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sunshine please

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Everything posted by sunshine please

  1. Our pack...from 3kg to at present 4 months old and 28kg.
  2. I think everyone forgets the innocent in it all....the poor newborn baby. The parents were idiots. We can all argue which breed is most likely to bite someone but all dogs have it in them to do it from the smallest to the largest. What I can't get is why you would bring an unknown dog home from the pub, already having kids and expecting a new addition? Would the mention of the fact they were going to put the dog to sleep not have you asking why? Would you not tell them to take the dog to RSPCA or Dogs Trust so it had the chance of a suitable home. If you had to bring the dog home would you not have someone assess it for temperament before having it running loose with your kids. Alaskan Malamutes are lovely dogs but need a lot of training, excercise and respect. I suppose like every dog out there no matter what breed. At our local dog park there has been 3 attacks on dogs and all 3 times the attacker was Siberian Huskies. And to be truthfull our GD puppies best buddies are pit bulls. All friendly and well trained. As to whose fault is it...it's normally 99% idiotic owner and 1% breeding.
  3. If you study the history of all dogs, they are all mongrels at heart. Every breed has a bit of this and a bit of that in them to make them the pedigrees they are today. Supposedly some of the purest line are the husky breeds still used as working dogs in their country of origin. No matter what type of breeding you do, if the parents are poorly bred or genetically not sound then this will pass onto their puppies. Hence why BYB and puppy farms tend to breed sickly, unhealthy poor specimens. Their breeding stock is horrendous and most likely inbred to begin with.i just can't believe people are stupid enough to pay so much money for a mongrel!! 20 years ago before people really spayed or neutered nearly every dog around was a mongrel. Only the people with money to spare had Pedigrees. One of our little uns is a rescued Irish puppy farm Chorkie, he is perfectly healthy apart from the odd Trachia cough (which is fixed with a rub to the throat). He is 5 now and touch wood he stays that way :-) I was researching adding a Great Dane to the family, and came across an advert for Puggles. Yes very cute but $1500 dollars....for a mongrel!! I couldn't believe we're only going to be an extra thousand bucks for a registered Great Dane from a reputable breeder with a great breeding history!! You never know though in 30 years time the Cockapoo might be Crufts best in show!!
  4. Our 2 fur babies did their time in Sydney. I had reservations when I phoned them at the advised time on collection day only to be asked was I not sure it was the next day!! Erm no!! Anyway they contacted the collector and they turned round and went back and got them. Bloody hell I was fizzing!! After that though everything went fine. The kennel maid they had was lovely and if I couldn't reach her she always phoned me back within an hour. Rex lost .5kg in the first week (which is a lot for a 3kg dog) I had sent at food which hadn't made it to their section. I explained you are guaranteed Rex will eat wet food in the morning and likes to pick at biscuits during the day. She said that Both dishes had been empty and I said that is Belle eating Rex's. Anyway she tracked down the wet food and stood with them in the morning until Rex had eaten. She then left their biscuits down all day until her finishing time. She spent time playing with them and I know this is a fact as she would laugh telling me how jealous Belle was when she sat on the floor and Rex snuggled up on her lap. That is Belle, she gets jealous and tries to push Rex off your lap. Not ideal and I doubt the dogs would ever want to go again but mine came through it ok and seemingly no worse for wear.
  5. I could be clutching at straws here but I think it helped our woofs being together. Belle gets very nervous and I think her knowing Rex was close by was a big help and got her through it. Bear in mind ours did 5 months in boarding kennels too so I was expecting really traumatised woofs but they have been fab :-) You know ur woofs better than anyone. I knew mine would manage as they had each other. I couldn't have done it to them on their own, but that is their nature. Had it been our old boy (he died 3 months before we were due to leave) he would have managed fine for 6 months and probably enjoyed the peace for 6 months. With regards to rentals we had no problem....it was finding a nice house was the problem!! Oh my a lot of rotten houses in ACT. Everyone we liked said the dogs would be no problem. I think they know by talking to you that you are responsible if you can get a reference for the dogs even just from the vet to say they are friendly social dogs that are vaccinated, de-flead etc...I read today that it proved to house owners that you invest in your dogs and if you take such good care of them then you will do the same with their house. Don't know if it works but might help. I have met viscous dogs all over the world so don't let Rex's run in's put you off, he eggs them on as even though he is 3kg he won't back down so when they growl he is right back at them. His best play buddies at the moment are a put bull, a Rhodesian and a poodle so it hasn't put him off :-) Where in Oz are you heading? What dates are you traveling? Are the woofs all organised?
