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Everything posted by zidden

  1. zidden

    IELTS books

    Follow link below if you require IELTS books for any forthcoming exam. Postage at cost and cheap starting price. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/300797711502?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649
  2. zidden


    Would it be winter/winter or summer/summer?
  3. zidden


    If you were a millionaire would you opt to stay in OZ or the UK?
  4. Couldn't agree more, burning bridges and running away from the problem isn't going to make it disappear. One day it may catch up with you.
  5. Unfortunately this is the latest bullsh*t from the Nationals. Norway is a completely different country, the ethos of working and family importance differs so much that making a comparison is insulting to say the least. 10 years ago we had the Nationals spouting about the EU funded Irish model, don't hear much about that anymore. The oil and gas industry in the Norwegian sector is highly unionised due to being set up differently when exploration started. The UK sector started differently and to change it would cost billions. Other markets are developing, Brazil and Angola and these already have a foothold on being Unionised sectors and are now much further ahead of what the Nationals pipedream. Salmond is a salesman, imagine him leading a country. He is cleverly trying to piggyback onto the commonwealth games and the susceptibility of young adults. He may get what he wishes for, but are we tight-arsed scots :chatterbox:going to fund it? Changes to DVLA, government pensions, unions, NHS, education, armed forces, border control, coast guard agencies, the list goes on.
  6. Did the OP pay for their visa with borrowed money?
  7. zidden

    Name the Bird

    It looks like a baby dodo.
  8. One more alternative you have is passing the phone onto someone you know and they can pay the remainder of the contract and keep the phone. Easy to phone up and change direct debit details.
  9. At what point did the OP say he was leaving Australia? I didn't know that Orange had a network in Australia. My point states that credit does not follow you to Australia, but if you come back to the UK then the bad credit will still be there, awaiting you if you ever return... However if it was in terms of millions of pounds then you would probably be extradited back to the UK to appear in court.
  10. Please enlighten us all then why we should not worry about going out there, grabbing multiple iPhone 5's on contract and terminating them? Some good money to be made there.
  11. Salary scales can be found online. You may have to start at the bottom again so be prepared for that. Think it ranges from 50-80k per annum, but I would google it. A good way of working out an equivalent salary is to multiply your current UK salary by 2.2.
  12. You have four options: 1. Kept paying the current contract and terminate after the 24 months are up. 2. Try to get the current price plan changed, however this will depend on what phone you have. 3. Cancel the contract and pay an early termination fee. 4. Cancel the direct debit. Resulting in your credit history being tarnished forever more in the UK. You could always try to get the contract reduced, sell the phone and use this money to pay off the remainder of the contract.
  13. You have not stated where you are moving to. It is highly unlikely that you will and a position, as must work obtained is via supply. Schools like to get to know you first.
  14. I keep getting a reminder email from South Australia about registering my arrival in that state. Is this normal?
  15. From what I have experienced with little time in Australia I received the impression that if you work hard and make a go of it then you are rewarded, people are generally happy for you. We recently looked into buying a new house in the UK, it was rather large 5 bedroom etc... the first thing most people said to use was 'how much is that costing you, why do you need a 5 bed house' etc... rather than 'do you need help moving in or we are really please for you'... This is one of the things I personally hate about the UK, you try your damnest to make a good living and progress professionally, but people try to put you down, either trough jealousy or lack of success on their own accord, oh and the system penalises you and actually encourages you not to work... Rant over...
  16. zidden


    What type of spider is this? Found it up a tree in Queensland...
  17. There is no labels, it is all done on computers.
  18. Do you feel that British migrants get a raw deal on salaries and job offers in Australia?
  19. You signed a pre contract, why would they want to lose money just because you are moving countries. How do you think you probably got the phone with your contract? Free doesn't actually me free when you take out a contract, all you are doing is paying up the phone on a monthly basis and being rewarded for this by receiving minutes/texts/data in your chosen package. As said before there are three options; 1. Keep your phone and continue to pay the service. 2. Sell your phone and use this money to hopefully pay off the early termination fee. 3. Cancel the direct debit and leave the country - although this way you are burning bridges with problems with credit ratings if you ever return.
  20. Is a salary in the region of $100,000 reasonable for Broome, Western Australia? Based on a couple with no children. Hopefully other half will be able to pick up something aswell.
  21. Never heard of that one. 'Live the Dream - Australia Recruitment' very good marketing one I may think... 'Dream" - what, is it going to be utopia? 'Recruitment' - are you guaranteed a job in this utopia? Saying that, worth going along to see what the spiel is about, just don't hand over any cash or sign your lives away. Maybe you can use it for research purposes. There are many expo's and conferences that take place all year round. As for being invited I would hedge my bets that you forgot to tick the box when filling out a form somewhere.
  22. Tories, Cameron and clegg.
  23. Has anyone ever made the move and took step back in there standard of living? Reason I ask is that both my wife and I have very very secure positions that include school holidays. To start a family in the UK, this is obviously ideal. Went to oz a while back and it seems that everyone works at least a 50 hour week, including most weekends. Now I can understand from previous employment in the UK, we're I worked 60-70 hours that it would be beneficial to move to a 50 hour working week, however my position is obviously different now. It really appears to be a toss up of having less time off and better weather, or more time off and trying to makethe most of the grey rainy skies.
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