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Everything posted by bj27

  1. I'm from feb, and the last one (as far as I can see) from feb had a CO almost three weeks ago. So I have been sure we'd get a CO tomorrow for weeks now. so yes, I am starting to get worried....
  2. so do I!!! :frown:
  3. thanks. Have been reading on PIO regularly this week, but didn't really have anything to write, so I've been a bit quiet. No news.. let's hope next week will be better, for grants and COs. I like pink&purple...
  4. it's not past 14 feb yet... still no CO here....
  5. Congratulations!!!! Great relieve, well done :-)
  6. sorry about that, didn't want to insult someone. i mentioned them in one go, because these are different things that I thought were tested during the medicals. There are thousand kinds of different diseases that have nothing to do with eachother and are tested in the same medical test.
  7. :cute: you're not silly. But you should be careful though, you're suffering from DIACitis... Symptoms are mood swings, sleepless nights, addiction to the refresh button, and overdose of worrying. And in some cases extra need for beers... :wink:
  8. I don't think they will refer you for a flu... I thought it was mostly about finding an illness or condition that would cost the community a lot on medical costs. Something like diabetes and HIV, and serious infectious diseases?
  9. probably the same reason they skipped us???
  10. DCAL works with the official timelines, and DIAC's timelines on the websites are the latest ones, and not the average or the start of a group. I mean, they're doing April now, and most Feb11's have a grant, but we (feb11) still don't even have a CO. So the DIAC update will probably show something like 1st Feb, while a lot from April are already allocated. That means they could start processing May11 in 3 weeks, but won't have the last May applicant processed until December. And then you would both be right :cute:
  11. And how about our case? We are thinking about booking medicals as well, not really sure though. We should have had a CO about three weeks ago, compared to the other feb11-applicants, but still nothing. We want to book medicals to try to speed things up and to be able to do something apart from waiting.
  12. Eng32 congratulations!!!
  13. LOL I agree, I think 'my' CO is on maternity leave.
  14. maybe not a lottery, but probably something more or less the same: give a team a random pile of applications from a certain timeframe, and start at the top. When your applications is on the bottom, some other team will have started on another pile from the next timeframe, before your application is picked up.
  15. congratulations!!
  16. maybe the CO just didn't change the status of something. If he wanted more info, he would have asked, I suppose. And that's what you pay the agent for :wink:
  17. congratulations!!!!! thanks :-) and have a great time with your final preparations.
  18. thx, so do I. Don't understand why our file is not picked up yet, everyone else from Feb seems to be looked at.... except Leyteris77? Keep expecting to get an e-mail from our agent every morning :cute:
  19. I think I'll go for Jan 28th....
  20. oh! I hadn't seen you on the shortlist on the front page, but I see your details now. :biggrin:
  21. no worries! It's great for you to be surprised in this way, and a positive note is always nice :cool:. It's DIAC that makes these choices, not you :wink:
  22. I sent an email to my agent, but he never promises anything so he will probably point out the date on http://www.immi.gov.au/skilled/general-skilled-migration/estimated-allocation-times.htm and tell us to be patient. Would it be a good idea to contact DIAC myself or should I wait?
  23. congratulations! It's great to see them start April by now so far I seem to be only feb11 applicant left without a CO :cry:
  24. You have every right to rant and worry, I didn't mean to say otherwise. And especially here! I was just trying to help... I'm sorry if I made you feel worse :-( You are of course right with your agent. They should realize it is not just a new coat or a theater ticket you are buying, you are paying them to help you start a new life. That means they should help and be professional in how they do so. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
  25. Anlopa, are you in doubt you will get a grant? Reason I'm asking is that, in the end, a couple of weeks don't make difference. (don't hit me!) . My hubby keeps trying to convince me of that: we plan to move either in May or August 2012, and only if we sell the house in time. So there is no reason to stress now, waiting for a CO. I mean, if it doesn't happen today, it is more than likely we will have a CO before May 2012! Than why am I/are we going :arghh: all the time??
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