  6. Hi Lynz I could be clutching at straws here but I think it helped our woofs being together. Belle gets very nervous and I think her knowing Rex was close by was a big help and got her through it. Bear in mind ours did 5 months in boarding kennels too so I was expecting really traumatised woofs but they have been fab :-) You know ur woofs better than anyone. I knew mine would manage as they had each other. I couldn't have done it to them on their own, but that is their nature. Had it been our old boy (he died 3 months before we were due to leave) he would have managed fine for 6 months and probably enjoyed the peace for 6 months. With regards to rentals we had no problem....it was finding a nice house was the problem!! Oh my a lot of rotten houses in ACT. Everyone we liked said the dogs would be no problem. I think they know by talking to you that you are responsible if you can get a reference for the dogs even just from the vet to say they are friendly social dogs that are vaccinated, de-flead etc...I read today that it proved to house owners that you invest in your dogs and if you take such good care of them then you will do the same with their house. Don't know if it works but might help. I have met viscous dogs all over the world so don't let Rex's run in's put you off, he eggs them on as even though he is 3kg he won't back down so when they growl he is right back at them. His best play buddies at the moment are a put bull, a Rhodesian and a poodle so it hasn't put him off :-) Where in Oz are you heading? What dates are you traveling? Are the woofs all organised?
  7. He Well people that is us officially been here for a year now!! The big flying noisy bird we got put in and quarantine with no tennis ball to hide under my bed is all but a distant memory. Thank goodness!! Our 2 legged thinks we have settled in really well and it's as if this has always been home but I still remember home. We went to the coast....our first visit since we got here and we almost hopped out the car...we really thought we were home and back living at the beach but nope just there for a few days and come on it was warm....it was never warm at our beach in Galway and it never took 3 hours to get there. That was a bit of a let down and the 2 legged all said we looked so disappointed. Not ones to stay sad we ended up enjoying our time. Everyone admired us even after I had a sneaky roll in a dead fish. They all found us highly entertaining especially when my male (dumb) pack member almost got swallowed by a wave. Very amusing. I did think the pelicans were there to fly us back to Galway...they are huge and smelly. Our house was being sprayed for those numerous bugs and creepy crawlies (note to self those big grubs do not taste nice. Never steal one from a bird again) and we had to go collect 2 legged of the salami tidbits from the place where the big smelly noisy birds live. The 2 legged a said we looked like we pooping ourselves as soon as big bird flew over. We really did think we were going in one again. We were not happy. We should have realised we weren't when those horrible boxes hasn't came with us but we did have 5 minutes of worry. Again sad face equals guilty 2 legs which equals extra tidbits. Love the fact we get that 2 legged thing Eastenders here, not that I watch that drivel, give me Ceaser Milan any day, but I still get out for a pee when the music comes on at the end. Some things never change no matter what country you live in. We have discovered the 10 million little lizards in the garden are great fun to chase. I almost gave the 2 leg palpitations at our off leash reserve...I found a bearded dragon to say hello too though it was very rude and kept running away. I didn't bite it (to be honest I wasn't too sure what the hell it was) and when 2 legged whistled I left it alone (for another day, I just want a sniff) anyway 2 legged thought I was chasing a snake so was hyperventilating a bit. Not sure what these snake things are....hhhmmmm,...just know 2 legged does not want us to meet one as she says we are that loopy we will try and investigate what it is. Word of warning fellow short four legs be careful when they open the gate to the massive puddle in the garden. You have to swim when you jump in for your missing tennis ball and then your little legs can't hop up stairs. It is good fun though and lovely and cool a bit too cool if the 2 leggeds screams when she is getting in is anything to go by. Oh and those heart worm injections are horrible made the other pack member very poorly when he had his (yes dogs too also suffer from man flu) so he can't get it next year lucky him back to his tablet wrapped in chicken. Maybe he isn't as dumb as he looks. Not much else I can say other than cicadas are horrible!! After stalking by following their funny noise they are not nice and spray Urgh stuff up your nose. Not nice indeed. I almost forgot the swooping birds. 2 legged got her revenge for the Bearded Dragon, I almost had palpitations when one swooped me. How dare it. Does it not realise I chase it!! Now though I admit I am a little scared of walking past it's trees. It seems to just pick on me. It swooped boy dog once and he repaid it by peeing all round it's tree, it tried the next day and he almost caught it so now all it's focus is on me. Ashamed to say 2 legged picked me up this morning as I was walking very very slowly. Last but not least we have just been informed there is a Great Dane puppy joining the pack in 2 weeks. Can't say I am impressed. I do not like puppies he needn't think myself and dumb dumb will be making him feel welcome that's for sure!! What's mine will be staying mine and it can sleep in the shed if I get my way. Welcome all Pom dogs and those set to join us. Stay calm and you will see your 2 leggeds soon. Don't worry the guilt they feel is well worth it for those delightful Schmacko things and new toys. I hope you are settling in too. Remember when it's hot out stay in the shade and drink plenty of water. First picture: The new pack member.....Urgh... Second Picture: Me after my fist Oz horrible haircut!! Not a pretty sight. Third Picture: Dumb Dumb (I mean Rex) Fourth Picture: ME
  8. Ha ha Pob that made me laugh!! I have 2 shorties and have had my fair share of people jumping out their way!! One was a little old Asian woman in the bloody dog park!! Belle ran past to fetch her tennis ball and the wee woman nearly climbed a tree. Would you believe she had no dog!! I still can't work out what she was doing in the dog park when she was terrified and had no dog. May she was combatting her fears and it didn't work....lol.....
