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Everything posted by Jacaranda

  1. No changed my mind and remained in the UK.Started a nursing career,and after practising yoga for 30 yrs,just began a teacher training course.
  2. Yes really good thanks Toots.I had'nt been on any forum's to speak of for a long time,was discussing it at work yesterday which reminded me of this one! lol
  3. Did you return Thom?(Sorry havent logged into the forum for probably 3 yrs.My daughter,and her family live in Cornwall and love it.We visit probably 3 times a year,and living costs are probably the same anywhere in the UK tbh.
  4. I used to suffer with hayfever in Sth Aust,which then went to my chest....then chest infections!I've had one chest infection since being in the UK.As far as fitness goes,I walked a lot in Sth Aust,but not over open countryside(Most of it is private).I lived in a small country town,and apart from walking alongside country roads,would head to a small national park and walk through that.Over here,I have to admit,walking is very pleasurable.So many walkways in every direction,and usually don't see another soul on those walks either.Ive practiced yoga regularly in both countries (inside and outside)so no probs there.Also rode pushbikes in both too,again pretty easy going. As far as diet is concerned,if I buy anything processed (which is hardly ever)its a treat,not part of my regular diet,so my weight has been maintained over the years.Havent noticed anything really that different when it comes to the freshness of produce in either country.Never suffered from SAD,but I do understand it.The weather to me doesn't dictate my mood at all.I just embrace each day and season as it is.I cant change the weather but I can change my attitude towards it!
  5. Have you tried selling them on Aust Ebay?Could be a good seller for Xmas presents!lol lol
  6. Could some in handy eh?hahahahaha Will you accept an offer?:laugh:
  7. Harpo,your puppy is extremely cute!I hope your Mrs accompanies you on the walks?Jack would be a magnet for us women who love cute puppies!:yes:
  8. I pay £40 per mth,for gas and electicity.I have gas ch,but the house is well isulated.
  9. Yes HH I am your typical earth mother too!I went into motherhood all guns blazing,and truly loved becoming a Mum.Had you of seen me a few years before though,I would of cringed at holding someone's baby!lol I really did put my heart and soul into it though so it all turned out fine,and so did my kids!:daydreaming:
  10. Im a woman who wasn't maternal until I had my own.Yet my twin had her first child at 18 and planned it that way.I had mine a few years later.I think I was a better Mum for it tbh (not saying my twin wasn't,she was a great Mum)but you know yourself when you are ready.
  11. Why is it though these days,that a lot of couples have to have everything before having kids.You could go on for years saying "Well we'll try for a baby after we buy the boat,or new car,or marble bathroom!"lol It used to be the other way around a few years back.Couples would have kids first and get the material stuff later. I know of a couple in Adelaide,both have good jobs but concentrated on getting the house set up,their second home up the river,speed boat and so on. The lady is now 43,paid $30,000 for 3 IVF attempts (all failed).I guess for some people,you just cannot have it all. When I had my kids,(now grown up and left the nest)it was pretty the norm for the Mum to stay home and Dad went to work.We were as poor as church mice back then,but happy!And to me that says more about material crap lol
  12. Well,I bet its quite a nice little community Raveenasultan!The good thing about moving somewhere smallish is that you can walk to the shops and usually see someone you know for a yack!(talk lol).I liked living in a small country town myself,we even had to call our dr's by their first names!lol People knew me in town,at the bank,post office or whatever so yeah all good hon!Enjoy the peace and tranquility because alot of people don't actually ever experience it,and you need to tune yourself into the vibe of the place if you know what I mean?Hopefully the folks you're house sharing with will be open and friendly,and they will introduce you to even more people.I love country pubs!Used to go in mine on a friday night,all the farmers would be in there,downing their beer's and discussing how their weeks gone!Jukebox blaring,people being silly!Yeah really good memories hon!I wish you lots of good wishes and happy times ahead!Very exciting!:jiggy:
  13. I don't know that area at all,but if I were that age again?I'd definately go for it!Not everyone needs bright lights and endless shops to be happy!You go girl and let us know how you get on ok?Best wishes and wow,what a great opportunity!:cute:PS Due to lack of shops ect,imagine the cash you can save?Thats a very positive bonus imho!
  14. Really feel for you hon!Some nice replies too.Whatever you're going through right now,whatever you're feeling,is always temporary ok?Feel it for what it is,and don't stop yourself from crying,trying to put on a brave face,because that just won't work,and you're only delaying your true feelings.If your son settles there (Sorry I don't know how old you are)is there any possibility you could also join them later?Have you got your own siblings here?What about other kids?Yes there is Skype and what not,but although they're good,nothing beats actually being with that person,in person.If it makes you feel any better,in amongst the excitment your son is feeling about moving,he is probably also feeling sad too about leaving you.Its not easy and there is no point in pretending it is.All the best hon and if you need more chats?We're here for yah!:cute:
  15. <p><p>haha Yep ok Tonyman,think I've got that!lol Yeah you stay cool too x</p></p>

  16. Really gorgeous pics Johndoe,and congrats to your niece on the job offer,Wow what a great opportunity!
  17. Hi LornaG, I've spent 30 odd years in Australia and returned to the UK a few years ago.I may return to Australia to live at some stage,as yet undecided.I am a realists though so thought I would share my thoughts.Firstly please don't base your move on having watched Wanted Down Under.Its about as realistic as watching Escape to the Country.Not everyone can afford a beautiful 5 bed farmhouse in rolling countryside in the UK.Some people whinge they don't have enough family time in the UK,and for some reason think they have to move 10,000 miles away to achieve this.Why?One person said they had to work 60+hrs plus a week (in UK)to survive.I don't have to work that much,infact I'm a working class person but I have a good life.If you have to work that much?You're doing something wrong,don't blame the country.Some people claim they move to get more quality family time?I don't understand why they can't do that here?(UK)Some move for better weather,and yes you will get that,but be prepared also for cold weather.You might read the weather in Oz in winter and laugh when its 14c,but believe me when you have become aclimatised 14c will be cold.Most homes don't have central heating.I think its nice to move to Oz with a balanced viewpoint of both countries.Keep an open mind.Don't live the "dream"its much kinder to live the reality.I'm quite happy to give you the positives about Oz too!Good luck with your move,hope its all you want it to be and more.xx
  18. I hope this relationship works out for you.The implications of having a child 10,000 miles away can be enormous.Good luck.
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