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Everything posted by jove

  1. So smart they cant make their mind up about the earth cooling or the earth warming up. The head of the IPCC lying and telling people that the the Himilayas will be glacier free in a few years and then saying it is ok to tell lies if it pushes their 'agenda'. Or will you believe that enimently disgraced scientist that sits on top of the dung heap that is 'climate science' Philip Jones in the East Anglia University who ran a 'climate' of fear and manipulated reports and distorted science to fit in with this new economy.
  2. Perthbum, I hear what you are saying but a lot of what you have posted can and is disputed. For example - peer reviewing of scientfic papers. Unless you ar a scientist and know the methodology that is being used than these things do sound compelling at first glance but can be deceiving. The datasets that people use can be manipulated etc... The scientific community of 'climate scientists' was recently discredited. Dissenters are purged, they opinions silenced, grants refused etc...
  3. I like how you make these sweeping statements "vast majority". LOL
  4. You sound hysterical. This is precicly the sort of nonsense people use when they try to squeeze concession out of you....think of the children. Well I am thinking of the children, I don't want my kids to be tax slaves because of some global warming tax scam.
  5. Bottom line is emigrating is not for everyone. No shame in that - for some people it is a big change. I have always moved from place to place as a child and as an adult so probably cope a lot better than say a person that has lived their entire existence in the same place for their entire life. I remember when I was a teenager I went to greece with one of my pals, what a whinging, moaning, complaining guy. It was a disaster. Some people just don't like change, or think they can handle it but cannot make that crucial adjustment - and that is justr for 2 weeks! Though some of the people have some legitimate worries motivating their move back to the UK i.e. about being perhaps financially worse off in Australia which is a pity.
  6. I like the last sentence of part 2, where the anchor says: "Britain's loss is Australia's gain"
  7. Is there a similar list for South Australia? Looking at the photos of some of those fish restuarants in Brisbane - looks great LOL Look forward to visiting there.
  8. Also like this site: http://www.around-oz.com/best_in_oz/fish_and_chips/index.htm gives nice photos also with the reviews.
  9. Is it just me or do other people find british chip a bit greasy and soggy? Personally, I prefer belgium style frites(not french fries) I like the way they cook them twice and they seem to be a lot less greasy. Also they use decent potatoes and cook the fries fresh for each person. Never see fries cooked going soggy lying around for a long time. Very nice. Maybe I have just eaten in not so good chippies in the UK, so my opinion is just from personal experience.
  10. Haha, here in the Netherlands they all close on Sundays except for cafes and restaurants. You do get used to it after a while though.
  11. Is 70k a year a bad salary for there?
  12. i spoke with a migration agent, they told me it is no problem to live and work in a different state to where you were sponsored. and Rupert, i don't think it makes much difference really as on average peoplecome and go between states anyway so on average it is probably no net loss/gain for any one state.
  13. jove

    ILETS Comment

    enjoy the wine and good points about the ielts. Thank goodness they try to enforce the basic minimums for entry in regards to languge ability. Makes a BIG difference as you rightly point out. a lot of other countries would not go wrong in copying this example.
  14. going from memory, i think you need to redo your IELTS test as you need min 7 in ALL bands. Criteria may have changed since i did it though.
  15. I feel your pain. I did the ACS process twice, second time as the original role I was assessed on disappeared from the state sponsorship list. I had to go through the whole process again as a systems analyst. That was a real pain. I didn't do the review so i cannot help you there. I understand your dilema, as many companies I contacted(i even wrtoe them what to write!) replied with a standard letter contain - this person worked here between x and y. Do you know anyone working in these companies still, that you can get to act as you contact and manager? That migh be the best bet for you.
  16. Yes you can bring food through customs, beef jerky, seed bars etc...raw meat. No problem ...goes back to watching border security..... just kidding
  17. can you not appeal the decision? Also was it contracting or employed for a consulting company?
  18. When I lived in Spain, the climate was just much nicer to do things outside. Football on the beach, sailing, surfing, swimming, camping, climbing. Just a lot more pleasant in a nice climate. Saying that I grew up in one of the most Northerly places in the UK - in the shetland islands. When I was a kid i was permanently outside in all weather roaming around the countryside. Admittedly not much to do, but up to the age of say 12 was great. Australia I hope will be grreat for outdoor activities which i could not do as a kid(not without freezing to death)
  19. Yeah America is a pretty cool place to be - if you have money.
  20. The thing that put me off about the US was that the number of vacation days they give you is very employer specific. Many places offer only ~ 12 vacation a year. I need many more days than that to visit relatives at xmas etc... hence settled with australia. Also the work, free time balance is all screwed up in the US.
  21. Hoff are you a meterologist? You seem to have more than a casual interest in the weather LOL
  22. I lived briefly in Hull and it is a dump! 20 years ago the place was full of trash dumped in the street. Dirtiest place I had seen up to that point in my life. Remember it being bloody freezing also, suked the life out of your like those wraiths from lord of the rings. Could of changed since then though. Anyway good luck to you !
  23. maybe would be a good idea to go out there and search around. Maybe some employer could sponsor you if you really pulled out the stops and looked hard. Is pricey to get out there though if you have no cash. tip don't carry cv with you in your baggage store it online and download it while you are there Anyway good luck!
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