  9. Galaxy chocolate. We had a chocolate tasting day at work and all the Aussies preferred UK chocolate. Bloody wish they hadn't as I ended up giving away most of my last care package. Poms are you aware there is a sweet shop in Gold Creek selling UK and US sweets, drinks and Chocolate. More expensive than Woolies but a bigger selection.
  10. Bet they don't have Tablet or Macaroon :-)
  11. Laguna just fInd a GP you are happy with!! I have heard some horror stories about GP's not only from Bulk Billers but from subsidised only GP's. Don't be embarrassed by having to Bulk Bill I'm sure the majority of Ozzies while living in the UK make the most of the freebie NHS. I have heard there is a female doctor at Ginnindeera (Bulk Billers) that is meant to be one of the best GP's. The wait can be atrocious but our receptionist at work goes there (an Ozzie I might add) and she phones first and finds out how many people are there and how many doctors are working. If the wait is going to be hours she books in and comes back to work for an hour or so. She requests to see her preferred GP and never had an issue seeing them. You know what's best for you and your family :-)
  12. Wow Maggie!! You are having a tough time of it!! We have been here 2 years and thankfully I didn't witness any of job problems you are having. We were 457 visa so really further down the pecking order than those with PR!! Hubby's job offer was the reason we came however when I looked for a part time HR/WHS/Admin job I applied for every relevant job on Seek. I had 6 interviews and offered 3, took 1 which was bloody awful (while your so disheartened with Canberra I should add boss was from Sydney and not from Canberra) anyway luckily for me I handed in my notice and got offered a job in hubby's work. I have been having a nosy on Seek lately and there just isn't the choice that was there 2 years ago. It's not because your a Brit it's just the job market at the present time. I applied for 3 and only just got an interview for one and even then the job start date has been delayed until February. They even told me if I got offered anything else then to take it as they aren't even sure it will go ahead. It seems to be affecting everyone, one of our Ozzy friends has been searching for the past 3 months and is taking a job in Kmart for Christmas, she is a contracts manager. With regards to the People of Canberra not caring...that's a lie!! I phoned Canberra connect on Saturday about an injured kangaroo at the side of the road. It had already been reported 19 times. As I went back to Westfield the wildlife guys were there dealing with it. Have you noticed the spray painted x's on the wombats and Roo's this means they have been checked for Joeys. I don't recall seeing anyone scooping up a dead fox or badger in the UK and they would not have had a look for their dens on the chance they had cubs!! Yeah it is hard but think positive and maybe try and meet up with a few on here. A few drinks and a good rant and rage will do you the power of good.
  13. Hi Jonas We used Dean last year for our 2 fur babies and I have to say he was tremendous. Was always at the end of the telephone to answer any of my queries. We had to leave our dogs behind for their rabies quarantine and they stayed at the boarding kennel we always used. Dean sorted getting their crates delivered there so they had time to get accustomed. He met our friend dropping them off to Dublin the day before their flight (on a Sunday I might add) he booked them into a fab kennel up there for the night, collected them from there in the morning and took them to the airport. He was a godsend and half the price compared to the original quotes we received.
