tax and also only paying tax on any Oz onshore income Tax advisors I've spoken to seem to agree and I am getting this confirmed by a big five accountancy firm. Sounds like a bit of a grey area and other people have interpreted it to their advantage. In any case CGT in Oz has a 50% discount on 50% of the gains so almost mirroring EU countries. Could always create losses to offset the gains.
  15. My visa consultant at Australia House also just confirmed the 309 is regarded as a temporary visa. Now need to get confirmation from a tax perspective.
  16. Thanks. But still doesn't explain the rules for CGT. A 309 is per definition a temporary visa as described on immi.gov.au
  17. I'm going to look into getting on a temporary work visa instead then although the 309 is classified as temporary on immi.gov.au and also by Australia House. What a farce you are being taxed on assets that have nothing to do with Australia
  18. I want to avoid my overseas assets becoming subject to Australian tax for as long as possible
  19. Thanks again Alan Yes it reads that way. Might need some expert legal advice
  20. Thanks Alan. Ato's website is poor and doesn't answer any questions. The 309 is temporary in my opinion, it is also referred to as temporary in my visa confirmation from Australia House From immi.gov.au: The Partner (Provisional) visa (subclass 309) lets you: enter Australia and stay here until a decision is made about your permanent Partner visa They seem to agree, otherwise why refer to the permanent part Keen for more views
  21. Is that allowed? Do you need to send in the docs by a certain time?
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