  14. Deep down you know what's right for both you and your gorgeous fur baby. If you decide to rehome with your friend maybe send your woof round for the day, overnights etc... That way it will be easier for both your friend and furry to get used to the situation. A lot can change in a year. I don't envy you the dilemma. We had the same with our oldies, one 14 and one 13, they made the decision for us, one went 3 months before we committed to actually moving and the other joined her in furry heaven a month before we were due to put them in the boarding kennels. Enjoy your time with your baby and don't let this dilemma spoil it. I don't envy you. :-(
  15. I think ours was fairly quick. Amazing once you get them you forget all the panic!! I actually phoned to see when ours were due as we needed to get flights booked, I think they only came through a few days later.
  16. I buy our Frontline from Ebay, half the price. I do mine once every 6-8 weeks. Our vet said ACT isn't too bad for ticks and that is plenty, not necessary during winter however if we take them to the beach and NSW then frontline them a few days before we go.
  17. Well then Alicia maybe all humans, dogs and cats should move out of Australia and leave it to the wildlife. Are you volunteering to go first?
  18. It depends how much Tax you have paid, always worthwhile filling in a tax return. We got a large tax refund last year as we had only been here a part year, since the March. Unfortunately we won't get as much this year :-(
  19. Hi Burnsy My hubby got offered his job in December, they booked the flights for the 24th of Feb, packers came 20th and the 457 got approved on the 22nd. Needless to say we were a tad anxious as time went on and still no Visa. Thought we were gonna be sleeping on friends floors until the visa came through...lol... I have heard of visas being approved quicker and some taking longer. As for job hunting, leave until next year though some companies are happy to wait for the right candidate. Good luck
  20. I can't believe that is over 6 months since we collected the woofs from quarantine!! People still ask have they coped ok. To be honest it's like we never parted from them, ours had 5 months extra apart from us as they did their Rabies wait in our boarding kennel. I must admit I was a bit gutted the day we picked them up from quarantine!! We expected a Lassie moment and instead quarantine had put all the dogs going home that day back into their crates and unloaded the crates to you from the back of a van. Belle our Yorkie wouldn't even look at us when we unloaded them at the car. Though she did give our daughter a lick and then snubbed TH and me!! Rex looked at us and then lay down. I was oh my god they have forgotten us maybe we should have rehomed them instead of putting them through all that. Not too worry, at our first pit stop on the way from Sydney to Canberra I stuck them on the lead and took them for a wee and they were joyous. We had been forgiven. Needless to say a few tears were scattered much to the amusement of the bus load of Chinese tourists :-) We got home and all crashed on the couch happy as pigs in ****. I believe dogs will settle wherever you call home no matter what country it's in. Having all the furniture from home was good too as ours spent time going round sniffing everything and I think the familiar helped them settle. Have they adjusted to life down under?? 1. Possum is public enemy number one and its a great treat to get out at night to see if they can catch it!! Even though its bigger than them. 2. No kangaroos are not steroid enhanced bunnies worth a chase!! 2 legged got a tad upset when we tried this out. 3. Hot days mean our own portable air conditioner and a dip in the pool. Plus the dreaded trip to the dog groomer for short back and sides. 4. Good being novelties at the reserve, most people know our story and though they think the 2 legged were nuts spending $10-15k bringing us over, we always get a treat from them. 5. We have made lots of new doggy friends and our local oval is our turf and all newcomers know it. 6. The 2 legs found it easy to find a rental to accept dogs. Much easier than they thought it would be. 7. The off leash reserve. 99% of dogs we meet here are truly only off the lead if they are friendly, the less friendlies seem to be kept on the leash. Been 2 off leash unfriendliness but no damage done. The down side so far.... 1. The heat is a bit much sometimes but tepid baths and their own portable air conditioner helps. Walks at cool times. 2. Poor Rex has been attacked twice at the local off leash reserve. Once by a roaming pit bull with no owner but it got bashed over the head with a big stick and ran off. Luckily no injuries. Second time was a cattle dog with ditsy owner. I grabbed this by the collar and slapped it about the face until the ditsy caught up and got its lead on. Again we were lucky it just tore out a bit of fur. 3. Finding a decent dog food ours will eat is proving hard. Tried Nutro, K9 Natural, Advance, the new holistic one that is meant to be natural and irresistible....not to ours it wasn't. On Candidea at the moment and not going down too well. Anyway just a bit of light reading for everyone either brining their dogs or thinking about bringing them.
  21. Hi again Woolies have international aisle and do uk chocolate. There are also sweet shops that stock uk sweets :-) irn bru is easy to find. You can also get Vimto etc....the little sweet shop in Gold Creek have a great selection. Bloody expensive though!! Our 9 year old doesn't mind Oz choccies it's me that misses the good stuff. I usually get a care package sent over every few months. Keeps me going plus anyone from work going home know to bring me back Minstrels!! The things that keep you happy :-) Xxxxxx
  22. Might have one next weekend....if the weather holds and before the weather gets brrrrrr
  23. Very strange question but Steven is that you? If so why don't you get the other child free Irish from work out for drinks. I bet they would be well up for it :-)
  24. Hope the move goes well for you. We have been here for a year so far and loving it so far. We have been lucky to hook up with a gang off here and we all seemed to have clicked (could be alcohol related!!) it's tough moving to the other side of the world but it will eventually feel like home :-) if you are looking at Forde/bonner there are a few poms living there always handy to have people nearby for a cuppa/glass of wine and advice. Most people seem to be in the same boat with kids and understand how hard it can be to get out and meet people when you are doing the school run and after school activities. If you need a hand with anything or advise (don't know how relevant my response might be :-) but just ask :-)
  25. Hi Jeffries We have been in Canberra for a year now and really settled in. Everyone seems to be different with finding rentals. We were lucky my hubby's company rented a house for us for 2 months when we arrived. We however found a house within 4 weeks and really had no problems. Be prepared though some of the houses on the rental market are rotten!!! How they can live with themselves renting them I have no idea oh yeah probably the 2-3k a month :-) I was shocked though at the state of some of them. You do get the nice sparkly new suburbs but you sacrifice garden space. We brought our 2 little woofs with us and to tell you the truth we had no problems finding a house to take them. Touch wood though as we are having a nosy on all homes and if something jumps out at us then we are happy to move, might be harder to find somewhere with woofs again. Mind you we have excellent references having had them in the house. Just spotted your post about rehoming the woofs...awwww my heart goes out to you all. One of the hardest things to do in the world!! We ended up in Melba, wasn't top of my list, wasn't even on my list however we came to see it after looking at rotter in Aranda and the new kitchen and swimming pool won out. Our 9 year old is in Mount Rogers PS and loves it. Schooling is different here but no point comparing to UK if you plan on staying forever. If we stay around this area we will use private HS though as Copeland High School is meant to be awful. The HS here don't have a great rep. Mind you I have heard some horror stories regarding the private schools too. Defo bring your winter Woolies!! Bloody freezing at night last year. I bought new winter and summer duvets to bring over thinking I would never use the Winter.....boy was I wrong!! We left the heating on some nights until we heard all the stories about the high gas bills, yip the heating got quickly turned off and the winter duvets came out their wrappers :-) lovely during the day though, you can still get out and about and some afternoons are lovely and mild. Supposedly last year was the coldest on record so fingers crossed this year might be better. i agree, Canberra drivers are the worst. We lived in Southern Ireland for the past 11 years and I thought they were bad. Dodging tractors on the motorways now its dodging loons that haven't worked out a merging lane means you merge, not stop at the start blocking the lane until the traffic stops going past!!! Just make sure you have good brakes and you will be fine :-) Canberra is a lovely city for families, nothing is too far away as far as commutes go. Loads of swing parks, BBQ areas and parks for the kids. You can pack up the bikes and spend the day cycling around and having a picnic. I love the war memorial, well really I love the cafe in there. It's their roast rolls that get me every time :-) Defo don't compare £ to $, it does make things seem more expensive. Wine is fair priced :-) beer is bloody expensive!! As to making friends we have been very lucky to meet a great bunch on here and we usually have something going on every fortnight whether its curry night or last weeks Greek goddess and warier night. Hhhhhmmmm Gangnam style while wearing a toga isn't such a good idea. You will find like minded people be they poms or Aussies. It just like the kids starting school, it takes a while to get to know people but its worth the effort :-) We have been lucky with our neighbours too and they are all a friendly bunch. Anyway don't fret too much enjoy getting caught up in the excitement and things will work out. If you need any help when you arrive just let me know. Oh and if you can will you stick me some macaroon in your suitcase pleaaaasssseee , my mum keeps forgetting to post some over to me ..lol.. :-) The strange things you miss!! Been making tablet like a loon and you can buy tablet here but no one has macaroon :-) you can get slice too though its ok but not the same. While we are at it a half cheese pizza supper from the chipper would be greatly appreciated too...... Not long now until you arrive. I'm sure it will all go well and give us a shout.
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